Rock Ridge

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Getting to Rock Ridge


This is a new area you can traverse to from Alberta for a small fee. Unlike other locations, however you don't talk to a unique NPC, you simply talk to the NPCdirectly next to the one that would take you to Sunken Ship alberta189151.

Rock Ridge is part of a massive update that includes a lot of new features for the server that will give you plenty of reasons to come here and most importantly, revisit frequently.

Town map

As there are a ton of buildings in Rock Ridge, a town map was made to easier navigate the town. A map of Rock Ridge can also be bought at the Tool Dealer, which can navigate you to different buildings.



Saloon (3)

You may order a drink by talking to the bartender, drinks cost 10 Rock Ridge coins.

Drink Effect
Jawaii Punch 10% incoming healing
Pina colada +5 CRIT
Strawberry Daiquiri +3 Perfect Dodge
Screwdriver +5 FLEE and HIT
Margarita +5 ATK and MATK

Bakery (8)

Right Vendor This vendor sells you already prepared baked goods, that is bought purely for zeny.

Item Price Effect
Speedy Cupcake 500 -> 380 Increases moving speed of a character for 15 seconds. Usable only in towns and the Main Office.
Bread 150 -> 114 Heals 50-90 HP.
Jam Pancake 5000 -> 3800 Heals 325-405 HP. Cures: Poison, Silence, Blind, Confusion, and Curse.
Piece of Cake 3000 -> 2280 Heals 270-330 HP.

Left Vendor At this vendor, you can order pastry based on certain ingredients. Each item costs 10,000 zeny in addition to the ingredients, and Rock Ridge coins.

Item Ingredients Rock Ridge coins Effect
Strawberry Cream Cupcake 5 Strawberry 1 Heals 5% of Max HP. Casts Level 3 Magnificat. This also affects party members.
Oriental Pastry 30 Rice Cake 5 +10 MATK. Effect duration 30 minutes.
Honey Pastry 30 Honey 5 +10 FLEE. Effect duration 30 minutes.
Sesame Pastry 30 Flour 5 +10 HIT. Effect duration 30 minutes.
Sweets Macaron Cake 30 Flour
1 Milk
5 +3% ATK and MATK. Damage taken by all races increased by 10%. Effect duration 10 minutes.

Bank (4)

At the bank you can exchange items for Rock Ridge coins. Rock Ridge coins are an additional currency that are used in several shops, as well as for Rock Ridge Enchant.

Item Monster Drop Rate Number of coins
Gaia Whip Mandragora 1.75% 10
Spear [4] Mandragora
1.75% 10
Padded Armor [1] Vadon 1.75% 10
Mace [4] Skeleton 3.94% 10
Saint's Robe [1] Obeaune 1.75% 10
Large Foxtail Staff [2] Scout Basilisk 1.75% 10
White Eco Shirt [1] Trans Spore 1.75% 10
Katana [4] Swordfish 1.75% 10
Fancy Flower Geographer 0.1% 20
Sunflower Geographer 0.1% 20

General store (14)

The general store is a regular Tool Dealer, which also sells items used by Expanded Classes.

Guns Shop (13)

Here you can craft several custom Guns. These guns can also be rerolled by the same NPC. Each gun costs 1,000,000 zeny in addition to the crafting materials.

