Custom Content Item Compilation

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1-handed Sword

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30716 Kingdom Keyblade [2] 4 2 170 Max HP +300, Crit Chance +25, Enable Lv 1 or learned Double Attack, if +9: Crit Damage 10% Novice & Super Novice Old Glast Heim
30722 Save the King [2] 4 2 170 if Lord Knight: Each +1: Bowling Bash Cast Time -10%,
Paladin: Shield Chain Damage +1% per refine, Range +4
Assassin Cross: ASPD +7%, ATK +60, Physical against all Class -30% except Soul Destroyer & Meteor Assault??
Stalker: VIT +3, DEX +3, Perfect Dodge +10, a (1~5%?) chance to remove Chemical Protection buffs when attacking, Raid Damage 50%
Biochemist: Long Physical 10%, Heal Power +10%, 3.5% Stun, Curse, Silence, Sleep, Freeze, Chaos, Blind & Stone when attacking
Whitesmith: DEF +5, MDEF +5, Cart Revolution Damage 25%, Heal Increased 20%
Indestructible, Set
600113 Adventurer's Rapier 3 0 150 Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
32352 Bandit's Saber [2] 4 2 160 INT +10, if Alchemist: DEX +2, Each +2: Acid Demonstration Damage 1%,
if Assassin Cross: Each +1: ATK +4, Physical against all Class -30% except Soul Destroyer and Meteor Assault
600039 Crimson Saber 3 0 70 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons

2-handed Sword

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
1533 Warrior's Balmung 1 0 200 Physical against all Race 15%, Max SP +70, ASPD +3% Brasilis
21054 Claw Sword [1] 4 1 220 Crit Chance +20, ASPD +5%, Each +1: Crit Chance +2, if +9: Crit Damage +5% Craftable Einbech Dungeon 3
600028 Crimson Two-Handed Sword 3 0 90 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 7% Crimson Weapons

1-handed Spear

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Weight Description Note Source
30325 Spear of Lucifer [2] 4 2 180 420 Long Physical 15%, Max HP -5%, Spiral Pierce Range +4 High Swordman, Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
600041 Crimson Spear 3 0 70 100 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons

2-handed Spear

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Weight Description Note Source
30720 Royal Guard's Spear [1] 4 1 160 300 DEF Pierce 35%, Holy Cross Damage 20%, SP Cost -10 Paladin Old Glast Heim
32013 Metal Stick [2] 4 2 230 200 Long Physical 10%, Each +1: Long Physical 2% Knight, Set Rock Ridge

1-handed Axe

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30316 Blood Moon Axe [2] 4 2 170 if +7: 3% gain 15% Damage as HP when attacking High Merchant, Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
600124 Adventurer's Buster 3 0 150 Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
600042 Crimson Axe 3 0 70 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 5%, Long Physical 1%, Each +2: DEF Pierce 1% Crimson Weapons

2-handed Axe

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
1321 Dofle Axe 1 0 200 Physical against all Race 15%, Crit Chance +6 , ASPD +3% Brasilis
28116 Mine Worker's Pickaxe [1] 4 1 350 if Whitesmith: ATK +50, Cart Termination Damage 10% Enchantable, Set Rock Ridge


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK MATK Description Note Source
13076 Raksasa Dagger 3 0 70 10% INT +2, DEX +1 Cursed Jackknife &
Dagger of Evil Spirits ingredient
Dragon Nest
28767 Cursed Jackknife 4 0 70 - INT +5, ASPD +5%, Falcon Assault Damage 15%, if +7: Cast Delay -10% Hunter, Craftable, Set Niflheim Dungeon
13077 Kagekiri [2] 4 2 150 - Max HP +15%, if +7: Max HP +10% Ninja, Craftable
28714 Dagger of Evil Spirits [1] 4 1 90 20% Each +1 if +5: DEX +1 Ninja, Craftable, Set
28746 Brute Damascus 1 0 165 - Physical against all Race 15%, Max SP +70, ASPD +3% Brasilis
30728 Blessed Knife [2] 4 2 120 - Element: Holy Old Glast Heim
Poison Bayonet (G) [2]
Poison Bayonet (P) [2]
4 2 150 15% STR +2, INT +2, Plagiarized Skill Damage except Meteor Storm 15% Rogue Old Glast Heim
13085 Volcano Knife [2] 4 2 120 15% DEX +3, INT +3, Physical & Magic against Earth 15% Magma Dungeon 3
28768 Platinum Dagger [2] 4 2 200 - HIT -300, Each +1: Physical against Boss 3%, if +9: nullify weapon size penalty Rogue, Hint: Back Stab, Shadow Slash Rock Ridge
600024 Crimson Dagger 3 0 60 - ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
1298 Shiver Katar 1 0 160 Physical against all Race 15%, Crit Chance +3, ASPD +3% Brasilis
30713 Death's Dance [2] 4 2 140 ASPD +3%, Resist all Size 15%, Sonic Blow Range +1, if +9: ASPD +2%, ATK +10 Old Glast Heim
600122 Adventurer's Damascus 3 0 130 Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
600026 Crimson Katar 3 0 70 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
18171 Bloody Bow [1] 4 1 130 LUK +3, if +7: Blitz Beat Damage 30% Craftable, Hunter, Set Niflheim Dungeon
Undead Shot [1]
4 1 130 MATK +15%, Physical against Neutral 10%, Autocast Rate +25%, if +7: ASPD +5% Craftable, Rogue, Set
Special Random Options
30707 Sagittarius Bow [1] 4 1 115 Beast Strafe Damage 10%, Each +1: STR +1, Each 9 STR until 90: Beast Strafe Damage 1% Brasilis
30718 Royal Guard's Bow 4 0 140 Perfect Dodge +10, Trap / Mine Damage 20%, Enables Lv 1 Aimed Bolt, if INT 90+: Long Physical 20% Sniper Old Glast Heim
18190 Bolt Shooter [1] 4 1 120 Crit Chance -15, Crit Damage -15%, Double Strafe Damage 20%, Each +1: DEF Pierce 2% Craftable, Archer Horror Toy Factory
600123 Adventurer's Great Bow 3 0 115 Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
18145 Vigilante Bow [3] 3 3 150 Enables Lv 1 or learned Double Attack, 10% autocast Lv 10 Steal, Each +1: +5% chance Double Attack Rogue
600025 Crimson Bow 3 0 60 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons

Musical Instrument

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30321 Purifying Trumpet [2] 4 2 180 Immune to Curse, Each 20 VIT: INT +1 Craftable, Bard, Set Niflheim Dungeon
30758 Jackson Rhoads [1] 4 1 150 VIT +3, HIT +30, Enables Lv 5 Death Valley, 6% autocast Moonlight Serenade for 1 minute when attacking
(MATK +19 + (Job Lv/5) for party members on screen)
Indestructible Old Glast Heim
600037 Crimson Violin 3 0 80 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30322 Hellfire Whip [2] 4 2 180 3% Curse when attacking, Each 20 VIT: AGI +1 Craftable, Dancer, Set Niflheim Dungeon
30713 Flare Whip (R) [1] 4 1 150 VIT +3, HIT +30, Enables Lv 5 Death Valley, 6% autocast Windmill Rush for 1 minute when attacking
(ATK +19 + (Job Lv/5), Increase Movement Speed for party members on screen)
Indestructible Old Glast Heim
26215 Safety Whip [2] 4 2 200 Enables Lv 1 Barrier (resist damage 50% for 1.5 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds, disabled on PVP, BG, WoE or RWC),
if +6: Severe Rainstorm Cast Time -100%
Craftable Einbech Dungeon 3
600036 Crimson Wire 3 0 80 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons

