Soul Linker

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Soul Linker
Soul Linker.png
Job Base: Taekwon
Job Type: Extended
Changes At: Morroc
Number of Skills: 27
Total Skill Points: 143
Total Quest Skills: 0
Job Bonuses
+0 +0 +6 +12 +12 +0


Soul Linkers gave up the way of Taekwon Do to develop and refine their spiritual powers. Calling upon their ancestor's powers, Soul Linkers use various Spirit Link skills to enhance other players' abilities and use offensive and defensive magic. Soul Linkers are naturally immune to Dispell and Dispell-like skills.


Jobchange Guide

Soul Linker
Base Level: None
Job Level: 40
Class: Taekwon
Item(s) (Consumed): 1 3carat Diamond, 1 Immortal Heart, 1 Witherless Rose
Quest Reward(s): Jobchange to Soul Linker
  1. Head to the tavern in Morroc morocc55259.
  2. Speak with the Kid morocc_in17430 inside the tavern. She will ask you to bring her some items:
    • 1 3carat Diamond - Offered by an NPC next to the Coal Mine mjolnir_0285364 for 55,000z which cannot be reduced by Discount. The location can be accessed by using Kafra teleport services and heading to Mt Mjolnir Pit.
    • 1 Immortal Heart - Dropped by Verits.
    • 1 Witherless Rose - Sold by a Trader moc_ruins131138 for 55,000z in Morroc Ruins, which is accessed by heading to Morroc and taking the north west exit.
  3. After you give her the items she will tell you the end of her story. Speak with her again, and she will guide the player into their own mind. Speak with each of the NPCs (Monk Spirit, Alchemist Spirit, and Sage Spirit).
  4. Speak with the Kid again.
  5. The player will be promoted to Soul Linker after embracing the requests of the spirits.


Es & Ka Skills

Es spells are offensive magic and only work on monsters. Ka spells are defensive magic. By default, Soul Linkers can only use them on their spouse, their child, other Soul Linkers, and themselves. However, a Soul Linker with the Soul Linker Spirit may use these skills on anyone. When Es and Ka skills fail, the casting Soul Linker will be stunned for a short time.

Skill Description Levels Type
Eska.png Eska
Force a monster into a status similar to Monk's Steel Body, in which Movement and Attack Speed are reduced, but Defense and Magic Defense will be temporarily enhanced. 3 Offensive
Eske.png Eske
Increase targeted monster's ATK 4x, but reduce its DEF by half. Following the casting of this skill, Esma can be used for the next 3 secs. 3 Offensive
Esma.png Esma
This is a very strong bolt-type spell embued with the element of Warm Wind. This skill can only be used within 3 seconds of casting any of the Spirit Link Spells or after having cast Estin, Estun, or Eske. 10 Offensive
Estin.png Estin
Push back a targeted monster 2 cells away. Only Small sized monsters are damaged by this skill, which takes the elemental property of the Mild Wind skill if it is cast. At skill level 7, after casting Estin, there will be a 3-second interval that will allow the casting of the skill Esma. 7 Offensive
Estun.png Estun
Stun a monster by chance for 2 seconds. Only Medium sized monsters are damaged by this skill, which takes the elemental property of the Mild Wind skill if it is cast. At skill level 7, after casting Estun, there will be a 3-second interval that will allow the casting of the skill Esma. 7 Offensive
Eswoo.png Eswoo
Temporarily shrink a monster to reduce its Movement Speed. Boss monsters will only be shrunk for 1/5th of the normal skill duration. If this skill is cast on a monster that is already shrunken, the caster will be inflicted by the Stun status, and the targeted monster will recover from Shrunken status more quickly. 7 Offensive
Kaahi.png Kaahi
Consume a certain amount of SP to restore HP each time an enemy uses a normal attack. Kaahi heals regardless of whether or not the attack hits. 7 Active
Kaina.png Kaina
Increase Max SP and enhance the efficiency of the Happy Break skill. At Base Level 70, this skill reduces the SP consumption of the Estin, Estun, and Esma skills by 3% in proportion to the skill level of Kaina. At Base Level 80, this SP consumption is reduced by 5%; at Level 90, it is reduced by 7% (for a total of 49% reduction). 7 Passive
Kaite.png Kaite
Reflect most magic spells back at the original caster. Reflected Healing spells will not heal the original caster. The magic spells of monsters above level 80 or boss monsters cannot be reflected, although this skill has a 100% chance of reflecting spells from other players regardless of level. Does not stack with High Priest's Assumptio or Crusader's Sacrifice but works with Kyrie Eleison and Kaupe. 7 Active
Kaizel.png Kaizel
Instantly revive a fallen character that will be in Kyrie Eleison status for 3 Seconds upon revival. This revival status lasts for 30 minutes and is canceled after the target gets resurrected. This skill is disabled during WoE (Guild War). Cast Time is not affected by DEX. 7 Active
Kaupe.png Kaupe
Kaupe status enables the chance of dodging any physical or magical attack from an enemy and lasts until the 10-minute duration elapses or until the character successfully dodges an attack. 3 Active

Spirit Link Skills

These skills imbue other characters with special abilities for a time, depending on skill level. Each class has its own Spirit Link that can only be cast on them. Transcendent classes use the Spirit Link of their second class. Soul Linkers cannot use the Soul Linker Spirit on themselves.

