Two-Handed Swords

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Swords used by Swordman, Knight, and Crusader class characters. These swords take up both hands instead of one. As such, you cannot wear a Shield while wielding a Two-Handed Sword. Knights generally benefit more from wielding this weapon due to their skill set.

Size Damage
Small 75%
Medium 75%
Large 100%


Note: S denotes forged by the Blacksmith ability Smith Two-handed Sword. These versions have 0 slots but can have elemental or strong modifiers.

Name Possible Slots Level Attack Weight Additonal Notes
Katana S, 3, 4 1 60 100 N/A
Slayer S, 2, 3 2 90 130 N/A
Bastard Sword S, 2, 3 2 115 160 N/A
Broad Sword S, 1, 2 3 140 200 DEF +5
Two-handed Sword S, 1, 2 3 160 220 N/A
Claymore Smith 3 180 250 N/A
Dragon Slayer 0, 2 4 150 130 +15% dealt vs. Dragon, Pierce Dragon DEF
Executioner 0, 1 4 155 220 +20% dealt vs. Demi-Human, +10% taken vs. Demi-Human, Pierce Demi-Human DEF
Muramasa 0 4 155 100 CRIT +30, ASPD +8%, Self-Curse by chance
Muscle Cutter 2 4 160 220 Bleeding by chance, LvL 1 Decrease AGI by chance
Schweizersabel 0, 2 4 160 160 Wind Property, LvL 3 Lightning Bolt by chance, DEF +1
Katzbalger 0 4 175 200 DEF +10, VIT +5
Veteran Sword 1 4 180 200 STR +1, DEX +1, If the user has mastered Bash, increases the damage with it by 50%; if the user has mastered Bowling Bash, increases the damage with it by 50%
Atlas Weapon 1 4 200 200 CRIT +10, Chance to break armor if STR is 80+
Bloody Eater 2 4 200 120 Restores 100 HP to the user when a monster is killed with a melee attack, 0.1% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will gain ATK +50, and Crit +100 for 5 seconds
Death Guidance 2 4 200 200 STR +5, DEX +2, Perfect Dodge +20, 1% chance of using Hell Power Lv 1 on the user or target when doing a physical attack; 2% chance of using Vampire's Gift Lv 1 on the target when doing a physical attack, if upgraded to +9 or higher, Lv 2 is used for Vampire's Gift instead
Krasnaya 3 2 200 380 If the user's base STR is 96 or higher, ATK +20
Masamune 0 4 200 100 STR -5, ASPD +2%, DEF -50%
Zweihander 0,2 4 200 220 Combat Indestructable
Violet Fear 2 4 275 220 3% chance of using Meteor Storm Lv 3 on the target when doing a physical attack; 5% chance of using Frost Nova Lv 5 on the target when doing a physical attack; 5% chance for when dealing physical damage, all physical attacks will ignore the defense of normal monsters and players for 5 seconds
Weapons in Ragnarok Online
Weaponry Axes • Books • Bows • Daggers • Guns • Huuma Shuriken • Instruments • Katars • Knuckles • Maces • One Handed Swords • Rods • Spears • Two-Handed Swords • Whips
Ammunition Arrows • Bullets • Kunai • Shurikens
Skills Bash • Berserk • Endure • Fatal Blow • HP Recovery While Moving • Increase HP Recovery • Magnum Break • Provoke • Sword Mastery • Two-Handed Sword Mastery
Quests Swordman Job Change Guide • Swordman Skill Quest • Swordman Training Quest
Weapons One Handed Sword • Spear • Two Handed Sword
Crusader & Paladin
2nd Class
Cavalier Mastery • Cure • Defender • Demon Bane • Devotion • Divine Protection • Faith • Grand Cross • Auto Guard • Heal • Holy Cross • Peco Peco Ride • Providence • Reflect Shield • Shield Boomerang • Shrink • Shield Charge • Spear Mastery • Spear Quicken
Gospel • Pressure • Sacrifice • Shield Chain
Quests Crusader Job Change Guide • Crusader Skill Quest • Rebirth Walkthrough
Weapons One Handed Sword • Spear • Two Handed Sword
Knight & Lord Knight
2nd Class
Bowling Bash • Brandish Spear • Cavalier Mastery • Charge Attack • Counter Attack • One-Hand Quicken • Peco Peco Ride • Pierce • Spear Boomerang • Spear Mastery • Spear Stab • Twohand Quicken
Aura Blade • Spiral Pierce • Berserk • Parrying • Tension Relax • Concentration • Head Crush • Joint Beat
Quests Knight Job Change Guide • Knight Skill Quest • Rebirth Walkthrough
Weapons One Handed Swords • Spears • Two-Handed Swords