Gun Description Crafting Materials Reroll cost
Altair & Ares
Altair ares.png
HIT +30
Class: Pistol
Attack: 75
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 30
Jobs: Gunslinger
5 x Crimson Bolt [2]
5 x Six Shooter [2]
5 x Wasteland's Outlaw [2]
1 x Wasteland's Outlaw [2]
R.A.G. 203 [2]
Reduces the Fixed Cast Time of Tracking by 0.5 seconds
CRIT +30
Class: Rifle
Attack: 130
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 30
Jobs: Gunslinger
5 x Jungle Carbine [1]
5 x Long Barrel [1]
1 x Dusk [1]
1 x Jungle Carbine [1]
Death Fire
Basic attacks have splash range 7x7
Basic attacks damage increased by 200%
Basic attacks range -5
Basic attacks knock back enemies 5 cells
ASPD -50%
Reduces damage from all size of enemies by 10%
Class: Shotgun
Attack: 200
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 50
Jobs: Gunslinger
3 x Gate Keeper-DD
3 x Thunder P [2]
1 x Gate Keeper-DD
Revenger [2]
ASPD +10%
Class: Grenade launcher
Attack: 200
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 50
Jobs: Gunslinger
3 x Destroyer [1] 1 x Destroyer [1]
Mini-Mei [2]
Adds 5% chance of inflicting Stun status when dealing Physical attack
Class: Gatling Gun
Attack: 120
Weapon level: 4
Level Requirement: 30
Jobs: Gunslinger
3 x Butcher [2] 1 x Butcher [2]

Weapon Shop (20)

In the weapon shop, Adventurer's Weapons can be bought for new players. These weapons cost 10,000 zeny and 25 Rock Ridge coins each. These weapons can be enchanted using the Rock Ridge Enchant system. Additionally, almost all new weapons introduced in Rock Ridge can be rerolled here for a cost of 25 Buffalo Bandit Manes.

Weapon Description
Adventurer's Rapier
Adventurers rapier.png
Class: One-Handed Sword
Attack: 150
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 40
Jobs: Novice, Super Novice, Swordman, Merchant, and Thief Classes
Adventurer's Arc Wand
Adventurers arc wand.png
MATK +15%
INT +2
DEX +2
Cast Time -5%
Cast Delay -5%
Pierce 15% of all monsters MDEF.
Class: One-Handed Staff
Attack: 40
Weapon Level: 1
Level Requirement: 40
Jobs: Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker
Adventurer's Damascus
Adventurers damascus.png
Class: Dagger
Attack: 130
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 40
Jobs: Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja
Adventurer's Great Bow
Adventurers great bow.png
Class: Bow
Attack: 115
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 40
Jobs: Archer Class, Thief and Rogue Jobs
Adventurer's Buster
Adventurers buster.png
Class: One-Handed Axe
Attack: 150
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 40
Jobs: Swordman and Merchant Classes
Adventurer's Flail
Adventurers flail.png
Class: Mace
Attack: 130
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 40
Jobs: Swordman, Acolyte, and Merchant Classes
Adventurer's Cure Wand
Adventurers cure wand.png
Heal Power +3%
SP +100
Max HP +150
+10% Heal damage on Undead monsters.
Class: One-Handed Staff
Attack: 40
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 40
Jobs: Acolyte Classes
Adventurer's Revolver
Adventurers revolver.png
Class: Revolver
Attack: 115
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 40
Jobs: Gunslinger

Restaurant (28)

The restaurant offers a variety of stat foods that can be ordered using certain ingredients. In addition to the ingredients, each food costs 25,000 zeny except for the Orlean's Full Course Meal, which costs 500,000 zeny.

Item Ingredients Effect
Fruit Mix 5 Apple
5 Banana
5 Strawberry
5 Orange
1 Yellow Spice
+3 DEX
Honey Herbal Tea 10 White Herb
2 Honey
1 Yellow Spice
+3 INT
Bomber Steak 10 Green Herb
4 Meat
1 Old Frying Pan
5 Red Chile
1 Spicy Sauce
+3 STR
Clam Soup 1 Honey
10 Conch
20 Clam Flesh
1 Sweet Sauce
+3 VIT
Tentacle Cheese Gratin 10 Cheese
5 Yam
10 Tentacle
1 Sweet Sauce
+3 AGI
Fried Sweet Potato 10 Potato
10 Yam
1 Sweet Potato
1 Sweet Sauce
+3 LUK
Orlean's Full Course Meal 50 Lemon
50 Yummy Meat
50 Shrimp
50 Red Prickly Fruit
50 Rice Cake
+7 All Stats. Lasts 60 minutes instead of 30.


