Rock Ridge Quests

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// TODO: add general spoiler warning
// TODO: Sunday Pastor: add reward images to the spoiler
// TODO: World Traveler: add reward images to the spoiler
// TODO: World Traveler: add photos
// TODO: World Traveler: add /navi
// TODO: Lighting yesterday: add reward images to the spoiler
// TODO: Church girl apology: add reward images to the spoiler
// TODO: Pirate treasure hunter: add reward images to the spoiler
// TODO: Pirate treasure hunter: add navi
// TODO: Mungu's junk: add reward images to the spoiler
// TODO: Mungu's junk: add navi
// TODO: Bandits Hideout: add reward images to the spoiler

NOTE:Some steps and reward will need further clarification. those will be marked with ?

Rock Ridge town map

Quests will use following map numbers for reference.


Sunday Pastor

Quest spoilers

Note: to complete this quest you need fixed teleporter from the "Mungu's junk" quest

  • at the church (15)
  • talk to the Pastor
  • go to the Mungu's junk shop (7)
  • use teleporter until you are in the room with warp orb and a priest
  • take warp orb!
  • speak to the priest in the room
  •  ? speak to the priest at the church again(15)


  • sunday pastor headgear costume
  •  ? Rock ridge coin pouch

World Traveler

Quest spoilers

  • speak to the man in the big house (2)

he will ask you to travel to several places and show photos of them

List of places

  • rachel temple, bridge over the middle pool
  • Fortress saint darmain (west) (cmd_fild06) 358 164
  • um_dun02 222 162
  • moc_fild11 193 214
  • hu_fild02 151 208


  • Costume autumn evening

Lighting yesterday

Quest spoilers

  • talk to the bartender at the "Lighting yesterday" (2)

she will ask you to give 10 flyers to the people in town

  1. (16) blacksmith in the hut directly over the road
  2. (21)
  3. (26)
  4. (20)
  5. (18)
  6. (10) francis on the left side
  7. (1) left side under the roof
  8. (3)
  9. (13)
  10. (4)

After that you can use lanterns to enter the cave at the SE corner of the Rock Ridge Field 2. Walk through the cave, avoiding jokers, and an the end get a hidden costume box


NOTE: lanterns aren't removed from the inventory after the dark cave, so there may be another place where it will be useful.

  • high quality lanterns
  • monochrome hat
  • random costume box

Church girl apology

Quest spoilers

  • talk to the church girl at (15)

she wil ask you to get cupcakes at (8)

  • next she will ask you to give cupcakes to the people she had solen from.

after each person you have to return to her, so she could tell you name of the next one.

  • (2) kids
  • (10) Garry (near the right room exit)
  • (3) waitress
  • (30) bill
  • (lighthalzen) Clayton on the left side from the town gates (250 310)
  • (17) abigail
  • (28) clara
  • (5) Lumen in the basement behind the bars
  • (pronta) Thomas is in the castle jail (enter from the city, take first portal to the right)


  • adventure pope mini-me

Pirate treasure hunter

Quest spoilers

  • talk to the pirate cat at the pier west of train station (1)

he will ask you to find three treasures for him

  • select which reward you want costume or old red box

treasures are located at

  • drake ship deep in one of the chests (golden necklace) treasure 02 bottom left 52 32
  • ancient spear at the depth of byalan (statue near the center) byalan 6 at the center
  • abbey island (night) south west corner in the well


  • costume poring pirate hat


  • old red box

Mungu's junk

Quest spoilers

  • talk to Mungu and his assistant at Mungu's wokshop (7 )
  • (optional) go to workers living house (10 ) and talk to Mika, she'll ask you to bring 4 jam pancakes for the microchip
  • buy four jam pankakes at the bakery (8)
  • go to the workers living house and Talk to Mika, and trade jam pancakes for the microchip (10)
  • give the microchip to Mungu he will ask you to find strange piece from the desert. to do it, you'll have to get a metal detector from natives(7 )
  • fo to the south east corner of kiwawa desert (field 1)
  • talk with the chief ( he's on the top) he ask you to do requests of trimesmen

there are 5 requests in total, i'll list them counter clockwise order

  1. 20 professional cooking kits (drop from venatu)
  2. 500 empty bottles (ant egg)
  3. fried sweet potato (Luk+3) (could be made at the restaurant (28) or cooked)
  4. 300 antelope skins (drop from goats)
  5. 300 logs (stone shooter\wood golem loot)
  • after all requests had been completed, talk to the village Chief to get metal detector
  • go to rock_fild 281 263 there you'll find a strange piece
  • give the strange piece to Mungu (7)
  • next he'll ask you to bring 10 cogwheels (loot from apocalypses)
  • give cogwheels to Mungu (7 )


working teleport. some notable locations:

  • thunderproof shadowgreaves (at the Sky Fortress)
  • Pastor Matthew (required to complete Sunday Pastor quest)
  • butterflies costume
  • turtle island 5

working metall detector

  • upper costume hat; second field map 182 134
  • two stashes of coins (100 coins each):
  1. first field map little bit SE from the place where strange piece was hidden, near the boulder. (319 230)
  2. second field map NW corner, under the tree (47 289

Extended rewards info

known teleporting locations

Bandits Hideout

Quest spoilers

  • talk to the sheriff (5)
  • turn on i "wanna be free" on piano and speak to the npc on the right balcony (3)
  • speak with dr jaden (7)
  • talk with clerk at restaurant Clerk (28)
  • talk to the man on the second floor (18)
  • next one is Montana at the workers house. she'll give first part of the code (10)
  • go to the Terry, and he will ask for kiel card (25)
  • card is under the right shelf. ask worker (26)
  • return card to terry; He will give a second part of the code (25)
  • (optional) attempt to get into hideout by yourself (31)
  • speak with sheriff about hideout (5)


  • sheriff right badge
  • kiel card


  • sheriff left badge

Mirror mirror on the wall who's the clowniest of them all

Quest spoilers

Assassin Cross only. you need to wear Evil Jester hat and clown nose without any head costumes to get proper dialog from the npc

  • talk to the assassin at the (27)
  • she will give you a key for the locked house and ask to knock some sense into carats
  • you have to wait for some time in queue and you will be warped to the room with several carats
  • kill all carats and you'll be teleported to next room.
  • repeat this three times and you should be done
  • return to the assassin at the (27)


  • License to Clown