Custom Content Item Compilation

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1-handed Sword

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30716 Kingdom Keyblade [2] 4 2 170 Max HP +300, Crit Chance +25, Enable Lv 1 or learned Double Attack, if +9: Crit Damage 10% Novice & Super Novice Old Glast Heim
30722 Save the King [2] 4 2 170 if Lord Knight: Each +1, Bowling Bash Cast Time -10%,
Paladin: Shield Chain Damage +1% per refine, Range +4
Assassin Cross: ASPD +7%, ATK +60, Physical against all Class -30% except Soul Destroyer & Meteor Assault??
Stalker: VIT +3, DEX +3, Perfect Dodge +10, a (1~5%?) chance to remove Chemical Protection buffs when attacking, Raid Damage 50%
Biochemist: Long Physical 10%, Heal Power +10%, 3.5% Stun, Curse, Silence, Sleep, Freeze, Chaos, Blind & Stone when attacking
Whitesmith: DEF +5, MDEF +5, Cart Revolution Damage 25%, Heal Increased 20%
Indestructible, Set
600113 Adventurer's Rapier 3 0 150 Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
32352 Bandit's Saber [2] 4 2 160 INT +10, if Alchemist: DEX +2, Each +2: Acid Demonstration Damage 1%,
if Assassin Cross: Each +1: ATK +4, Physical against all Class -30% except Soul Destroyer and Meteor Assault
600039 Crimson Saber 3 0 70 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons

2-handed Sword

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
1533 Warrior's Balmung 1 0 200 Physical against all Race 15%, Max SP +70, ASPD +3% Brasilis
21054 Claw Sword [1] 4 1 220 Crit Chance +20, ASPD +5%, Each +1: Crit Chance +2, if +9: Crit Damage +5% Craftable Einbech Dungeon 3
600028 Crimson Two-Handed Sword 3 0 90 Each +1: Physical against all Class 7% Crimson Weapons

1-handed Spear

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Weight Description Note Source
30325 Spear of Lucifer [2] 4 2 180 420 Long Physical 15%, Max HP -5%, Spiral Pierce Range +4 High Swordman, Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
600041 Crimson Spear 3 0 70 100 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons

2-handed Spear

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Weight Description Note Source
30720 Royal Guard's Spear [1] 4 1 160 300 DEF Pierce 35%, Holy Cross Damage 20%, SP Cost -10 Paladin Old Glast Heim
32013 Metal Stick [2] 4 2 230 200 Long Physical 10%, Each +1: Long Physical 2% Set Rock Ridge

1-handed Axe

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30316 Blood Moon Axe [2] 4 2 170 if +7: 3% gain 15% Damage as HP when attacking High Merchant, Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
600124 Adventurer's Buster 3 0 150 Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
600042 Crimson Axe 3 0 70 Each +1: Physical against all Class 5%, Long Physical 1%, Each +2: DEF Pierce 1% Crimson Weapons

2-handed Axe

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
1321 Dofle Axe 1 0 200 Physical against all Race 15%, Crit Chance +6 , ASPD +3% Brasilis
28116 Mine Worker's Pickaxe [1] 4 1 350 if Whitesmith: ATK +50, Cart Termination Damage 10% Set Rock Ridge


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
13076 Raksasa Dagger 3 0 70 MATK +10%, INT +2, DEX +1 Cursed Jackknife &
Dagger of Evil Spirits ingredient
Dragon Nest
28767 Cursed Jackknife 4 0 70 INT +5, ASPD +5%, Falcon Assault Damage 15%, if +7: Cast Delay -10% Hunter, Craftable, Set Niflheim Dungeon
13077 Kagekiri [2] 4 2 150 Max HP +15%, if +7: Max HP +10% Ninja, Craftable
28714 Dagger of Evil Spirits [1] 4 1 90 MATK +20%, Each +1 if +5: DEX +1 Ninja, Craftable, Set
28746 Brute Damascus 1 0 165 Physical against all Race 15%, Max SP +70, ASPD +3% Brasilis
30728 Blessed Knife [2] 4 2 120 Element: Holy Old Glast Heim
Poison Bayonet (G) [2]
Poison Bayonet (P) [2]
4 2 150 MATK +15%, STR +2, INT +2, Plagiarized Skill Damage except Meteor Storm 15% Rogue Old Glast Heim
13085 Volcano Knife [2] 4 2 120 MATK +15%, DEX +3, INT +3, Physical & Magic against Earth 15% Magma Dungeon 3
28768 Platinum Dagger [2] 4 2 200 HIT -300, Each +1: Physical against Boss 3%, if +9: nullify weapon size penalty Rock Ridge
600024 Crimson Dagger 3 0 60 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
1298 Shiver Katar 1 0 160 Physical against all Race 15%, Crit Chance +3, ASPD +3% Brasilis
30713 Death's Dance [2] 4 2 140 ASPD +3%, Resist all Size 15%, Sonic Blow Range +1, if +9: ASPD +2%, ATK +10 Old Glast Heim
600122 Adventurer's Damascus 3 0 130 Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
600026 Crimson Katar 3 0 70 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
18171 Bloody Bow [1] 4 1 130 LUK +3, if +7: Blitz Beat Damage 30% Craftable, Hunter, Set Niflheim Dungeon
Undead Shot [1]
4 1 130 Physical against Neutral 10%, Autocast Rate +25%, MATK +15%, if +7: ASPD +5% Craftable, Rogue, Set
Special Random Options
30707 Sagittarius Bow [1] 4 1 115 Beast Strafe Damage 10%, Each +1: STR +1, Each 9 STR until 90: Beast Strafe Damage 1% Brasilis
30718 Royal Guard's Bow 4 0 140 Perfect Dodge +10, Trap / Mine Damage 20%, Enables Lv 1 Aimed Bolt, if INT 90+: Long Physical 20% Sniper Old Glast Heim
18190 Bolt Shooter [1] 4 1 120 Crit Chance -15, Crit Damage -15%, Double Strafe Damage 20%, Each +1: DEF Pierce 2% Craftable, Archer Horror Toy Factory
600123 Adventurer's Great Bow 3 0 115 Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
18145 Vigilante Bow [3] 3 3 150 Enables Lv 1 or learned Double Attack, 10% autocast Lv 10 Steal, Each +1: +5% chance Double Attack
600025 Crimson Bow 3 0 60 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons

Musical Instrument

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30321 Purifying Trumpet [2] 4 2 180 Immune to Curse, Each 20 VIT: INT +1 Craftable, Bard, Set Niflheim Dungeon
30758 Jackson Rhoads [1] 4 1 150 VIT +3, HIT +30, Enables Lv 5 Death Valley, 6% autocast Moonlight Serenade for 1 minute when attacking
(MATK +19 + (Job Lv/5) for party members on screen)
Indestructible Old Glast Heim
600037 Crimson Violin 3 0 80 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30322 Hellfire Whip [2] 4 2 180 3% Curse when attacking, Each 20 VIT: AGI +1 Craftable, Dancer, Set Niflheim Dungeon
30713 Flare Whip (R) [1] 4 1 150 VIT +3, HIT +30, Enables Lv 5 Death Valley, 6% autocast Windmill Rush for 1 minute when attacking
(ATK +19 + (Job Lv/5), Increase Movement Speed for party members on screen)
Indestructible Old Glast Heim
26215 Safety Whip [2] 4 2 200 Enables Lv 1 Barrier (resist damage 50% for 1.5 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds, disabled on PVP, BG, WoE or RWC),
if +6: Severe Rainstorm Cast Time -100%
Craftable Einbech Dungeon 3
600036 Crimson Wire 3 0 80 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons

1-handed Staff

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK MATK Description Note Source
1686 Large Foxtail Staff [2] 2 2 60 15% MATK +50, INT +1, DEX +1, Each 20 Lv: -10 MATK Dragon Nest
1697 Exquisite Foxtail Staff [1] 4 1 70 20% INT +4, DEX +2, Each +1: Lord of Vermillion & Jupitel Thunder Damage 1%
26118 Shadow Staff [1] 4 1 60 25% DEX +3, Magic against Holy 20%, if Soul Strike Lv 10: Enables Dark Soul Strike Lv 10 Super Novice, Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
26141 Brute Arc Wand 1 0 40 10% if DEX < 50: Each 2 INT, DEX +1; Each 1 DEX, DEX -1
if DEX 50+: MATK +5%, INT +4, DEX +3, MDEF Pierce against Non-Boss 15%
30729 Holy Water Staff [2] 4 2 60 15% INT +3, Enables Lv 4 Water Evasion, Unequip: SP -100% Wizard Old Glast Heim
30746 Royal Alchemy Staff [1] 4 1 150 20% INT +4, DEX +2 Professor, Set
30934 Soul Stick 3 0 10 5% Heal on Undead 100%, Turn Undead Cast Delay -50%, Each +1: INT +1, LUK +1, if +9: Turn Undead Range +2 Acolyte Horror Toy Factory
30937 Guardian Staff [1] 4 1 10 5% DEF +5, Each +1: Max HP +80, Enables Lv 1 Barrier
(resist damage 50% for 1.5 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds, disabled on PVP, BG, WoE or RWC)
26138 Flaming Wand [2] 4 2 60 20% INT +4, DEX +2, Max HP +200, Max SP +100, Each +1: Fire Magic Damage 2% & Fireball Damage 5% Super Novice, Soul Linker Magma Dungeon 3
600119 Adventurer's Arc Wand 1 0 40 15% INT +2, DEX +2, Cast Time -5%, Cast Delay -5%, MDEF Pierce 15% Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
600126 Adventurer's Cure Wand 3 0 10 0% Max HP +150, Max SP +100, Heal Power +3%, Heal on Undead 10%
2048 Iron Staff [2] 4 2 80 20% ASPD +10%, INT +3, DEX +2, Autocast Rate -100%, if +9: MATK +5%
600038 Crimson Staff 3 0 80 15% INT +4, DEX +4, Each +1: Magic against all Class 1%, MDEF Pierce 2% Crimson Weapons

2-handed Staff

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK MATK Description Note Source
30715 Save the Queen [3] 4 3 200 30% INT +8, DEX +2, Resist all Size 15%, if +9: MATK +10%, if High Priest: MATK -5% High Wizard, High Priest Old Glast Heim
2058 Detecting Staff [3] 3 3 80 20% INT +2, DEX +2, Each +1: Meteor Storm Cast Delay -0.6 seconds, Storm Gust & Lord of Vermillion -0.4 seconds,

Meteor Storm, Storm Gust & Lord of Vermillion Cooldown +4 seconds.

Craftable Einbech Dungeon 3


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30730 Repentance [2] 4 2 120 Crit Chance +30, if LUK 40+: Crit Damage 10%, Each +1: ASPD +1% Priest, Set Niflheim Dungeon
16017 Bloody Cross [2] 4 2 95 Physical against Demon & Shadow 10% Acolyte, Craftable Horror Toy Factory
16024 Quadrille [1] 4 1 165 Physical against Undead Race, Demihuman & Earth 10% Nightmare Clock Tower
16099 Rubber Hammer [2] 3 2 80 Max HP +600, Resist all Element 5%, Each 3 VIT: Heal Power +1%, if +10: nullify gemstone cost of skills Einbech Dungeon 3
600125 Adventurer's Flail 3 0 130 Craftable, Enchantable Rock Ridge
600029 Crimson Mace 3 0 70 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30323 Spirit Claw [2] 4 2 170 Asura Strike Damage -25%, HIT +10, 10% gain Spirit Sphere when attacking Craftable, Monk, Set Niflheim Dungeon
1871 Bauxite Knuckle 1 0 175 Physical against all Race 15%, HIT +5, ASPD +3% Brasilis
600030 Crimson Knuckle 3 0 70 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Set Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30317 Tome of Evil [1] 4 1 90 MATK 20%, Each 10 AGI: ASPD +1%, Each 15 INT: MATK +1%, 6% autocast Lv 5 Dark Soul Strike when attacking Craftable, Sage Niflheim Dungeon
540013 Fortified Book 1 0 160 Physical against all Race 15%, HIT +5, ASPD +3% Star Gladiator Brasilis
30717 Cursed Book of Ymir [2] 4 2 180 3% gain 15% damage as HP when attacking, if +9: 2% gain 1% damage as SP when attacking Old Glast Heim
30804 Arc Bible [2] 3 2 80 VIT +3, INT +3, Lex Aeterna Cast Delay -50% Nightmare Clock Tower
28608 Elemental Origin [3] 3 3 120 15% MATK, Reflect disabled, Basic Attack Range +2, +100 HP when attacking,
4% autocast Lv 5 Snowflake Draft, Lv 5 Exploding Dragon, Lv 5 Thunderstorm & Lv 5 Heaven's Drive,
Each +1: Perfect Dodge +2, Max HP +50
Sage Rock Ridge
600027 Crimson Bible 3 0 70 Each +1: Physical against all Class 7% Star Gladiator Crimson Weapons