Skill Description Levels Type
Rebirth Spirit.png Rebirth Spirit
Imbues High First Classes with the Spirit of the 1st Transcendent, giving them special powerful buffs until the Spirit buff runs out. 5 Active
Alchemist Spirit.png Alchemist Spirit
Imbues Alchemists with Spirit State: Increase effectiveness of Potion Pitcher by blvl%. Enables use of Berserk Pitcher. Enables use of Twilight Pharmacy. 5 Active
Assassin Spirit.png Assassin Spirit
Imbues Assassins with Spirit State: Doubles Sonic Blow damage outside WoE. Multiples Sonic Blow damage by 1.25x in WoE. 5 Active
Bard and Dancer Spirits.png Bard and Dancer Spirits
Imbues any Bard or Dancer with Spirit State: Performance skills affect the user. Allows use of opposite class's linked performance skill if level 10 of own's skill is learned. Reduces movement speed penalty when using performance skills (no penalty at level 10). 5 Active
Blacksmith Spirit.png Blacksmith Spirit
Imbues Blacksmiths with Spirit State: Enables use of Full Adrenaline Rush. 5 Active
Crusader Spirit.png Crusader Spirit
Imbues Crusaders with Spirit State: Doubles Shield Boomerang damage, never misses, and halves aftercast delay. 5 Active
Hunter Spirit.png Hunter Spirit
Imbues Hunters with Spirit State: STR increases effectiveness of Beast Bane. Enables use of Beast Strafing. 5 Active
Knight Spirit.png Knight Spirit
Imbues Knights with Spirit State: Enables use of One-Hand Quicken. 5 Active
Monk Spirit.png Monk Spirit
Imbues any Monk with Spirit State: Combo Finish becomes 5x5 cell splash attack. Decrease SP cost of combo skills. Enable SP Regeneration during Explosion Spirits or within 5 minutes after using Asura Strike. 5 Active
Priest Spirit.png Priest Spirit
Imbues Priests with Spirit State: Holy Light damage and SP cost multiplied by 5. 5 Active
Rogue Spirit.png Rogue Spirit
Imbues Rogues<ref>This is the only Spirit Link Skill that gives some buffs specific to the Transcendent class</ref> and Stalkers with Spirit State: Immune to Dispell. Greatly increases the healing of ranked White Potions. Flying Kick from enemies will not remove Soul Linker buffs if Preserve is learned. Greatly increase movement speed while using Chase Walk. 5 Active
Sage Spirit.png Sage Spirit
Imbues Sages with Spirit State: Auto Spell will always drop the highest level bolt learned. 5 Active
Soul Linker Spirit.png Soul Linker Spirit
Imbues Soul Linkers with Spirit State: Allows Ka-skills to be used on other players. Cannot self-target. 5 Active
Super Novice Spirit.png Super Novice Spirit
1% chance to erase death record of target Super Novice to enable +10 to all stats if job level is 70 or higher. Imbues Super Novices with Spirit State: Allows equipping of all headgear if base level is 90 or higher. Allows equipping of all level 4 Daggers, 1-handed Swords, Axes, Maces, and Staves if base level 96 or higher. 5 Active
Star Gladiator Spirit.png Star Gladiator Spirit
Imbues Star Gladiators with Spirit State: Enables one use of Union. 5 Active
Wizard Spirit.png Wizard Spirit
Imbues the Wizards with Spirit State: Eliminate or reduce gemstone consumption of skills. Prevent reflected damage from Kaite by consuming a Crystal Fragment each time. 5 Active

Taekwon Skills

Once a Taekwon changes into a Soul Linker, only Break Fall, Running, Peaceful Rest, Enjoyable Rest, Fighting Chant, High Jump, and Warn Wind can be used.

Job Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
VIT 20 21 22 23 24 25
INT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
DEX 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Soul Linker
Skills Spirit Links Rebirth • Alchemist • Assassin • Bard and Dancer • Blacksmith • Crusader Spirit • Star Gladiator • Hunter • Knight • Monk • Priest • Rogue • Sage • Soul Linker • Super Novice • Wizard
Ka Skills Kaahi • Kaina • Kaite • Kaizel • Kaupe
Es Skills Eska • Eske • Esma • Estin • Estun • Eswoo
Quests Soul Linker Job Change Guide
Weapons Dagger • Rod
Classes of Ragnarok Online
Novice Class Novice • High Novice • Super Novice
First Class Acolyte • Archer • High First Class • Magician • Merchant • Swordman • Thief
Second Class Priest • Monk • Hunter • Bard • Dancer • Wizard • Sage • Blacksmith • Alchemist • Knight • Crusader • Assassin • Rogue
Transcendent Second Class High Priest • Champion • Sniper • Minstrel • Gypsy • High Wizard • Scholar • Mastersmith • Biochemist • Lord Knight • Paladin • Assassin Cross • Stalker
Expanded Class Gunslinger • Ninja • TaeKwon Kid • TaeKwon Master • Soul Linker