1-handed Staff

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK MATK Description Note Source
1686 Large Foxtail Staff [2] 2 2 60 15% MATK +50, INT +1, DEX +1, Each 20 Lv: -10 MATK Dragon Nest
1697 Exquisite Foxtail Staff [1] 4 1 70 20% INT +4, DEX +2, Each +1: Lord of Vermillion & Jupitel Thunder Damage 1%
26118 Shadow Staff [1] 4 1 60 25% DEX +3, Magic against Holy 20%, if Soul Strike Lv 10: Enables Dark Soul Strike Lv 10 Super Novice, Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
26141 Brute Arc Wand 1 0 40 10% if DEX < 50: Each 2 INT, DEX +1; Each 1 DEX, DEX -1
if DEX 50+: MATK +5%, INT +4, DEX +3, MDEF Pierce against Non-Boss 15%
30729 Holy Water Staff [2] 4 2 60 15% INT +3, Enables Lv 4 Water Evasion, Unequip: SP -100% Wizard Old Glast Heim
30746 Royal Alchemy Staff [1] 4 1 150 20% INT +4, DEX +2 Professor, Set
30934 Soul Stick 3 0 10 5% Heal on Undead 100%, Turn Undead Cast Delay -50%, Each +1: INT +1, LUK +1, if +9: Turn Undead Range +2 Acolyte Horror Toy Factory
30937 Guardian Staff [1] 4 1 10 5% DEF +5, Each +1: Max HP +80, Enables Lv 1 Barrier
(resist damage 50% for 1.5 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds, disabled on PVP, BG, WoE or RWC)
26138 Flaming Wand [2] 4 2 60 20% INT +4, DEX +2, Max HP +200, Max SP +100, Each +1: Fire Magic Damage 2% & Fireball Damage 5% Super Novice, Soul Linker Magma Dungeon 3
600119 Adventurer's Arc Wand 1 0 40 15% INT +2, DEX +2, Cast Time -5%, Cast Delay -5%, MDEF Pierce 15% Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
600126 Adventurer's Cure Wand 3 0 10 0% Max HP +150, Max SP +100, Heal Power +3%, Heal on Undead 10%
2048 Iron Staff [2] 4 2 80 20% ASPD +10%, INT +3, DEX +2, Autocast Rate -100%, if +9: MATK +5%
600038 Crimson Staff 3 0 80 15% INT +4, DEX +4, Each +1: Magic against all Class 1%, MDEF Pierce 2% Crimson Weapons

2-handed Staff

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK MATK Description Note Source
30715 Save the Queen [3] 4 3 200 30% INT +8, DEX +2, Resist all Size 15%, if +9: MATK +10%, if High Priest: MATK -5% High Wizard, High Priest Old Glast Heim
2058 Detecting Staff [3] 3 3 80 20% INT +2, DEX +2, Each +1: Meteor Storm Cast Delay -0.6 seconds, Storm Gust & Lord of Vermillion -0.4 seconds,

Meteor Storm, Storm Gust & Lord of Vermillion Cooldown +4 seconds.

Craftable Einbech Dungeon 3


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30730 Repentance [2] 4 2 120 Crit Chance +30, if LUK 40+: Crit Damage 10%, Each +1: ASPD +1% Priest, Set Niflheim Dungeon
16017 Bloody Cross [2] 4 2 95 Physical against Demon & Shadow 10% Acolyte, Craftable Horror Toy Factory
16024 Quadrille [1] 4 1 165 Physical against Undead Race, Demihuman & Earth 10% Nightmare Clock Tower
16099 Rubber Hammer [2] 3 2 80 Max HP +600, Resist all Element 5%, Each 3 VIT: Heal Power +1%, if +10: nullify gemstone cost of skills Einbech Dungeon 3
600125 Adventurer's Flail 3 0 130 Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
600029 Crimson Mace 3 0 70 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30323 Spirit Claw [2] 4 2 170 Asura Strike Damage -25%, HIT +10, 10% gain Spirit Sphere when attacking Craftable, Monk, Set Niflheim Dungeon
1871 Bauxite Knuckle 1 0 175 Physical against all Race 15%, HIT +5, ASPD +3% Brasilis
600030 Crimson Knuckle 3 0 70 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Set Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK MATK Description Note Source
30317 Tome of Evil [1] 4 1 90 20% Each 10 AGI: ASPD +1%, Each 15 INT: MATK +1%, 6% autocast Lv 5 Dark Soul Strike when attacking Craftable, Sage Niflheim Dungeon
540013 Fortified Book 1 0 160 - Physical against all Race 15%, HIT +5, ASPD +3% Star Gladiator Brasilis
30717 Cursed Book of Ymir [2] 4 2 180 - 3% gain 15% damage as HP when attacking, if +9: 2% gain 1% damage as SP when attacking Old Glast Heim
30804 Arc Bible [2] 3 2 80 - VIT +3, INT +3, Lex Aeterna Cast Delay -50% Priest Nightmare Clock Tower
28608 Elemental Origin [3] 3 3 120 15% Reflect disabled, Basic Attack Range +2, +100 HP when attacking,
4% autocast Lv 5 Snowflake Draft, Lv 5 Exploding Dragon, Lv 5 Thunderstorm & Lv 5 Heaven's Drive,
Each +1: Perfect Dodge +2, Max HP +50
Sage Rock Ridge
600027 Crimson Bible 3 0 70 - ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 7% Star Gladiator Crimson Weapons

Huuma Shuriken

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
600028 Crimson Huuma Shuriken 3 0 70 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30318 Demon Slayer [1] 4 1 190 Physical against Demon 10%, Cast Delay -10%, if +7: Cast Delay -5% Night Watch, Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
13192 Death Fire 4 0 200 Basic Attack Splash Range 7x7, Damage 200%, Range -5, Knockback +5, ASPD -50%, Resist all Size 10% Craftable Rock Ridge
28242 Calf Anaconda [1] 4 1 215 Max SP +5%, ASPD +5%, Each +1: Long Physical 1%, if +9: Long Physical 5% Night Watch
600032 Crimson Shotgun 3 0 150 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30731 Dark Rose [3] 3 3 90 Rapid Shower Damage 15% Set Old Glast Heim
600053 Mythril Revolver [3] 3 3 60 3% gain 15% damage as HP when attacking, 5% Autocast Coin Flip when physically attacked Night Watch, Craftable Night Watch Hideout
600054 Spirit Guard Revolver [1] 3 1 50 Night Watch, Craftable, 1-handed
13122 Altair & Ares 3 0 75 HIT +30 Craftable Rock Ridge
600130 Adventurer's Revolver 3 0 115 Craftable, Enchantable
13146 Calf Deathadder [1] 4 1 125 Max SP +5%, Each +2: Long Physical 1%, if +9: Long Physical 5% Night Watch
600031 Crimson Revolver 3 0 70 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
600056 Winchester Rifle [2] 3 2 150 Crit Chance +20, Physical against Ghost 10% Night Watch, Craftable Night Watch Hideout
13190 R.A.G.203 [2] 3 2 130 Tracking Fixed Cast Time -0.5 seconds, Crit Chance +30 Craftable Rock Ridge
28240 Calf Kingcobra [1] 4 1 160 Max SP +5%, Each +1: Crit Chance +4, Each 10 LUK: Crit Chance +4, if +9: Crit Damage +5% Night Watch
600035 Crimson Rifle 3 0 70 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons

Grenade Launcher

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
28202 Southern Cross [2] 3 2 220 Basic Grenade & Hasty Fire in the Holy Damage 5% Horror Toy Factory
600055 Cyanide Launcher [1] 3 1 150 5% Stun, Curse, Silence & Poison when attacking Night Watch, Craftable Night Watch Hideout
28226 Revenger [2] 3 2 200 ASPD +10% Craftable Rock Ridge
28243 Calf Python [1] 4 1 250 Max SP +5%, Each +1: Long Physical 1%, if +7: Cast Delay -10%, if +9: Long Physical 5% Night Watch
600033 Crimson Launcher 3 0 180 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 5% Crimson Weapons

Gatling Gun

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
13199 Tempest [2] 3 2 100 ASPD +3%, Crit Chance +25 Night Watch, Craftable Night Watch Hideout
13197 Mini-Mei [2] 3 2 120 5% Stun when attacking Craftable Rock Ridge
28241 Calf Diamondback [1] 4 1 125 Max SP +5%, Each +1: Long Physical 1%, if +7: ASPD +5%, if +9: Long Physical 5% Night Watch
600034 Crimson Gatling Gun 3 0 40 ATK +(refine)^2, Each +1: Physical against all Class 5% Crimson Weapons



Item ID Gear DEF Description Note Source
5469 Musketeer Hat [1] 3 Max HP +100, Max SP +50 Lasagna Quest
18970 Magical Moon Cat Hat 1 MATK +3%, INT +2, DEX +1 Drooping Neko Crew [1] ingredient
30347 Witch's Hat 3 MDEF +10, Resist Magic against Medium & Large 10% Niflheim Dungeon
30320 Evil Jester Hat [1] 3 Craftable, Set
18528 Drooping Neko Crew [1] 0 INT +1, MDEF +5, if +7: MATK +4%, MDEF Pierce 12% Craftable
18522 Evil Marching Hat [1] 1 STR +2, if +7: Crit Damage 10%
30130 Aegirnion Helm [1] 4 STR +1 Set Byalan Dungeon 6
5972 Chatty Parrot 0 STR +1, Enables Lv 1 Talkie Box Lower Brasilis Quest
18752 Rosary Necklace 0 INT +1, Heal Power +3% Old Glast Heim
18752 Cursed Spell Book [1] 2 5% absorb 12% damage as HP when attacking, -20 HP per 5 seconds.
30727 Spell Circuit [1] 1 AGI +1, MATK +2%, ASPD +4%, if +9: MATK +2%, ASPD +2%
30751 Vassalage Necklace 0 LUK +2 Lower, Set
30737 Wings of Asmodeus 0 Max SP +50, STR +1 Middle
30733 Duke's Silk Hat [1] 3 INT +1, AGI +1, DEX +1, Cast Delay -5%, if +9: MATK +2% Craftable
30735 Khalitzburg Knight Helm [1] 3 STR +1, AGI +1, DEX +1, Cast Delay -5%, if +9: ATK +2%
5359 Ship Captain's Hat [1] 3 Long Physical 5%, Max HP +100, DEX +1 Airship Assault
18662 Antler Fedora 0 INT +3, Enables Lv 1 Magnificat, unequip: SP -100% Craftable
5465 Hat of Fortune [1] 3 LUK +2, MDEF +5, Each +1 if +5: LUK +1 Nightmare Clock Tower
18874 Monocle [1] 0 Middle, Craftable
30532 Rebel Cap 1 DEX +2, Max SP +100, Long Phyiscal 3% Night Watch, Craftable Night Watch Hideout
30531 Rebel Sunglasses 1 DEX +1, SP Consumption -5%, Long Phyiscal 1% Night Watch, Craftable, Middle
30533 Rebel Chewing Gum 0 Long Phyiscal 1%, +1 SP per 10 seconds. Night Watch, Craftable, Lower
600571 Flame Muffler 0 DEX +1, Max HP +200, Resist Fire +5% Lower Magma Dungeon 3
20937 Lava Leather Hood [1] 4 ATK +5 Craftable, Set
19342 Bull Hat 3 Max HP +70, Max SP +35, Soft DEF +10 Enchantable, Unrefineable Rock Ridge
5848 Bandit's Disguise 0 Flee +10
31455 Super Cute Doggo 1 Meat Recovery 100% Upper, Middle


Item ID Gear DEF Description Note Source
15156 Elegant Suit [1] 5 MDEF +5, Each 9 Job Lv: Max HP +25, Each 10 VIT: Max HP -15 Set Dragon Nest
15151 White Eco Shirt [1] 1 if STR & DEX < 80: ATK +20, if INT < 80: MATK +20
30346 Witch's Robe [1] 7 MDEF +5, if Mage, Acolyte, Soul Linker, Ninja, Super Novice: INT +2, MATK +3%
if Swordman, Merchant, Thief, Taekwon: STR +2, ATK +3%
if Archer, Gunslinger: DEX +2, Long Physical 3%
Niflheim Dungeon
30131 Aegirnion Armor [1] 5 Resist Water 5%, Physical against Water 5% Set Byalan Dungeon 6
15169 Kardui Robe [1] 4 MDEF +2, AGI +2, MATK +1% Brasilis
30741 Royal Archer Suit [1] 1 Long Physical 3%, SP Consumption -10% Old Glast Heim
30747 Imperial Clergy Robe [1] 6 Max HP +400, Resist Stone & Curse 50%, 2% curse when physically attacked
30753 Gigantes Armor [1] 7 STR +1 Set
30742 Glacial Robe [1] 2 Magic against Fire 5%, Resist Water Monster Magic -5%
30739 King's Suit [1] 4 STR +1, DEX +1
30750 Prisoner's Uniform [1] 4 STR +1, if Taekwon: Kick Skills Damage 15%
15116 Airship Armor [1] 4 Max SP +100, MDEF +3, ATK +3, MATK +3 Airship Assault
15117 Ferlock's Armor [1] 2 Max HP +300, MDEF +5, Each +1: Resist Medium 1%
30938 Celine Dress [1] 5 INT +1, DEX +1, MDEF +10, Enables Lv 1 Recognized Spell
(replace MATK variance with average for 3 minutes), Unequip: remove Recognized Spell buff
Craftable Horror Toy Factory
15007 Time Keeper Robe 6 AGI +2, MDEF +5, ATK +15, MATK +15, ATK +2%, MATK +2%, Max SP +75, Max HP +500 Nightmare Clock Tower
15089 Lounge Suit 5 DEX +2, Cast Delay -5%
600572 Flame Rune Armor [1] 6 STR +1, INT +1, DEX +1, Physical against Earth 5%, Melee Damage +5%, Desperado Damage -5% Set Magma Dungeon 3
15379 Lava Leather Suit [1] 5 Resist Fire 5%, Physical against Fire 5% Craftable, Set
15179 Mine Worker's Vest 8 Max HP +200, Max SP +50, MDEF +4, Soft DEF +10 Enchantable, Unrefineable Rock Ridge
15176 Vigilante Suit [1] 2 AGI +3, Crit Chance +3, Crit Damage +3% Enchantable, Set
15028 Forest Robe [1] 2 MDEF +3, INT +1, Heaven Drive Cast Time -25% Set New World