Huuma Shuriken

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
600028 Crimson Huuma Shuriken 3 0 70 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30318 Demon Slayer [1] 4 1 190 Physical against Demon 10%, Cast Delay -10%, if +7: Cast Delay -5% Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
13192 Death Fire 4 0 200 Basic Attack Splash Range 7x7, Damage 200%, Range -5, Knockback +5, ASPD -50%, Resist all Size 10% Rock Ridge
28242 Calf Anaconda [1] 4 1 215 Max SP +5%, ASPD +5%, Each +1: Long Physical 1%, if +9: Long Physical 5%
600032 Crimson Shotgun 3 0 150 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
30731 Dark Rose [3] 3 3 90 Rapid Shower Damage 15% Set Old Glast Heim
600053 Mythril Revolver [3] 3 3 60 3% gain 15% damage as HP when attacking Craftable Night Watch Hideout
600054 Spirit Guard Revolver [1] 3 1 50 Craftable, 1-handed
13122 Altair & Ares 3 0 75 HIT +30 Craftable Rock Ridge
600130 Adventurer's Revolver 3 0 115 Craftable, Enchantable
13146 Calf Deathadder [1] 4 1 125 Max SP +5%, Each +2: Long Physical 1%, if +9: Long Physical 5%
600031 Crimson Revolver 3 0 70 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons


Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
600056 Winchester Rifle [2] 3 2 150 Crit Chance +20, Physical against Ghost 10% Craftable Night Watch Hideout
13190 R.A.G.203 [2] 3 2 130 Tracking Fixed Cast Time -0.5 seconds, Crit Chance +30 Craftable Rock Ridge
28240 Calf Kingcobra [1] 4 1 160 Max SP +5%, Each +1: Crit Chance +4, Each 10 LUK: Crit Chance +4, if +9: Crit Damage +5%
600035 Crimson Rifle 3 0 70 Each +1: Physical against all Class 6% Crimson Weapons

Grenade Launcher

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
28202 Southern Cross [2] 3 2 220 Basic Grenade & Hasty Fire in the Holy Damage 5% Horror Toy Factory
600055 Cyanide Launcher [1] 3 1 150 5% Stun, Curse, Silence & Poison when attacking Craftable Night Watch Hideout
28226 Revenger [2] 3 2 200 ASPD +10% Craftable Rock Ridge
28243 Calf Python [1] 4 1 250 Max SP +5%, Each +1: Long Physical 1%, if +7: Cast Delay -10%, if +9: Long Physical 5%
600033 Crimson Launcher 3 0 180 Each +1: Physical against all Class 5% Crimson Weapons

Gatling Gun

Item ID Weapon Lv Slot ATK Description Note Source
13199 Tempest [2] 3 2 100 ASPD +3%, Crit Chance +25 Craftable Night Watch Hideout
13197 Mini-Mei [2] 3 2 120 5% Stun when attacking Craftable Rock Ridge
28241 Calf Diamondback [1] 4 1 125 Max SP +5%, Each +1: Long Physical 1%, if +7: ASPD +5%, if +9: Long Physical 5%
600034 Crimson Gatling Gun 3 0 40 Each +1: Physical against all Class 5% Crimson Weapons



Item ID Gear DEF Description Note Source
5469 Musketeer Hat [1] 3 Max HP +100, Max SP +50 Lasagna Quest
18970 Magical Moon Cat Hat 1 MATK +3%, INT +2, DEX +2 Drooping Neko Crew [1] ingredient
30347 Witch's Hat 3 MDEF +10, Resist Magic against Medium & Large 10% Niflheim Dungeon
30320 Evil Jester Hat [1] 3 Craftable, Set
18528 Drooping Neko Crew [1] 0 INT +1, MDEF +5, if +7: MATK +4%, MDEF Pierce 12% Craftable
18522 Evil Marching Hat [1] 1 STR +2, if +7: Crit Damage 10%
30130 Aegirnion Helm [1] 4 STR +1 Set Byalan Dungeon 6
5972 Chatty Parrot 0 STR +1, Enables Lv 1 Talkie Box Lower Brasilis Quest
18752 Rosary Necklace 0 INT +1, Heal Power +3% Old Glast Heim
18752 Cursed Spell Book [1] 2 5% absorb 12% damage as HP when attacking, -20 HP per 5 seconds.
30727 Spell Circuit [1] 1 AGI +1, MATK +2%, ASPD +4%, if +9: MATK +2%, ASPD +2%
30751 Vassalage Necklace 0 LUK +2 Lower, Set
30737 Wings of Asmodeus 0 Max SP +50, STR +1 Middle
30733 Duke's Silk Hat [1] 3 INT +1, AGI +1, DEX +1, Cast Delay -5%, if +9: MATK +2% Craftable
30735 Khalitzburg Knight Helm [1] 3 STR +1, AGI +1, DEX +1, Cast Delay -5%, if +9: ATK +2%
5359 Ship Captain's Hat [1] 3 Long Physical 5%, Max HP +100, DEX +1 Airship Assault
18662 Antler Fedora 0 INT +3, Enables Lv 1 Magnificat, unequip: SP -100% Craftable
5465 Hat of Fortune [1] 3 LUK +2, MDEF +5, Each +1 if +5: LUK +1 Nightmare Clock Tower
18874 Monocle [1] 0 Middle, Craftable
30532 Rebel Cap 1 DEX +2, Max SP +100, Long Phyiscal 3% Night Watch, Craftable Night Watch Hideout
30531 Rebel Sunglasses 1 DEX +1, SP Consumption -5%, Long Phyiscal 1% Night Watch, Craftable, Middle
30533 Rebel Chewing Gum 0 Long Phyiscal 1%, +1 SP per 10 seconds. Night Watch, Craftable, Lower
600571 Flame Muffler 0 DEX +1, Max HP +200, Resist Fire +5% Lower Magma Dungeon 3
20937 Lava Leather Hood [1] 4 ATK +5 Craftable, Set
5848 Bandit's Disguise 0 Flee +10 Rock Ridge
5848 Super Cute Doggo 1 Meat Recovery 100% Upper, Middle


