Party Finder System
Party Finder is NPC located in specified maps that help organizing party especially for newbies or guildless. Details are as follows.
- To start a party, character's job rank and level must be within the requirements. Character must ask Party Finder NPC physically since no @command shortcut exists.
- Title does not show the correct level range requirement, as it is more lenient.
- Party are automatically "locked" that party leader is not changeable. (?)
- 10-minute timer also starts when party is created. Once the timer ends, players are able to re-create party if the previous one is cancelled early.
- Party Finder will make Global Announcement for recruitment. The party truly starts once party is filled or after 5 minutes.
- Other players can join using command @partyfinder <map_name>. Second character with the same master account or gepard id (Personal Computer) cannot join.
- Recruitment remains open while status is active and spots are available, even after 5 minutes announcement.
- Character above the requirements is able to join as a mentor. See: Mentor System
- Party Finder still maintains EXP share despite exceeding 20 level range.
- If character has ongoing Paradise Bounty Quest on the same map as Party Finder, Party Finder cancels the Paradise Bounty Quest and replaces it.
- Once started, all party members will be teleported to the map. (if late?)
- Party Finder objective is bounty quest, killing or being on screen with party members killing a certain group of monsters up to certain amount.
- The kill count will not increase if no one within the requirement is in the party.
- Job change is unavailable while partaking Party Finder.
- @partyfinderkick command automatically kicks someone when >50% of party members votes someone.
- Desperado in 1st job parties deals 50% less damage and 1.5 seconds cooldown, to avoid one-man show.
- Rewards can be claimed by asking Party Finder NPC again.
- Once claimed, (character automatically leave the party ?), and applied 2 hours cooldown (6 hours for Mentor) for partaking Party Finder again.
- If the kill count is ≤25% completion, claiming rewards is considered aborting the party, no rewards given and does not trigger cooldown.
- If the kill count is not fully completed, claiming rewards would yield only a portion of rewards based on a completion percentage (rounded down) and still triggers cooldown.
- leaving party without claiming rewards is also considered aborting. Character can re-join while status is active and spot is available. (if kicked?)
Mentor System
Character will be joining as a Mentor if level range or job rank is above the requirement. Instead of normal rewards for completion, Party Finder rewards 20 Tokens of Honor (or a percentage portion if not fully completed) and triggers 6 hours cooldown. On 1st job parties, character is limited to first job skills (plagiarized 1st job, ninja and gunslinger skills are accessible), ATK capped at 200, MATK capped at 250, Max HP capped to intended level range (ex: 2500 for Byalan Dungeon 4). % ATK & MATK from gears and cards do not increase the damage cap, only % from skills and element advantage do. The rest of stats (ASPD, DEF, Cast Time, etc) remains unaffected. These debuffs only last while mentor is inside the party and on the map. Mentor role may not be available on certain Party Finder Maps (ex: level range is up to 99).
Token of Honor Shop
Aldric in Main Office
trades Token of Honor (master account bound & not-tradeable) for consumables, mostly exclusive to Old Red Box.
List of Party Finders
Title | Location | Requirement | Monsters | Amount | Normal Reward | Mentor Reward |
Paradise Leveling 50-60 Byalan F4 | 1st Job Lv. 31~66 | Marc, Phen, Swordfish | 200 | 100 Rock Ridge Coins, 1 Paradise Battle Manual | 20 Token of Honor |