Quests are moved to separate page to avoid unintentional spoilers.

Fields and Dungeons

Field 1

Rock fild01.png

Rock Ridge Field 1 is a solo map featuring two simple and weak monsters, that can be taken on by anyone. Nothing really special here!

Coyote (3739)
HP: 14,854 Hit (100%): 115 Base EXP: 24,123
Level: 60 Flee (95%): 220 Job EXP: 23,265
Race: Brute Attack: 540-710 STR: 20 AGI: 35
Element: Earth 2 DEF: 15 INT: 60 DEX: 85
Size: Medium MDEF: 25 VIT: 1 LUK: 24
Clean Bone (76.27%) | Rotten Meat (55.63%) | Flour (40.95%) | Rough Elunium (11.89%) | Elemental Converter [Earth] (7.28%) | Rough Wind (2.48%) | Undershirt (1.75%) | Super Cute Doggo (0.05%) | Coyote Card (0.05%)
Tumblering (21305)
HP: 14,350 Hit (100%): 110 Base EXP: 21,525
Level: 65 Flee (95%): 220 Job EXP: 20,808
Race: Plant Attack: 555-720 STR: 20 AGI: 25
Element: Poison 2 DEF: 18 INT: 50 DEX: 80
Size: Small MDEF: 19 VIT: 1 LUK: 39
Maneater Root (100%) | Box of Empty Bottles [10] (100%) | Prickly Fruit (40.95%) | Shoot (26.61%) | Rough Oridecon (11.89%) | Elemental Converter [Earth] (7.28%) | Frontier Boots [1] (0.05%) | Tumblering Card (0.05%)

Field 2

Rock fild02.png

Rock Ridge Field 2 features some bulky buffalos. If strong enough, they can be taken down solo, but you can also bring your friends with you, as the map rolls individual loot up to 6 players!

Shotgun Buffalo Bandit (3736)
Buffalo bandit shotgun.gif
HP: 110,000 Hit (100%): 161 Base EXP: 115,995
Level: 83 Flee (95%): 234 Job EXP: 112,695
Race: Demi Human Attack: 708-888 STR: 10 AGI: 58
Element: Fire 2 DEF: 15 INT: 80 DEX: 76
Size: Medium MDEF: 12 VIT: 49 LUK: 49
Buffalo Bandit Mane (100%) | Buffalo Bandit Mane (100%) | Oridecon (28.54%) | Old Blue Box (18.46%) | Royal Jelly (47.23%) | Gold Ring (7.28%) | Vigilante Shoes [1] (0.1%) | Vigilante Bow [3] (1.75%) | Shotgun Buffalo Bandit Card (0.05%)
Duelist Buffalo Bandit (3737)
Buffalo bandit duelist.gif
HP: 110,000 Hit (100%): 191 Base EXP: 112,695
Level: 83 Flee (95%): 250 Job EXP: 115,995
Race: Demi Human Attack: 676-758 STR: 10 AGI: 88
Element: Fire 2 DEF: 12 INT: 70 DEX: 92
Size: Medium MDEF: 15 VIT: 49 LUK: 50
Buffalo Bandit Mane (100%) | Buffalo Bandit Mane (100%) | Elunium (28.54%) | Old Blue Box (18.46%) | Royal Jelly (47.23%) | Gold Ring (7.28%) | Vigilante Stole [1] (0.1%) | Metal Guitar Pick [1] (0.05%) | Revolver Buffalo Bandit Card (0.05%)
Scimitar Buffalo Bandit (3738)
Buffalo bandit scimitar.gif
HP: 125,000 Hit (100%): 127 Base EXP: 110,000
Level: 87 Flee (95%): 230 Job EXP: 108,000
Race: Demi Human Attack: 667-754 STR: 10 AGI: 20
Element: Fire 2 DEF: 18 INT: 60 DEX: 68
Size: Large MDEF: 15 VIT: 65 LUK: 36
Buffalo Bandit Mane (100%) | Buffalo Bandit Mane (100%) | Elunium (28.54%) | Old Blue Box (18.46%) | Royal Jelly (47.23%) | Gold Ring (7.28%) | Vigilante Suit [1] (0.1%) | Bandit's Disguise (0.05%) | Scimitar Buffalo Bandit Card (0.05%)