Item ID Gear DEF Description Note Source
15156 Elegant Suit [1] 5 MDEF +5, Each 9 Job Lv: Max HP +25, Each 10 VIT: Max HP -15 Set Dragon Nest
15151 White Eco Shirt [1] 1 if STR & DEX < 80: ATK +20, if INT < 80: MATK +20
30346 Witch's Robe [1] 7 MDEF +5, if Mage, Acolyte, Soul Linker, Ninja, Super Novice: INT +2, MATK +3%
if Swordman, Merchant, Thief, Taekwon: STR +2, ATK +3%
if Archer, Gunslinger: DEX +2, Long Physical 3%
Niflheim Dungeon
30131 Aegirnion Armor [1] 5 Resist Water 5%, Physical against Water 5% Set Byalan Dungeon 6
15169 Kardui Robe [1] 4 MDEF +2, AGI +2, MATK +1% Brasilis
30741 Royal Archer Suit [1] 1 Long Physical 3%, SP Consumption -10% Old Glast Heim
30747 Imperial Clergy Robe [1] 6 Max HP +400, Resist Stone & Curse 50%, 2% curse when physically attacked
30753 Gigantes Armor [1] 7 STR +1 Set
30742 Glacial Robe [1] 2 Magic against Fire 5%, Resist Water Monster Magic -5%
30739 King's Suit [1] 4 STR +1, DEX +1
30750 Prisoner's Uniform [1] 4 STR +1, if Taekwon: Kick Skills Damage 15%
15116 Airship Armor [1] 4 Max SP +100, MDEF +3, ATK +3, MATK +3 Airship Assault
15117 Ferlock's Armor [1] 2 Max HP +300, MDEF +5, Each +1: Resist Medium 1%
30938 Celine Dress [1] 5 INT +1, DEX +1, MDEF +10, Enables Lv 1 Recognized Spell
(replace MATK variance with average for 3 minutes), Unequip: remove Recognized Spell buff
Craftable Horror Toy Factory
15007 Time Keeper Robe 6 AGI +2, MDEF +5, ATK +15, MATK +15, ATK +2%, MATK +2%, Max SP +75, Max HP +500 Nightmare Clock Tower
15089 Lounge Suit 5 DEX +2, Cast Delay -5%
600572 Flame Rune Armor [1] 6 STR +1, INT +1, DEX +1, Physical against Earth 5%, Melee Damage +5%, Desperado Damage -5% Set Magma Dungeon 3
15379 Lava Leather Suit [1] 5 Resist Fire 5%, Physical against Fire 5% Craftable, Set
15176 Vigilante Suit [1] 2 AGI +3, Crit Chance +3, Crit Damage +3% Enchantable, Set Rock Ridge
15028 Forest Robe [1] 2 MDEF +3, INT +1, Heaven Drive Cast Time -25% Set New World


Item ID Gear DEF Weight Description Note Source
28942 Cursed Knight's Shield [1] 0 80 STR +1, if +7: ATK +10 Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
30721 Aegis of the Immortal [1] 2 150 Gain Immortal Buff. Upon fatal damage, prevent death, replace Immortal with Stasis for 3 seconds to full HP.
After Stasis ends, put Immortal cooldown for 30 minutes, reduced when alived, equipped, and logged on.
Old Glast Heim
30760 Glacier Guard [1] 2 50 AGI +1, INT +1 Set
30725 Imperial Guard [1] 3 150 Each +1: Max HP +30, if Super Novice: Max SP +150
2139 Flame Thrower [1] 2 200 5% autocast Lv 3 (10 if learned) Fire Ball when attacking, ASPD 3%, Autocast Rate +10% Rock Ridge


Item ID Gear DEF Description Note Source
20734 Manteau of Rough Wind [1] 3 Resist Wind 10%, Earth -10% Dragon Nest
20790 Elegant Manteau [1] 2 Each 9 Job Lv: MDEF +1 Set
30347 Witch's Broomstick [1] 3 INT +1, MDEF +5 Niflheim Dungeon
2511 Skeleton Manteau [1] 3 DEX +1, if +7: Long Physical 5% Craftable
20831 Adventurer's Spirit [1] 3 INT +1, if +7: Esma Damage 5%
30132 Aegirnion Manteau [1] 3 Resist Fish 5% Set Byalan Dungeon 6
30748 Bloody Muffler [1] 2 MATK +1%, Holy Light Damage 15% Old Glast Heim
30749 Spectral Manteau [1] 2 MATK +1%, Each +1: Soul Strike & Dark Soul Strike Damage 5%
30743 Flame Rune Manteau [1] 2 Magic against Water 5%, Resist Fire Monster Magic -5% Set
30753 Gigantes Pauldron [1] 4 ATK +5
30739 King's Manteau [1] 4 STR +1, DEX +1, if Mage, Soul Linker or Priest: DEX -1
20743 Airship Manteau [1] 3 Max SP +50, MDEF +2, Flee +5, HIT +5 Airship Assault
20744 Ferlock's Cloak [1] 1 Resist Long +5%, Melee -5%, if +9: VIT +1
20844 Candy Bag Backpack [1] 2 ATK +1%, MATK +1%, Cast Delay -5%, SP Consumption -5%, Each +1: Piece of Cake Recovery 10% Horror Toy Factory
30936 Angry Bear Bag [1] 0 Each +2: Physical against all Race +1%, Each +1: Resist all Class -1% Craftable
2559 Time Keeper Manteau 3 ASPD +1%, MDEF +3, Flee +8, Perfect Dodge +3, Resist all Element 5%, except Neutral 18% Nightmare Clock Tower
20735 Manteau of Flame Heart [1] 3 Resist Fire 10%, Water -10% Magma Dungeon 3
20935 Lava Leather Manteau [1] 3 Resist Formless 5% Craftable, Set
20778 Vigilante Stole [1] 1 AGI +1, LUK +3, Each +3: LUK +1 Enchantable, Set Rock Ridge