Item ID Gear DEF Weight Description Note Source
28942 Cursed Knight's Shield [1] 0 80 STR +1, if +7: ATK +10 Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
30721 Aegis of the Immortal [1] 2 150 Gain Immortal Buff. Upon fatal damage, prevent death, replace Immortal with Stasis for 3 seconds to full HP.
After Stasis ends, put Immortal cooldown for 30 minutes, reduced when alived, equipped, and logged on.
Old Glast Heim
30760 Glacier Guard [1] 2 50 AGI +1, INT +1 Set
30725 Imperial Guard [1] 3 150 Each +1: Max HP +30, if Super Novice: Max SP +150
2559 Time Keeper Shield [1] 3 50 VIT +1, Each +1 if +5: Perfect Dodge +1 Craftable Nightmare Clock Tower
2139 Flame Thrower [1] 2 200 5% autocast Lv 3 (10 if learned) Fire Ball when attacking, ASPD 3%, Autocast Rate +10% Rock Ridge


Item ID Gear DEF Description Note Source
20734 Manteau of Rough Wind [1] 3 Resist Wind 10%, Earth -10% Dragon Nest
20790 Elegant Manteau [1] 2 Each 9 Job Lv: MDEF +1 Set
30347 Witch's Broomstick [1] 3 INT +1, MDEF +5 Niflheim Dungeon
2511 Skeleton Manteau [1] 3 DEX +1, if +7: Long Physical 5% Craftable
20831 Adventurer's Spirit [1] 3 INT +1, if +7: Esma Damage 5%
30132 Aegirnion Manteau [1] 3 Resist Fish 5% Set Byalan Dungeon 6
30748 Bloody Muffler [1] 2 MATK +1%, Holy Light Damage 15% Old Glast Heim
30749 Spectral Manteau [1] 2 MATK +1%, Each +1: Soul Strike & Dark Soul Strike Damage 5%
30743 Flame Rune Manteau [1] 2 Magic against Water 5%, Resist Fire Monster Magic -5% Set
30753 Gigantes Pauldron [1] 4 ATK +5
30739 King's Manteau [1] 4 STR +1, DEX +1, if Mage, Soul Linker or Priest: DEX -1
20743 Airship Manteau [1] 3 Max SP +50, MDEF +2, Flee +5, HIT +5 Airship Assault
20744 Ferlock's Cloak [1] 1 Resist Long +5%, Melee -5%, if +9: VIT +1
20844 Candy Bag Backpack [1] 2 ATK +1%, MATK +1%, Cast Delay -5%, SP Consumption -5%, Each +1: Piece of Cake Recovery 10% Horror Toy Factory
30936 Angry Bear Bag [1] 0 Each +2: Physical against all Race +1%, Each +1: Resist all Class -1% Craftable
2559 Time Keeper Manteau 3 ASPD +1%, MDEF +3, Flee +8, Perfect Dodge +3, Resist all Element 5%, except Neutral 18% Nightmare Clock Tower
20735 Manteau of Flame Heart [1] 3 Resist Fire 10%, Water -10% Magma Dungeon 3
20935 Lava Leather Manteau [1] 3 Resist Formless 5% Craftable, Set
20822 Mine Worker's Backpack 3 Flee +5, HIT +3, MDEF +2 Soft DEF +10 Enchantable, Unrefineable Rock Ridge
20778 Vigilante Stole [1] 1 AGI +1, LUK +3, Each +3: LUK +1 Enchantable, Set


Item ID Gear DEF Description Note Source
30133 Aegirnion Shoes [1] 3 Resist Freeze 5% Set Byalan Dungeon 6
22085 Elegant Shoes [1] 2 MDEF +3, Each 9 Job Lv: Max SP +10, Each 10 INT: Max SP -5 Dragon Nest
470111 Boots of Evil Spirits 1 STR +1, INT +1, Physical & Magic against Ghost 5% Cursed Abbey
470112 Boots of Evil Spirits [1] 1 STR +1, INT +1, Physical & Magic against Ghost 5% Craftable, Set Niflheim Dungeon
22067 Witch's Shoes [1] 2 DEX +1, MDEF +5 Set
22046 Airship Boots [1] 3 Max HP +350, MDEF +2, +50 HP & +3 SP per 10 seconds Airship Assault
22047 Ferlock's Boots [1] 1 Max HP +5%, MDEF +4
2415 Bunny Slippers [1] 3 LUK +3, MDEF +5 Perfect Dodge +3 Craftable Horror Toy Factory
2455 Time Keeper Boots 4 MDEF +3, Max HP & SP +8%, All Stat +1, HIT +10, 7% drop Can of Anchovies when monster killed Nightmare Clock Tower
22170 Shoes of Survival [1] 2 VIT +1 Craftable, Set
22200 Lava Leather Shoes [1] 3 Resist Stone 5% Magma Dungeon 3
22131 Spurred Boots 3 Max HP +100, Max SP +25, Crit Chance +3, Soft DEF +10 Enchantable, Unrefineable Rock Ridge
22234 Frontier Boots [1] 3 AGI +2, Flee +5, Perfect Dodge +1 Enchantable
600440 Vigilante Shoes [1] 0 DEX +1, Flee -10, DEF -5, if +9: DEX +1
2470 Forest Shoes [1] 2 Max HP +500, Resist Stone 20% Set New World
22006 Temporal STR Boots [1] 3 if STR 90+: MDEF +3, ATK +12, DEF Pierce 10% Enchantable Temporal Boots
22007 Temporal VIT Boots [1] 3 if VIT 90+: MDEF +5, Max HP +12%, VIT +1, Heal Increased 15%
22008 Temporal DEX Boots [1] 3 if DEX 90+: MDEF +3, ATK +12, Long Physical 5%
22009 Temporal INT Boots [1] 3 if INT 90+: MDEF Pierce 10%, Magic against all Class 5%
22010 Temporal DEX Boots [1] 3 if AGI 90+: ASPD +5%, Basic Attack Damage 10%
22010 Temporal LUK Boots [1] 3 MDEF +3, Crit Chance +3, Crit Damage +6%, Each LUK 10: Crit Chance +1, Crit Damage +1%


Item ID Gear Description Note Source
28381 Cute Grass Necklace [1] ATK +5, MATK +5 Lasagna Fields
28381 Fresh Tuna Talisman [1] HIT +3
2898 Black Rosary [1] Resist Long 5% Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
30133 Aegirnion Necklace MDEF +1, Resist Water 5% Byalan Dungeon 6
30744 Alchemy Glove [1] INT +1, DEX +1, Autocast Rate -10%, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ghost, Holy & Shadow Magic Damage 5%,
Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ghost, Holy & Shadow Resist -5%, Meteor Storm Damage -10%
(Right), Set Old Glast Heim
30732 Bishop Necklace [1] Crit Damage +1%, Chance +3 Set
30759 Imperial Glove [1] STR +1, INT +1
30723 Cursed Royal Pendant [1] STR +2, DEF Pierce 1%
30724 Ring of Mimir [1] INT +2, MDEF Pierce 1%
28596 Toy Ring [1] STR +1, INT -1, Crit Chance +4 Horror Toy Factory
2980 Evil Spirit Glove [1] DEX +1, Long Physical +3% Craftable
2559 Time Guardian Ring Max HP +50 + (5 per 2 base lv) Nightmare Clock Tower
32249 Safety Pendant [1] ATK +10, MATK +10, Resist all Element 3% except Neutral 1% Einbech Dungeon 3
490141 Metal Guitar Pick [1] DEX +1, Long Physical +2%, Musical Strike & Throw Arrow Damage 25% (Left) Rock Ridge
2862 Forest Orb MDEF +2, INT +1, Resist Earth 10%, 3%? chance autocast Lv 3 Quagmire when phyiscally attacked Set New World
28495 Sheriff's Left Badge Max SP +30, ATK +8, MATK +8, HIT +3, Flee +3, Cast Time -2% Character Bound Rock Ridge Quest
28495 Sheriff's Right Badge Max SP +50, ATK +10, MATK +10, HIT +5, Flee +5, Cast Time -3% Character Bound
600133 License to Clown INT +5, ATK +10, Cast Delay -5%, Soul Destroyer Damage 5% (Left), Set