Rock Ridge Mine


Rock Ridge Mine features the elite of the buffalo bandits. This is a party map, which rolls individual loot up to 12 players. Here you can also find Spider Chariot roaming around between the bandits.

Elite Shotgun Buffalo Bandit (3747)
Elite buffalo bandit shotgun.gif
HP: 3,000,000 Hit (100%): 173 Base EXP: 1,200,000
Level: 98 Flee (95%): 423 Job EXP: 1,050,000
Race: Demi Human Attack: 8000-9000 STR: 40 AGI: 55
Element: Fire 4 DEF: 40 INT: 22 DEX: 250
Size: Large MDEF: 35 VIT: 61 LUK: 20
Tuft of Bandit Manes (100%) | Oridecon (57.81%) | Yggdrasil Berry (38.59%) | Silvervine Fruit (5%) | Old Red Box (3%) | Calf Anaconda [1] (0.5%) | Calf Kingcobra [1] (0.5%) | Calf Python [1] (0.5%) | Traveler's Card Album (0.2%) | Elite Shotgun Buffalo Bandit Card (0.05%)
Elite Duelist Buffalo Bandit (3748)
Elite buffalo bandit duelist.gif
HP: 3,000,000 Hit (100%): 193 Base EXP: 1,200,000
Level: 98 Flee (95%): 428 Job EXP: 1,050,000
Race: Demi Human Attack: 6500-7500 STR: 40 AGI: 75
Element: Fire 4 DEF: 38 INT: 35 DEX: 255
Size: Large MDEF: 45 VIT: 45 LUK: 15
Tuft of Bandit Manes (100%) | Elunium (57.81%) | Yggdrasil Berry (38.59%) | Silvervine Fruit (5%) | Old Red Box (3%) | Calf Deathadder [1] (0.5%) | Calf Diamondback [1] (0.5%) | Traveler's Card Album (0.2%) | Elite Revolver Buffalo Bandit Card (0.05%)
Elite Scimitar Buffalo Bandit (3749)
Elite buffalo bandit scimitar.gif
HP: 3,200,000 Hit (100%): 142 Base EXP: 1,275,000
Level: 98 Flee (95%): 353 Job EXP: 1,114,000
Race: Demi Human Attack: 3000-4500 STR: 40 AGI: 24
Element: Fire 4 DEF: 32 INT: 180 DEX: 180
Size: Large MDEF: 50 VIT: 95 LUK: 10
Tuft of Bandit Manes (100%) | Elunium (57.81%) | Yggdrasil Berry (38.59%) | Silvervine Fruit (5%) | Old Red Box (3%) | Elemental Origin [3] (1%) | Bandit's Saber [2] (0.5%) | Platinum Dagger [2] (0.5%) | Traveler's Card Album (0.2%) | Elite Scimitar Buffalo Bandit Card (0.05%)


Spider Chariot (3741)
Spider chariot.gif
HP: 9,799,123 Hit (100%): 162 Base EXP: 6,540,000
Level: 108 Flee (95%): 400 Job EXP: 4,905,000
Race: Insect Attack: 11000-14000 STR: 20 AGI: 34
Element: Neutral 2 DEF: 44 INT: 140 DEX: 217
Size: Large MDEF: 33 VIT: 154 LUK: 98
Fantastic Cooking Kit (100%) | Old Red Box (100%) | HD Oridecon (5.91%) | HD Elunium (9.75%) | Metal Stick [2] (5%) | Mine Worker's Pickaxe [1] (2%) | Iron Staff [2] (3%) | Flame Thrower [1] (1.5%) | Spider Chariot Card (0.01%)
MVP.pngOld Red Box (50%) | Old Purple Box (25%) | Old Purple Box (12.5%)