Item ID Gear DEF Description Note Source
30133 Aegirnion Shoes [1] 3 Resist Freeze 5% Set Byalan Dungeon 6
22085 Elegant Shoes [1] 2 MDEF +3, Each 9 Job Lv: Max SP +10, Each 10 INT: Max SP -5 Dragon Nest
470111 Boots of Evil Spirits 1 STR +1, INT +1, Physical & Magic against Ghost 5% Cursed Abbey
470112 Boots of Evil Spirits [1] 1 STR +1, INT +1, Physical & Magic against Ghost 5% Craftable, Set Niflheim Dungeon
22067 Witch's Shoes [1] 2 DEX +1, MDEF +5 Set
22046 Airship Boots [1] 3 Max HP +350, MDEF +2, +50 HP & +3 SP per 10 seconds Airship Assault
22047 Ferlock's Boots [1] 1 Max HP +5%, MDEF +4
2415 Bunny Slippers [1] 3 LUK +3, MDEF +5 Perfect Dodge +3 Craftable Airship Assault
2455 Time Keeper Boots 4 MDEF +3, Max HP & SP +8%, All Stat +1, HIT +10, 7% drop Can of Anchovies when monster killed Nightmare Clock Tower
22170 Shoes of Survival [1] 2 VIT +1 Craftable, Set
22200 Lava Leather Shoes [1] 3 Resist Stone 5% Magma Dungeon 3
22234 Frontier Boots [1] 3 AGI +2, Flee +5, Perfect Dodge +1 Enchantable Rock Ridge
600440 Vigilante Shoes [1] 0 DEX +1, Flee -10, DEF -5, if +9: DEX +1 Rock Ridge
2470 Forest Shoes [1] 2 HP +500, Resist Stone 20% Set New World
22006 Temporal STR Boots [1] 3 if STR 90+: MDEF +3, ATK +12, DEF Pierce 10% Enchantable Temporal Boots
22007 Temporal VIT Boots [1] 3 if VIT 90+: MDEF +5, Max HP +12%, VIT +1, Heal Increased 15%
22008 Temporal DEX Boots [1] 3 if DEX 90+: MDEF +3, ATK +12, Long Physical 5%
22009 Temporal INT Boots [1] 3 if INT 90+: MDEF Pierce 10%, Magic against all Class 5%
22010 Temporal DEX Boots [1] 3 if AGI 90+: ASPD +5%, Basic Attack Damage 10%
22010 Temporal LUK Boots [1] 3 MDEF +3, Crit Chance +3, Crit Damage +6%, Each LUK 10: Crit Chance +1, Crit Damage +1%


Item ID Gear Description Note Source
28381 Cute Grass Necklace [1] ATK +5, MATK +5 Lasagna Fields
28381 Fresh Tuna Talisman [1] HIT +3
2898 Black Rosary [1] Resist Long 5% Craftable Niflheim Dungeon
30133 Aegirnion Necklace MDEF +1, Resist Water 5% Byalan Dungeon 6
30744 Alchemy Glove [1] INT +1, DEX +1, Autocast Rate -10%, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ghost, Holy & Shadow Magic Damage 5%,
Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ghost, Holy & Shadow Resist -5%, Meteor Storm Damage -10%
(Right), Set Old Glast Heim
30732 Bishop Necklace [1] Crit Damage +1%, Chance +3 Set
30759 Imperial Glove [1] STR +1, INT +1
30723 Cursed Royal Pendant [1] STR +2, DEF Pierce 1%
30724 Ring of Mimir [1] INT +2, MDEF Pierce 1%
28596 Toy Ring [1] STR +1, INT -1, Crit Chance +4 Horror Toy Factory
2980 Evil Spirit Glove [1] DEX +1, Long Physical +3% Craftable
2559 Time Guardian Ring Max HP +50 + (5 per 2 base lv) Nightmare Clock Tower
32249 Safety Pendant [1] ATK +10, MATK +10, Resist all Element 3% except Neutral 1% Einbech Dungeon 3
490141 Metal Guitar Pick [1] DEX +1, Long Physical +2%, Musical Strike & Throw Arrow Damage 25% (Left) Rock Ridge
2862 Forest Orb MDEF +2, INT +1, Resist Earth 10%, a (1~5%?) chance autocast Lv 3 Quagmire when phyiscally attacked Set New World
2765 Novice Figure Max HP +70, if Novice: Max HP +30, Max SP +50 Job Figures
2766 Swordman Figure VIT +1, if Novice: DEF +2, Max HP +150
2767 Acolyte Figure INT +1, if Acolyte: Max SP +50, Heal Power +5%
2768 Mage Figure INT +1, if Mage: Cast Delay -5%
2769 Archer Figure DEX +1, if Archer: DEX +1, ATK +10
2770 Thief Figure AGI +1, if Thief: ASPD +3%
2771 Merchant Figure STR +1, if Merchant: ATK +5, Skills Zeny Cost -5%
30089 Assassin Cross Figure AGI +1, ASPD +2%, Crit Chance +3, Crit Damage +3% Assassin
30090 Stalker Figure STR +2, AGI +1, ASPD +3%, ATK +10, Steal Success Rate +5% Stalker
30091 Minstrel and Gypsy Figure DEX +2, INT +2, Long Physical +2%, SP Consumption -10% Bard, Dancer
30092 Sniper Figure DEX +2, LUK +3, ASPD +2%, Crit Chance +3 Hunter
30093 High Priest Figure DEX +2, MATK +3%, Heal Power +7% Priest, Set
30094 Champion Figure Max SP +50, STR +2, ASPD +2%, Monk Combo Skills Damage 3% Monk
30095 Biochemist Figure INT +2, DEX +2, LUK +3, ATK +10 Alchemist
30096 Mastersmith Figure STR +2, ATK +10, Skills Zeny Cost -10% Blacksmith
30097 High Wizard Figure INT +2, Cast Time -5%, Cast Delay -5% Wizard
30098 Scholar Figure AGI +1, INT +1, ASPD +3%, Fire, Cold, Lightning Bolt & Earth Spike Damage 10% Sage
30099 Lord Knight Figure DEF +2, MAx HP +100, STR +2, ATK +10 Knight
30100 Paladin Figure STR +2, INT +2, ATK +10, SP Consumption -10% Knight
30101 Super Novice Figure Max HP +200, Max SP +100, DEX +2, ATK +10, MATK +10, ASPD +2% Super Novice
30102 Gunslinger Figure Max SP +50, DEX +2, ATK +10, SP Consumption -10% Gunslinger
30103 Soul Linker Figure INT +2, Cast Time -5%, SP Consumption -10% Soul Linker
30104 Star Gladiator Figure STR +2, ATK +10, HIT +5, Kick Skills Damage 3% Taekwon, Star Gladiator
30105 Ninja Figure STR +2, INT +2, DEX +2, ATK +3%, MATK +3% Ninja