Job Figures

Item ID Gear Description Note Source
2765 Novice Figure Max HP +70, if Novice: Max HP +30, Max SP +50 Job Figures
2766 Swordman Figure VIT +1, if Novice: DEF +2, Max HP +150
2767 Acolyte Figure INT +1, if Acolyte: Max SP +50, Heal Power +5%
2768 Mage Figure INT +1, if Mage: Cast Delay -5%
2769 Archer Figure DEX +1, if Archer: DEX +1, ATK +10
2770 Thief Figure AGI +1, if Thief: ASPD +3%
2771 Merchant Figure STR +1, if Merchant: ATK +5, Skills Zeny Cost -5%
30089 Assassin Cross Figure AGI +1, ASPD +2%, Crit Chance +3, Crit Damage +3% Assassin
30090 Stalker Figure STR +2, AGI +1, ASPD +3%, ATK +10, Steal Success Rate +5% Stalker
30091 Minstrel and Gypsy Figure DEX +2, INT +2, Long Physical +2%, SP Consumption -10% Bard, Dancer
30092 Sniper Figure DEX +2, LUK +3, ASPD +2%, Crit Chance +3 Hunter
30093 High Priest Figure DEX +2, MATK +3%, Heal Power +7% Priest, Set
30094 Champion Figure Max SP +50, STR +2, ASPD +2%, Monk Combo Skills Damage 3% Monk
30095 Biochemist Figure INT +2, DEX +2, LUK +3, ATK +10 Alchemist
30096 Mastersmith Figure STR +2, ATK +10, Skills Zeny Cost -10% Blacksmith
30097 High Wizard Figure INT +2, Cast Time -5%, Cast Delay -5% Wizard
30098 Scholar Figure AGI +1, INT +1, ASPD +3%, Fire, Cold, Lightning Bolt & Earth Spike Damage 10% Sage
30099 Lord Knight Figure DEF +2, MAx HP +100, STR +2, ATK +10 Knight
30100 Paladin Figure STR +2, INT +2, ATK +10, SP Consumption -10% Knight
30101 Super Novice Figure Max HP +200, Max SP +100, DEX +2, ATK +10, MATK +10, ASPD +2% Super Novice
30102 Gunslinger Figure Max SP +50, DEX +2, ATK +10, SP Consumption -10% Gunslinger
30103 Soul Linker Figure INT +2, Cast Time -5%, SP Consumption -10% Soul Linker
30104 Star Gladiator Figure STR +2, ATK +10, HIT +5, Kick Skills Damage 3% Taekwon, Star Gladiator
30105 Ninja Figure STR +2, INT +2, DEX +2, ATK +3%, MATK +3% Ninja

Equipment Sets & Series

Set / Series Gears Bonus Source
Elegant Suit, Manteau, Shoes MDEF +5, DEF +3 Dragon Nest
Witch's Broomstick, Shoes Cast Delay -15% Niflheim Dungeon
Robe, Hat -
of Evil Spirits Dagger, Boots [1] (craftable only) INT +5
Aegirnion Helm, Armor, Manteau, Shoes Physical & Magic against Fish 10% Byalan Dungeon 6
Manteau, Shoes Resist Freeze 30%
Necklace -
Brasilis Weapon Bauxite Knuckle, Brute Arc Wand, Brute Damascus,
Dofle Axe, Fortified Book, Shiver Katar, Warrior's Balmung
- (decent early weapon for 2nd job) Brasilis
Sagittarius Bow - (specialized build)
Alchemy Glove, Royal Staff Each +1 Staff: Fire, Cold, Lightning Bolt & Earth Spike Damage 2% Old Glast Heim
(Ice & Fire) Glacial Robe, Flame Rune Manteau Magic against Neutral 12%, Player -12%
Gigantes Armor, Pauldron Resist Medium & Large 5%
King's Armor, Manteau DEF Pierce 10%
(Nifl & Glast) Cursed Jackknife, Glacier Guard ASPD +5%, Falcon Assault Damage 15% Niflheim Dungeon & Old Glast Heim
Undead Shot, Imperial Glove ASPD +3%, Autocast Rate +20%
Spirit Claw / Crimson Knuckle, Imperial Glove ASPD +3%, all Combo Skill except Tiger Fist Damage 10%
Bloody Bow, Vassalage Necklace ASPD +1%, LUK +5
Evil Jester Hat, Save the King Cast Delay -5%
Airship Armor, Manteau, Boots Perfect Dodge +5, 1% gain 1% Damage as SP when attacking Airship Assault
Ferlock's Armor, Cloak, Boots Max HP +1000
Time Keeper Robe, Manteau, Boots - (decent mid gears) Nightmare Clock Tower
Shield -
Flame Rune Armor, Manteau Magic against Water 7% Old Glast Heim & Magma Dungeon 3
Lava Leather Hood, Suit, Manteau, Shoes Physical & Magic against Fire 10% Magma Dungeon 3
Manteau, Shoes Resist Stone 30%
Adventurer's Rapier, Arc Wand, Damascus, Great Bow, Buster, Flail, Cure Wand, Revolver - (decent early weapon) Rock Ridge
Paradise Armor Bull Hat, Mine Worker's Vest & Backpack, Spurred Boots - (decent early armors)
Rock Ridge Gun Shop Altair & Ares, R.A.G.203, Death Fire, Revenger, Mini-mei - (decent mid guns)
Vigilante Stole, Suit AGI +2, LUK +5, Crit Damage +5%
Bow, Shoes -
Calf Anaconda, Deathadder, Diamondback, Kingcobra, Python - (high end guns)
(Glast & Rock) King's Manteau, Mine Worker's Pickaxe Resist all Size 10%, Each +1 King's: Resist all Size 1% Rock Ridge & Old Glast Heim
Soul Destroyer Save the King, Bandit's Saber if Assassin: ASPD +5%, Soul Destroyer Damage 20%
Evil Jester Hat, Clown Nose Soul Destroyer Cast Delay -25%, ASPD +5%, ATK +5 Niflheim Dungeon
Evil Jester Hat, Upper / Lower Costume ATK -300
License to Clown Removes ATK penalty from Evil Jester Hat & Costume Set Rock Ridge quest
Forest Robe, Shoes, Orb Magic against Wind 15% New World
Job Figures (All Job) - (decent mid accessories) Job Figures
Temporal Boots (All Stat) - (high end boots) Temporal Boots
Crimson Weapons (All Type except 2-handed Spear & 2-handed Axe) - (decent mid end / defensive random options weapons) Crimson Weapons
(Custom & Vanilla) Purifying Trumpet, Silver / Holy Arrow Long Physical +15%
Hellfire Whip, Fire / Shadow Arrow
Bishop Necklace, Dagger of Counter ASPD +5%, ATK +10, if STR 90+: MATK +50
Prisoner's Uniform, Bloody Shackle Ball, Shackles STR +1, ATK +10
Vassalage Necklace, Crescent Scythe [0] or [1] ASPD +1%, Crit Damage +5%
Dark Rose, Skin of Ventus Resist all Size 10%
Repentance, Odin's Blessing 1.5% autocast Lv 1 Adrenalin Rush when attacking
Shoes of Survival, Survivor's Manteau Each +1: Max HP +50, if +9: MATK +5%
Lava Leather Hood, Binoculars DEX +2, Flee +5
Lava Leather Hood, Evil Wing Ears STR +2, DEF +3
Aegirnion Helm, Fin Helm
Metal Stick, Falcon Muffler Resist all Size 10%, Each +1 Falcon: Resist all Size 1%, Resist Neutral 2%
High Priest Figure, Spiritual Ring Magnus Exorcimus Damage 30%, Heal on Undead 50%