Custom Drops


Coyote card.png
Coyote Card
Increases resistance against Neutral element attacks by 15%.
Increases resistance against Earth element attacks by 10%.
Compound on: Garment
Tumblering card.png
Tumblering Card
When compounded into a Level 3 or 4 weapon: Increase magical damage against Poison race monsters by 8%.
When compounded into a Level 1 or 2 weapon: Increase magical damage against Poison race monsters by 3%
Compound on: Weapon
Buffalo bandit shotgun card.png
Shotgun Buffalo Bandit Card
AGI +2
LUK +1 for every 2 refines on the headgear.
Compound on: Headgear
Buffalo bandit duelist card.png
Revolver Buffalo Bandit Card
DEX +2
ATK +8
Compound on: Accessory
Buffalo bandit scimitar card.png
Scimitar Buffalo Bandit Card
STR +2
ATK +8
Compound on: Accessory
Elite buffalo bandit shotgun card.png
Elite Shotgun Buffalo Bandit Card
INT +2
Increases magic damage against Brute monsters by 5%.
Compound on: Garment
Elite buffalo bandit duelist card.png
Elite Revolver Buffalo Bandit Card
ATK +12
Base LUK is 40 or greater:
Critical Damage +5%
Compound on: Armor
Elite buffalo bandit scimitar card.png
Elite Scimitar Buffalo Bandit Card
ATK +12
Base STR is 70 or greater:
DEF Pierce +10%
Compound on: Armor
Spider chariot card.png
Spider Chariot Card
Adds a 5% chance of auto casting Level 3 Mission Bombard on an enemy when the user receives physical damage.
Compound on: Garment


Bandit's Disguise
Bandits disguise.png
FLEE +10
Class: Headgear
Location: Middle
DEF: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All
Flame Thrower [1]
Flame thrower.png
Adds a 5% chance of auto casting Level 3 Fire Ball on an enemy while doing physical attack.
If the user has mastered the skill at level 10, it will cast Level 10 Fire Ball.
ASPD +3%
Auto Cast Rate +10%
Class: Shield
DEF: 2
Level Requirement: 30
Jobs: All
Frontier Boots [1]
Frontier boots.png
AGI +2
Perfect Dodge +1
Class: Footgear
DEF: 3
Level Requirement: 65
Jobs: All
Metal Guitar Pick [1]
Metal guitar pick.png
DEX +1
Long Range Damage +2%
Increases the damage of Musical Strike and Throw Arrow by 25%.
Class: Accessory (Left)
DEF: 0
Level Requirement: 50
Jobs: Bard and Dancer
Super Cute Doggo
Super cute doggo.png
Increases recovery rate of Meat by 100%.
Class: Headgear
Location: Upper, Middle
DEF: 1
Level Requirement: 30
Jobs: All
Vigilante Shoes [1]
Vigilante shoes.png
DEX +1
FLEE -10
DEF -5
If refined to +9 or greater:
DEX +1
Class: Footgear
DEF: 0
Level Requirement: 90
Jobs: All
Vigilante Stole [1]
Vigilante stole.png
AGI +1
LUK +3
For every 3 refines:
LUK +1
+Vigilante Suit:
AGI +2
Critical Damage +5%
LUK +5
Class: Garment
DEF: 1
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: All
Vigilante Suit [1]
Vigilante suit.png
AGI +3
Critical Chance +3
Critical Damage +3%
+Vigilante Stole:
AGI +2
Critical Damage +5%
LUK +5
Class: Armor
DEF: 2
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: All


Bandit's Saber [2]
Bandits saber.png
INT +10
DEX +2
Increase the damage of Acid Demonstration by 1% for every 2 refines.