Equipment Sets & Series

Set / Series Gears Bonus Source
Elegant Suit, Manteau, Shoes MDEF +5, DEF +3 Dragon Nest
Witch's Broomstick, Shoes Cast Delay -15% Niflheim Dungeon
Robe, Hat -
of Evil Spirits Dagger, Boots [1] (craftable only) INT +5
Aegirnion Helm, Armor, Manteau, Shoes Physical & Magic against Fish 10% Byalan Dungeon 6
Manteau, Shoes Resist Freeze 30%
Necklace -
Brasilis Weapon Bauxite Knuckle, Brute Arc Wand, Brute Damascus,
Dofle Axe, Fortified Book, Shiver Katar, Warrior's Balmung
- (decent early weapon for 2nd job) Brasilis
Sagittarius Bow - (specialized build)
Alchemy Glove, Royal Staff Each +1 Staff: Fire, Cold, Lightning Bolt & Earth Spike Damage 2% Old Glast Heim
(Ice & Fire) Glacial Robe, Flame Rune Manteau Magic against Neutral 12%, Player -12%
Gigantes Armor, Pauldron Resist Medium & Large 5%
King's Armor, Manteau DEF Pierce 10%
(Nifl & Glast) Cursed Jackknife, Glacier Guard ASPD +5%, Falcon Assault Damage 15% Niflheim Dungeon
Old Glast Heim
Undead Shot, Imperial Glove ASPD +3%, Autocast Rate +20%
Spirit Claw / Crimson Knuckle, Imperial Glove ASPD +3%, all Combo Skill except Tiger Fist Damage 10%
Bloody Bow, Vassalage Necklace ASPD +1%, LUK +5
Evil Jester Hat, Save the King Cast Delay -5%
Airship Armor, Manteau, Boots Perfect Dodge +5, 1% gain 1% Damage as SP when attacking Airship Assault
Ferlock's Armor, Cloak, Boots Max HP +1000
Time Keeper Robe, Manteau, Boots - (decent mid gears) Nightmare Clock Tower
Shield -
Flame Rune Armor, Manteau Magic against Water 7% Old Glast Heim
Magma Dungeon 3
Lava Leather Hood, Suit, Manteau, Shoes Physical & Magic against Fire 10% Magma Dungeon 3
Manteau, Shoes Resist Stone 30%
Adventurer's Rapier, Arc Wand, Damascus, Great Bow, Buster, Flail, Cure Wand, Revolver - (decent early weapon) Rock Ridge
Rock Ridge Gun Shop Altair & Ares, R.A.G.203, Death Fire, Revenger, Mini-mei - (decent mid guns)
Vigilante Stole, Suit AGI +2, LUK +5, Crit Damage +5%
Bow, Shoes -
Calf Anaconda, Deathadder, Diamondback, Kingcobra, Python - (high end guns)
(Glast & Rock) Save the King, Bandit's Saber if Assassin: ASPD +5%, Soul Destroyer Damage 20% Rock Ridge
Old Glast Heim
King's Manteau, Mine Worker's Pickaxe Resist all Size 10%, Each +1 King's: Resist all Size 1%
Forest Robe, Shoes, Orb Magic against Wind 15% New World
Job Figures (All Job) - (decent mid accessories) Job Figures
Temporal Boots (All Stat) - (high end boots) Temporal Boots
Crimson Weapons (All Type except 2-handed Spear & 2-handed Axe) - (decent mid end / defensive random options weapons) Crimson Weapons
(Custom & Vanilla) Evil Jester Hat, Clown Nose Soul Destroyer Cast Delay -25%, ASPD +5%, ATK +5
Evil Jester Hat, Upper / Lower Costume ATK -300
Purifying Trumpet, Silver / Holy Arrow Long Physical +15%
Hellfire Whip, Fire / Shadow Arrow Long Physical +15%
Aegirnion Helm, Fin Helm STR +2, DEF +3
Bishop Necklace, Dagger of Counter ASPD +5%, ATK +10, if STR 90+: MATK +50
Prisoner's Uniform, Bloody Shackle Ball, Shackles STR +1, ATK +10
Vassalage Necklace, Crescent Scythe [0] or [1] ASPD +1%, Crit Damage +5%
Dark Rose, Skin of Ventus Resist all Size 10%
Repentance, Odin's Blessing 1.5% autocast Lv 1 Adrenalin Rush when attacking
Shoes of Survival, Survivor's Manteau Each +1: Max HP +50, if +9: MATK +5%
Lava Leather Hood, Binoculars DEX +2, Flee +5
Lava Leather Hood, Evil Wing Ears STR +2, DEF +3
Metal Stick, Falcon Muffler Resist all Size 10%, Each +1 Falcon: Resist all Size 1%, Resist Neutral 2%
High Priest Figure, Spiritual Ring Magnus Exorcimus Damage 30%, Heal on Undead 50%

Shadow Gears




Item ID Gear Description Source
600485 Thunderproof Shadow Shoes Resist Wind 10% Rock Ridge Quest



Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
30107 Sweet Drops Card Enchanted MATK +10 Lasagna Fields
4670 Fruit Pom Spider Card Blaze Magic against Fire 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Dragon Nest
4669 Jungle Mandragora Card Gust Magic against Wind 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4669 Big Eggring Card (MVP) Trinity 2% autocast Lv 4 Lord of Vermillion when attacking
30355 Brutal Murderer Card Purrifying Physical against Undead Race 20% Niflheim Dungeon
30350 Grote Card Anti-Wight Physical against Undead Element 20%
30349 Pierrotzoist Card Supernatural Magic against Ghost 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4522 Sropho Card Cold Magic against Water 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Byalan Dungeon 6
4521 Sedora Card Mortal Blow ATK +10, Crit Damage +15%
30767 Corrupted Duke Card Unbiased Magic against Neutral 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Old Glast Heim
27361 Corrupted Wanderer Card Heavy Blade Physical against Medium & Large 5%, if Sigrun's Wings: 2% absorb 1% damage as SP when attacking
27386 Cursed Raydric Card Moderately Magical MATK +15, if Khalitzburg Knight Card: Magic against Medium & Large 4%
27183 Gigantes Card Onslaught ATK +20, DEF Pierce 1% (Lv 1-2) / 2% (Lv 3) / 3% (Lv 4 Weapon), if Axe: Double DEF Pierce
30769 Roaming Spellbook Card Grounded Magic against Earth 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
30771 Warden Kades Card Warden MATK +25, if Lv 3-4 Weapon: Magic against Neutral, Holy & Shadow 6%
4608 White Knight Card Knight's ATK +10, Physical against Medium & Large 13% / 18% if Khalitzburg Knight Card
27045 Zombie Guard Card of Soul Gathering Magic against Undead Element 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4603 Corruption Root Card (MVP) Evil Spirit ATK +20, 3% Wide Curse, Wide Sleep & Wide Stone when attacking
31019 Creepy Demon Card of Chill Magic against Angel 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Horror Toy Factory
30935 Corrupt Cruiser Card Glorifying Long Physical 8%, 3.5% autocast Lv 3 Gloria when attacking
31023 Celine Kimi Card (MVP) Maniac MATK +10%, 0.5% + (1% per +3) autocast Lv 3 Critical Wound when magically attacking
4627 Big Bell Card Vibration Physical against Formless & Demon 10%,
if Neo Punk Card: DEF Pierce against Formless & Demon 10%
Nightmare Clock Tower
4626 Big Ben Card Echo Magic against Formless & Demon 2% (Lv 1-2) / 5% (Lv 3-4 Weapon),
if Neo Punk Card: MDEF Pierce against Formless & Demon 10%
27349 Rigid Explosion Card Blessed Magic against Shadow 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Magma Dungeon 3
600100 Neo Mineral Card Iron-Cracking Physical against Neutral 20% Einbech Dungeon 3
600144 Tumblering Card Anti-Venom Magic against Poison 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) Rock Ridge
4473 Ancient Tree Card Undead Magic against Undead Race 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon) New World
4472 Bradium Golem Card Carnivore Magic against Brute 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4471 Draco Egg Card Draco Magic against Dragon 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4469 Naga Card Marine Magic against Fish 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4470 Nepenthes Card Botany Magic against Plant 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4476 Pinguicula Card Entomic Magic against Insect 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4463 Tendrillion Card Prime Attack Crit Chance +5 / +10 if +7, if +9: Crit Damage +10%
4464 Aunoe Card Fatal Crit Damage +20% Guild Dungeon
4468 Beholder Master Card Straight Shooting Long Physical 3%, if Ranged Weapon / Huuma: ASPD +5%
4475 Cobalt Mineral Card Intangible Magic against Formless 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4465 Fanat Card Sweep ATK +10, if 2-Handed Sword: ASPD +5%
4477 Hell Apocalypse Card Demonic Magic against Demon 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)
4474 Zakudam Card Mortal Magic against Demihuman 3% (Lv 1-2) / 8% (Lv 3-4 Weapon)


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
4663 Leaf Lunatic Card Pretty Max HP +150 Lasagna Fields
30351 Blue Moon Loli Ruri Card Soothing INT +2, Heal Power 10%, SP Consumption +10% Niflheim Dungeon
30352 Disguiser Card Artillery DEX +1, if +9: Long Physical 5%
4524 King Dramoh Card of Swordman Each +3: STR +1 Byalan Dungeon 6
27122 Curupira Card Tidal Wave Magic against Water 5% / 10% if +9 Brasilis
27125 Headless Mule Card Aqua Benedict Magic against Fire 5% / 10% if +9
27124 Jaguar Card Hunter's Magic against Wind 5% / 10% if +9
27123 Toucan Card Insect Collector's Magic against Poison 5% / 10% if +9
30774 Royal Druid Card Magic Piercing INT +1, if +9: MDEF Pierce 5% Old Glast Heim
30768 Undead Noble Card Spell Slinger DEX +1, Cast Delay -5%
27363 Polluted Dark Lord Card (MVP) Doom STR +2, DEF Pierce against Boss 30%
27351 Rigid Sky Deleter Card of Dragon Heart VIT +1, Max HP +100 Magma Dungeon 3
27170 Shotgun Buffalo Bandit Card of Dust Each +2: LUK +1 Rock Ridge
27159 Uzhas Card Demon Hunter's Magic against Earth 5% / 10% if +9 Moscovia
27162 Gopinich Card Soul Steal +5 SP when attacking, SP Consumption +50%
4468 Dark Pinguicula Card Pollution ATK +10, 0.2% gain Aloe when monster killed New World
4458 Duneyrr Card of Illusion ATK +10, 1% Perfect Dodge +10 for 4 seconds when attacking
4461 Phylla Card of Sharp AGI +1, DEX +1, 1.5% Crit Chance +20 for 4 seconds when attacking
4459 Rata Card of Fast INT +2, 3% Cast Delay -20% for 7 seconds when magically attacking


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
30353 Ghost Cube Card Spiritual Sacrificing Max HP +8%, Max SP -5%, if Quve Card: Max HP +7% Niflheim Dungeon
30354 Lude Gal Card Soul Sacrificing Max HP -8%, Max SP +5%, if Lude Card: Max SP +5%
4525 Kraken Card (MVP) Sweeping Magic against Water 10%, Enable Lv 1 Deluge Byalan Dungeon 6
27126 Boitata Card (MVP) Python Physical against Wind, Earth, Insect & Brute 40% Brasilis
27381 Himmelmez Card (MVP) - Physical against Undead, Ghost, Demihuman & Undead Race 40% Old Glast Heim
4632 Owl Marquees Card Current Insect & Demon except Boss cannot detect concealing Nightmare Clock Tower
600102 Jewel Ungoliant Card (MVP) Solid Break Physical against Formless & Plant 40% Einbech Dungeon 3
27174 Elite Revolver Buffalo Bandit Card Sunset ATK +12, if LUK 40+: Crit Damage +5% Rock Ridge
27175 Elite Scimitar Buffalo Bandit Card Small Hunter ATK +12, if STR 70+: DEF Pierce +10%
27157 Wood Goblin Card of Aqua Wood Physical against Water & Earth 7%, Resist Water & Earth Monster -7% Moscovia
4462 Hardrock Mammoth Card Prime Defense DEF +5, if +7: Max HP +10%, if +9: Max HP +3% New World
4456 Nidhoggur's Shadow Card (MVP) Spell Master INT +5, Resist all Status Effect +30%