Shadow Gears


Item ID Gear Description Source
30892 Grade B Angel Shadow Weapon Physical & Magic against this Race 1% Card Captor Sakura
30893 Grade B Brute Shadow Weapon
30894 Grade B Demihuman Shadow Weapon
30895 Grade B Demon Shadow Weapon
30896 Grade B Dragon Shadow Weapon
30897 Grade B Fish Shadow Weapon
30898 Grade B Formless Shadow Weapon
30899 Grade B Insect Shadow Weapon
30900 Grade B Plant Shadow Weapon
30901 Grade B Undead Race Shadow Weapon
30902 Grade A Angel Shadow Weapon Physical & Magic against this Race 2%
30903 Grade A Brute Shadow Weapon
30904 Grade A Demihuman Shadow Weapon
30905 Grade A Demon Shadow Weapon
30906 Grade A Dragon Shadow Weapon
30907 Grade A Fish Shadow Weapon
30908 Grade A Formless Shadow Weapon
30909 Grade A Insect Shadow Weapon
30910 Grade A Plant Shadow Weapon
30911 Grade A Undead Race Shadow Weapon
30931 Grade S Shadow Weapon Physical & Magic against all Race 1%


Item ID Gear Description Source
30872 Grade B Angel Shadow Shield Resist this Race 1% Card Captor Sakura
30873 Grade B Brute Shadow Shield
30874 Grade B Demihuman Shadow Shield
30875 Grade B Demon Shadow Shield
30876 Grade B Dragon Shadow Shield
30877 Grade B Fish Shadow Shield
30878 Grade B Formless Shadow Shield
30879 Grade B Insect Shadow Shield
30880 Grade B Plant Shadow Shield
30881 Grade B Undead Race Shadow Shield
30882 Grade A Angel Shadow Shield Resist this Race 2%
30883 Grade A Brute Shadow Shield
30884 Grade A Demihuman Shadow Shield
30885 Grade A Demon Shadow Shield
30886 Grade A Dragon Shadow Shield
30887 Grade A Fish Shadow Shield
30888 Grade A Formless Shadow Shield
30889 Grade A Insect Shadow Shield
30890 Grade A Plant Shadow Shield
30891 Grade A Undead Race Shadow Shield
30932 Grade S Shadow Shield Resist all Race 1%


Item ID Gear Description Source
30912 Critical Chance Shadow Shoes Crit Chance +2 Card Captor Sakura
30913 Critical Damage Shadow Shoes Crit Damage +1%
30914 HP Shadow Shoes Max HP +100
30915 SP Shadow Shoes Max SP +30
30916 Perfect Dodge Shadow Shoes Perfect Dodge +1
30917 Flee Shadow Shoes Flee +3
30918 Hit Shadow Shoes HIT +3
30919 Cast Time Shadow Shoes Cast Time -2%
30920 Cast Delay Shadow Shoes Cast Delay -2%
30921 Defense Shadow Shoes DEF +1
30922 Magic Defense Shadow Shoes MDEF +1
30923 Heal Power Shadow Shoes Heal Power +2%
30924 LUK Shadow Shoes LUK +1
30925 AGI Shadow Shoes AGI +1
30926 VIT Shadow Shoes VIT +1
30927 DEF Pierce Shadow Shoes DEF Pierce +2%
30928 MDEF Pierce Shadow Shoes MDEF Pierce +2%
30929 Teleport Shadow Shoes Enables Lv 1 Teleport
30930 Heal Shadow Shoes Enables Lv 1 Heal
600485 Thunderproof Shadow Shoes Resist Wind 10% Rock Ridge Quest



Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
30107 Sweet Drops Card Enchanted MATK +10 Lasagna Fields
4670 Fruit Pom Spider Card Blaze Magic against Fire 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Dragon Nest
4669 Jungle Mandragora Card Gust Magic against Wind 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4669 Big Eggring Card (MVP) Trinity 2% autocast Lv 4 Lord of Vermillion when attacking
30355 Brutal Murderer Card Purrifying Physical against Undead Race 20% Niflheim Dungeon
30350 Grote Card Anti-Wight Physical against Undead Element 20%
30349 Pierrotzoist Card Supernatural Magic against Ghost 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4522 Sropho Card Cold Magic against Water 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Byalan Dungeon 6
4521 Sedora Card Mortal Blow ATK +10, Crit Damage +15%
30767 Corrupted Duke Card Unbiased Magic against Neutral 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Old Glast Heim
27361 Corrupted Wanderer Card Heavy Blade Physical against Medium & Large 5%, if Sigrun's Wings: 2% absorb 1% damage as SP when attacking
27386 Cursed Raydric Card Moderately Magical MATK +15, if Khalitzburg Knight Card: Magic against Medium & Large 4%
27183 Gigantes Card Onslaught ATK +20, DEF Pierce 1% (Lv 1-2) / 2% (Lv 3) / 3% (Lv 4 Weapon), if Axe: Double DEF Pierce
30769 Roaming Spellbook Card Grounded Magic against Earth 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
30771 Warden Kades Card Warden MATK +25, if Lv 3-4 Weapon: Magic against Neutral, Holy & Shadow 6%
4608 White Knight Card Knight's ATK +10, Physical against Medium & Large 13% / 18% if Khalitzburg Knight Card
27045 Zombie Guard Card of Soul Gathering Magic against Undead Element 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4603 Corruption Root Card (MVP) Evil Spirit ATK +20, 3% Wide Curse, Wide Sleep & Wide Stone when attacking
31019 Creepy Demon Card of Chill Magic against Angel 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Horror Toy Factory
30935 Corrupt Cruiser Card Glorifying Long Physical 8%, 3.5% autocast Lv 3 Gloria when attacking
31023 Celine Kimi Card (MVP) Maniac MATK +10%, 0.5% + (1% per +3) autocast Lv 3 Critical Wound when magically attacking
4627 Big Bell Card Vibration Physical against Formless & Demon 10%,
if Neo Punk Card: DEF Pierce against Formless & Demon 10%
Nightmare Clock Tower
4626 Big Ben Card Echo Magic against Formless & Demon 2% (Lv 1-2) / 5% (Lv 3-4 Weapon),
if Neo Punk Card: MDEF Pierce against Formless & Demon 10%
27349 Rigid Explosion Card Blessed Magic against Shadow 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Magma Dungeon 3
600100 Neo Mineral Card Iron-Cracking Physical against Neutral 20% Einbech Dungeon 3
600144 Tumblering Card Anti-Venom Magic against Poison 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Rock Ridge
4473 Ancient Tree Card Undead Magic against Undead Race 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) New World
4472 Bradium Golem Card Carnivore Magic against Brute 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4471 Draco Egg Card Draco Magic against Dragon 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4469 Naga Card Marine Magic against Fish 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4470 Nepenthes Card Botany Magic against Plant 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4476 Pinguicula Card Entomic Magic against Insect 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4463 Tendrillion Card Prime Attack Crit Chance +5 / +10 if +7, if +9: Crit Damage +10%
4464 Aunoe Card Fatal Crit Damage +20% Guild Dungeon
4468 Beholder Master Card Straight Shooting Long Physical 3%, if Ranged Weapon / Huuma: ASPD +5%
4475 Cobalt Mineral Card Intangible Magic against Formless 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4465 Fanat Card Sweep ATK +10, if 2-Handed Sword: ASPD +5%
4477 Hell Apocalypse Card Demonic Magic against Demon 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4474 Zakudam Card Mortal Magic against Demihuman 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
4663 Leaf Lunatic Card Pretty Max HP +150 Lasagna Fields
30351 Blue Moon Loli Ruri Card Soothing INT +2, Heal Power 10%, SP Consumption +10% Niflheim Dungeon
30352 Disguiser Card Artillery DEX +1, if +9: Long Physical 5%
4524 King Dramoh Card of Swordman Each +3: STR +1 Byalan Dungeon 6
27122 Curupira Card Tidal Wave Magic against Water 5% / 10% if +9 Brasilis
27125 Headless Mule Card Aqua Benedict Magic against Fire 5% / 10% if +9
27124 Jaguar Card Hunter's Magic against Wind 5% / 10% if +9
27123 Toucan Card Insect Collector's Magic against Poison 5% / 10% if +9
30774 Royal Druid Card Magic Piercing INT +1, if +9: MDEF Pierce 5% Old Glast Heim
30768 Undead Noble Card Spell Slinger DEX +1, Cast Delay -5%
27363 Polluted Dark Lord Card (MVP) Doom STR +2, DEF Pierce against Boss 30%
27351 Rigid Sky Deleter Card of Dragon Heart VIT +1, Max HP +100 Magma Dungeon 3
27170 Shotgun Buffalo Bandit Card of Dust Each +2: LUK +1 Rock Ridge
27159 Uzhas Card Demon Hunter's Magic against Earth 5% / 10% if +9 Moscovia
27162 Gopinich Card Soul Steal +5 SP when attacking, SP Consumption +50%
4468 Dark Pinguicula Card Pollution ATK +10, 0.2% gain Aloe when monster killed New World
4458 Duneyrr Card of Illusion ATK +10, 1% Perfect Dodge +10 for 4 seconds when attacking
4461 Phylla Card of Sharp AGI +1, DEX +1, 1.5% Crit Chance +20 for 4 seconds when attacking
4459 Rata Card of Fast INT +2, 3% Cast Delay -20% for 7 seconds when magically attacking