Assassin Cross:
ATK +4 for every refine
Reduces physical damage by 30%
Damage reduction does not affect Soul Destroyer or Meteor Assault.
Combo with Save the King:
ASPD +5%
Increases the damage of Soul Destroyer by 20%.
Class: One-Handed Sword
ATK: 160
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 60
Jobs: Alchemist and Assassin Classes
Calf Anaconda [1]
Calf anaconda.png
Max SP +5%
ASPD +5%
For every refine:
Long Range Damage +1%
If refined to +9 or greater:
Long Range Damage +5%
Class: Shotgun
ATK: 215
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: Night Watch
Calf Deathadder [1]
Calf deathadder.png
Max SP +5%
For every 2 refines:
Long Range Damage +1%
If refined to +9 or greater:
Long Range Damage +5%
Class: Revolver
ATK: 125
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: Night Watch
Calf Diamondback [1]
Calf diamondback.png
Max SP +5%
For every refine:
Long Range Damage +1%
If refined to +7 or greater:
ASPD +5%
If refined to +9 or greater:
Long Range Damage +5%
Class: Gatling Gun
ATK: 125
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: Night Watch
Calf Kingcobra [1]
Calf kingcobra.png
Max SP +5%
For every refine:
Critical Chance +4
For every 10 Base LUK:
Critical Chance +4
If refined to +9 or greater:
Critical Damage +5%
Class: Rifle
ATK: 160
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: Night Watch
Calf Python [1]
Calf python.png
Max SP +5%
For every refine:
Long Range Damage +1%
If refined to +7 or greater:
After Cast Delay -10%
If refined to +9 or greater:
Long Range Damage +5%
Class: Grenade Launcher
ATK: 250
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: Night Watch
Elemental Origin [3]
Elemental origin.png
Disables Reflect Effects
MATK +15%
Physical Attack Range +2
Gain 100HP on each attack
After Cast Delay -10%
Has a 4% chance to auto cast Level 5 Snow Flake Draft.
Has a 4% chance to auto cast Level 5 Exploding Dragon.
Has a 4% chance to auto cast Level 5 Thunderstorm.
Has a 4% chance to auto cast Level 5 Heaven's Drive.
For each refine:
Perfect Dodge +2
Max HP +50
Class: Book
ATK: 120
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 60
Jobs: Sage
Iron Staff [2]
Iron staff.png
MATK +20%
ASPD +10%
INT +3
DEX +2
Auto Cast Rate -100%
If refined to +9 or greater:
MATK +5%
Class: One-Handed Staff
ATK: 80
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 80
Jobs: Acolyte Classes
Metal Stick [2]
Metal stick.png
Long Range Damage +10%
For every refine:
Long Range Damage +2%
Combo with Falcon Muffler:
10% Damage reduction from all size monsters.
1% additional damage reduction from all size monsters for every refine on the Falcon Muffler.
2% Neutral resistance for every refine on the Falcon Muffler.
Class: Two-Handed Spear
ATK: 230
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: Knight Classes
Mine Worker's Pickaxe [1]
Mineworkers pickaxe.png
ATK +50
Increases the damage of Cart Termination by 10%.
Combo with King's Manteau:
10% Damage reduction from all size monsters.
1% additional damage reduction from all size monsters for every refine on the King's Manteau.
Class: Two-Handed Axe
ATK: 350
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 80
Jobs: Transcendent Merchant
Platinum Dagger [2]
Platinum dagger.png
HIT -300
For every refine:
Increase damage vs Boss monsters by 3%
If refined to +9 or greater:
Removes monster size penalty vs enemies.
Class: Dagger
ATK: 200
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 80
Jobs: Rogue
Vigilante Bow [3]
Vigilante bow.png
Enables Level 1 Double Attack or a higher level if learned.
Adds a 10% chance to auto cast Level 10 Steal when physically attacking.
For every refine:
Increase Double Attack proc rate by 5%.
Class: Bow
ATK: 150
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 50
Jobs: Rogue