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
30353 Ghost Cube Card Spiritual Sacrificing Max HP +8%, Max SP -5%, if Quve Card: Max HP +7% Niflheim Dungeon
30354 Lude Gal Card Soul Sacrificing Max HP -8%, Max SP +5%, if Lude Card: Max SP +5%
4525 Kraken Card (MVP) Sweeping Magic against Water 10%, Enable Lv 1 Deluge Byalan Dungeon 6
27126 Boitata Card (MVP) Python Physical against Wind, Earth, Insect & Brute 40% Brasilis
27381 Himmelmez Card (MVP) - Physical against Undead, Ghost, Demihuman & Undead Race 40% Old Glast Heim
4632 Owl Marquees Card Current Insect & Demon except Boss cannot detect concealing Nightmare Clock Tower
600102 Jewel Ungoliant Card (MVP) Solid Break Physical against Formless & Plant 40% Einbech Dungeon 3
27174 Elite Revolver Buffalo Bandit Card Sunset ATK +12, if LUK 40+: Crit Damage +5% Rock Ridge
27175 Elite Scimitar Buffalo Bandit Card Small Hunter ATK +12, if STR 70+: DEF Pierce +10%
27157 Wood Goblin Card of Aqua Wood Physical against Water & Earth 7%, Resist Water & Earth Monster -7% Moscovia
4462 Hardrock Mammoth Card Prime Defense DEF +5, if +7: Max HP +10%, if +9: Max HP +3% New World
4456 Nidhoggur's Shadow Card (MVP) Spell Master INT +5, Resist all Status Effect +30%


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
4660 Scout Basilisk Card of Will Resist Small 20%, Medium 15%, Large 10% Dragon Nest
30106 Combat Basilisk Card Moderate Resist Medium 20%, but Large -15%
4661 Charge Basilisk Card of Strength Resist Large 20%, but Medium -15%
4609 Khalitzburg Knight Card Knight's Resist Medium & Large 18% but Small -15% Old Glast Heim
30772 Standing Soul Card Shadow Ward Resist Shadow Monster 25%
30802 Unidentified Creature Card (MVP) Perfectly Spaced Perfect Dodge +30, Flee -100 Airship Assault
31018 Evil Dwelling Box Card Frustration Resist Undead Element Monster 25% Horror Toy Factory
4628 Neo Punk Card of Invisible Horror Resist Formless & Demon 20% Nightmare Clock Tower
27353 Rigid Blazer Card of Unliving Barrier Resist Undead Race & Dragon 20% Magma Dungeon 3
27348 Rigid Lava Golem Card Igneous Resist Fire Monster 25%
27346 Muspellskoll Card (MVP) of Howling Resist Long 30%, Fire 30%
600101 Toxious Card Bulletproof Resist Earth Monster 25% Einbech Dungeon 3
27158 Les Card of Windiness Resist Wind Monster 25% Moscovia
4460 Rhyncho Card of Healing Resist Small, Medium & Large 12%, Heal Power +5%,
if Priest: INT +1, if Rose of Eden: Heal Power +5%
New World


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
4667 Hunter Wolf Card Wake HIT +10 Lasagna Fields
30356 Gan Ceann Card Evil Slaying ATK +5, Physical against Shadow 10% Niflheim Dungeon
4523 Pot Dofle Card Aquarius Resist Neutral 15%, Water 10% Byalan Dungeon 6
30773 Bloody Wraith Card Voluptuous Max HP +5% Old Glast Heim
27354 Contaminated Raydric Archer Card Depraved Resist all Element 20% except Neutral -10%
27360 Flame Ghost Card Fire Magic Resist Neutral 15%, Fire 10%
27356 Frozen Gargoyle Card of Frozen Guard Resist Neutral 10%, Melody Strike & Throw Arrow 10%
27359 Ice Ghost Card Cold Magic ATK +5, Physical against Fire 10%
31021 Dancing Marionette Card Madness Resist Neutral 15%, Shadow 10% Horror Toy Factory
31016 Decorated Evil Tree Card of Sorrow ATK +5, Physical against Holy 10%
31020 Malicious Baby Ghost Card of Wrath Resist Neutral 15%, Ghost 10%
4629 Arc Elder Card Sterile Resist Neutral 15%, Each +1: Earth Magic Damage 1% Nightmare Clock Tower
27179 Coyote Card Reinforced Resist Neutral 15%, Earth 10% Rock Ridge
27173 Elite Shotgun Buffalo Bandit Card Dusty INT +2, Magic against Brute 5%
27180 Spider Chariot Card Power Brake 5% autocast Lv 3 Mission Bombard when attacked


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
30348 Death Witch Card (MVP) Smug Max SP -50%, Magic against Demon & Formless 50% Niflheim Dungeon
27121 Piranha Card Serrasalmus Magic against Fish 5% / 10% if +9 Brasilis
27120 Iara Card Recovery Max SP +10%, Status Recovery Cast Delay -50%
30775 Corrupted Bishop Card Bulky INT +1, Max HP +10% Old Glast Heim
27387 Cursed Raydric Archer Card Hearty DEX +1, Max HP +10%
30770 Dark Chimera Card Dodging Max HP +6%, Perfect Dodge +4
4171 Dark Priest Card Soul Drain AGI +1, if Rogue: Autocast Rate +20%
27329 King Schmidt Card (MVP) of Schmidt ATK +25, 7.5% autocast Lv 5 Sonic Blow when attacking
27362 Polluted Spider Queen Card (MVP) of Queen Spider ASPD +5%, Autocast Rate +100%
31022 Abandoned Teddy Bear Card of Despair Max SP +8%, Each +1: Max SP +1%, if +9: DEX -3 Horror Toy Factory
4630 Time Keeper Card of Time Keeper VIT +2, if +9: Max HP & SP +10% Nightmare Clock Tower
27352 Rigid Nightmare Terror Card of Light Wonderer VIT +2, Max HP +5% Magma Dungeon 3
27350 Rigid Earth Deleter Card Crucial AGI +2, Crit Chance +2, Crit Damage +1%
27160 Baba Yaga Card Dodge Each +1: Flee +2 Moscovia
4467 Heavy Metalring Card Heavy STR +2, if merchant: Cart Revolution Damage 50%, SP Cost +12 Guild Dungeon


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
4659 Eggring Card Adventurer's Lightning Bolt Cast Time -25%, Damage 25% Lasagna Fields
4668 Trans Spore Card Silky VIT +1, INT +1 Dragon Nest
27354 Contaminated Raydric Card of Deprave Physical against Poison 5% Old Glast Heim
27357 Contaminated Sting Card of Dirty Glove AGI +3
30777 Mutating Prisoner Card Earthen Earth Spike Cast Time -25%, Damage 25%
30776 Royal Clergy Card Stormy INT +1, DEX +1, if Ninja: Water & Wind Magic 7%
30800 Brain Sucker Card Brain Sucking STR +1, ATK +5, 5% EXP from Plant Airship Assault
30801 Grave Worm Card Mildly Magical INT +1, MDEF Pirece +2%, 5% EXP from Plant
30799 Moskillro Card Mosquito DEX +1, ATK +5, 5% EXP from Plant
31017 Vicious Cookie Card of Hatred Physical against Holy 5% Horror Toy Factory
4631 Owl Viscount Card Volant ASPD +3% Nightmare Clock Tower
27347 Rigid Kaho Card Melting Physical against Fire 5% Magma Dungeon 3
27171 Revolver Buffalo Bandit Card of Sunset DEX +2, ATK +8 Rock Ridge
27172 Scimitar Buffalo Bandit Card Sharp Sword STR +2, ATK +8
27161 Mavka Card Land Blast INT +1, DEX +1, if Ninja: Fire & Earth Magic 7% Moscovia


Item ID Item Description / Note Source
12246 Mystical Card Album Similar to Old Card Album with additional chance of Mini-Boss Cards MVP, WoE Box & as a reward for reaching Lv 99 transcended,
once per character, level reset does not reward another
600489 Traveler's Card Album Trimmed version of Old Card Album, reducing to general PvM-oriented Cards Rock Ridge etc
600488 Old Red Box Use to get Elunium, Oridecon or Consumables (Stat Foods, Buff Scrolls, Boxes, etc) Magma Dungeon 3, Rock Ridge etc
30121 Can of Anchovies Use to get 5 Delicious Anchovies Lasagna Fields etc
11601 Delicious Anchovy Recovers 70~120 HP
12234 Fierce Cacao Recovers 5% HP
12235 Chocolate Strawberry Recovers 5% SP
22985 Basil Recovers 5 SP per 10 seconds for 3 minutes, Big Eggring Instance Dragon Nest
30143 Bundle of Stems Use to get 50 Stem
30871 Box of Contaminated Magic Use to get 10 Contaminated Magic Old Glast Heim
600014 Large Box of Contaminated Magic Use to get 20 Contaminated Magic
600043 Crimson Weapon Box Use to get a +1~10 Crimson Weapon
12217 LV3 Aspersio Scroll Use to self-cast Lv 3 Aspersio, require Holy Water Old Glast Heim etc
30870 Wad of Fabric Use to get 10 Fabric
30941 Cluster of Poison Spores Use to get 10 Poison Spore Nightmare Clock Tower etc
22515 Twisted Time Key Use to cast Lv 1 Wide Curse, 30 seconds cooldown
600490 Tuft of Bandit Mane Use to get 10 Buffalo Bandit Mane Rock Ridge
600136 Speedy Cupcake Speed Potion Effect, usable only in towns and Main Office
600151 Sweets Macaron Cake ATK +2%, MATK +2%, Resist all Race -10% for 10 minutes
30945 Elite Gym Pass Use for +200 max weight, limited once per character. Card Captor Sakura


Item ID Item Description / Note Source
6417 Silvervine Fruit Silvervine Exchange System 0.5% from Normal Monsters, 10% from MvP,
Jawaii Word Event, Bounty Quest System
30033 Blue Silvervine Fruit Hidden boxes in the overworld
30034 Red Silvervine Fruit
30145 Purple Silvervine Fruit Main Office or Rewards List WoE participation
30312 Golden Silvervine Fruit Bounty Quest System
25728 Rough Shadowdecon Convert 5 to Nathaniel for 1 Shadowdecon Niflheim Dungeon etc
25730 Rough Zelunium Convert 5 to Nathaniel for 1 Zelunium
25729 Shadowdecon Niflheim Craftable Gear & Reroll Ingredient
25731 Zelunium
11605 Bat Cookie Scatleton Pet Egg & Evolve ingredient Niflheim Dungeon & Halloween Event
11616 Yummy Meat
25408 Memory of Gyoll
6774 Piranha Carcass Chatty Parrot Ingredient Brasilis
6540 Golden Leaf
6608 Coagulated Spell Temporal Boots Material, Polluted Dark Lord & Spider Queen Instance Old Glast Heim & Temporal Boots
6755 Contaminated Magic Temporal Boots Material
30863 Purified Temporal Crystal
30761 Violet Temporal Crystal Temporal Boots Material, can be traded into another Colored Temporal Crystal (2:1 ratio)
30762 Viridian Temporal Crystal
30763 Shadow Temporal Crystal
30764 Cerulean Temporal Crystal
30765 Ivory Temporal Crystal
30766 Crimson Temporal Crystal
30734 Duke's Tattered Clothes Duke's Silk Hat Ingredient
30736 Pristine Chivalry Emblem Khalitburg Knight Helm Ingredient
25252 Holly Sprig Horror Toy Factory Craftable Gear & Reroll Ingredient Horror Toy Factory
30940 Clock Gear Nightmare Clock Tower Craftable Gear & Reroll Ingredient Nightmare Clock Tower
23815 Magma Essence Magma Dungeon 3 Craftable Gear & Reroll Ingredient Magma Dungeon 3
25814 Dynite Einbech Dungeon 3 Craftable Gear & Reroll Ingredient Einbech Dungeon 3
25249 Buffalo Bandit Mane Rock Ridge Gear Enchant & Reroll Ingredient Rock Ridge


see: Pets