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
4660 Scout Basilisk Card of Will Resist Small 20%, Medium 15%, Large 10% Dragon Nest
30106 Combat Basilisk Card Moderate Resist Medium 20%, but Large -15%
4661 Charge Basilisk Card of Strength Resist Large 20%, but Medium -15%
4609 Khalitzburg Knight Card Knight's Resist Medium & Large 18% but Small -15% Old Glast Heim
30772 Standing Soul Card Shadow Ward Resist Shadow Monster 25%
30802 Unidentified Creature Card (MVP) Perfectly Spaced Perfect Dodge +30, Flee -100 Airship Assault
31018 Evil Dwelling Box Card Frustration Resist Undead Element Monster 25% Horror Toy Factory
4628 Neo Punk Card of Invisible Horror Resist Formless & Demon 20% Nightmare Clock Tower
27353 Rigid Blazer Card of Unliving Barrier Resist Undead Race & Dragon 20% Magma Dungeon 3
27348 Rigid Lava Golem Card Igneous Resist Fire Monster 25%
27346 Muspellskoll Card (MVP) of Howling Resist Long 30%, Fire 30%
600101 Toxious Card Bulletproof Resist Earth Monster 25% Einbech Dungeon 3
27158 Les Card of Windiness Resist Wind Monster 25% Moscovia
4460 Rhyncho Card of Healing Resist Small, Medium & Large 12%, Heal Power +5%,
if Priest: INT +1, if Rose of Eden: Heal Power +5%
New World
2559 Time Keeper Shield[1] 3 VIT +1, Each +1 if +5: Perfect Dodge +1 Craftable Nightmare Clock Tower


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
4667 Hunter Wolf Card Wake HIT +10 Lasagna Fields
30356 Gan Ceann Card Evil Slaying ATK +5, Physical against Shadow 10% Niflheim Dungeon
4523 Pot Dofle Card Aquarius Resist Neutral 15%, Water 10% Byalan Dungeon 6
30773 Bloody Wraith Card Voluptuous Max HP +5% Old Glast Heim
27354 Contaminated Raydric Archer Card Depraved Resist all Element 20% except Neutral -10%
27360 Flame Ghost Card Fire Magic Resist Neutral 15%, Fire 10%
27356 Frozen Gargoyle Card of Frozen Guard Resist Neutral 10%, Melody Strike & Throw Arrow 10%
27359 Ice Ghost Card Cold Magic ATK +5, Physical against Fire 10%
31021 Dancing Marionette Card Madness Resist Neutral 15%, Shadow 10% Horror Toy Factory
31016 Decorated Evil Tree Card of Sorrow ATK +5, Physical against Holy 10%
31020 Malicious Baby Ghost Card of Wrath Resist Neutral 15%, Ghost 10%
4629 Arc Elder Card Sterile Resist Neutral 15%, Each +1: Earth Magic Damage 1% Nightmare Clock Tower
27179 Coyote Card Reinforced Resist Neutral 15%, Earth 10% Rock Ridge
27173 Elite Shotgun Buffalo Bandit Card Dusty INT +2, Magic against Brute 5%
27180 Spider Chariot Card Power Brake 5% autocast Lv 3 Mission Bombard when attacked


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
30348 Death Witch Card (MVP) Smug Max SP -50%, Magic against Demon & Formless 50% Niflheim Dungeon
27121 Piranha Card Serrasalmus Magic against Fish 5% / 10% if +9 Brasilis
27120 Iara Card Recovery Max SP +10%, Status Recovery Cast Delay -50%
30775 Corrupted Bishop Card Bulky INT +1, Max HP +10% Old Glast Heim
27387 Cursed Raydric Archer Card Hearty DEX +1, Max HP +10%
30770 Dark Chimera Card Dodging Max HP +6%, Perfect Dodge +4
4171 Dark Priest Card Soul Drain AGI +1, if Rogue: Autocast Rate +20%
27329 King Schmidt Card (MVP) of Schmidt ATK +25, 7.5% autocast Lv 5 Sonic Blow when attacking
27362 Polluted Spider Queen Card (MVP) of Queen Spider ASPD +5%, Autocast Rate +100%
31022 Abandoned Teddy Bear Card of Despair Max SP +8%, Each +1: Max SP +1%, if +9: DEX -3 Horror Toy Factory
4630 Time Keeper Card of Time Keeper VIT +2, if +9: Max HP & SP +10% Nightmare Clock Tower
27352 Rigid Nightmare Terror Card of Light Wonderer VIT +2, Max HP +5% Magma Dungeon 3
27350 Rigid Earth Deleter Card Crucial AGI +2, Crit Chance +2, Crit Damage +1%
27160 Baba Yaga Card Dodge Each +1: Flee +2 Moscovia
4467 Heavy Metalring Card Heavy STR +2, if merchant: Cart Revolution Damage 50%, SP Cost +12 Guild Dungeon


Item ID Card Pre/Suffix Description Source
4659 Eggring Card Adventurer's Lightning Bolt Cast Time -25%, Damage 25% Lasagna Fields
4668 Trans Spore Card Silky VIT +1, INT +1 Dragon Nest
27354 Contaminated Raydric Card of Deprave Physical against Poison 5% Old Glast Heim
27357 Contaminated Sting Card of Dirty Glove AGI +3
30777 Mutating Prisoner Card Earthen Earth Spike Cast Time -25%, Damage 25%
30776 Royal Clergy Card Stormy INT +1, DEX +1, if Ninja: Water & Wind Magic 7%
30800 Brain Sucker Card Brain Sucking STR +1, ATK +5, 5% EXP from Plant Airship Assault
30801 Grave Worm Card Mildly Magical INT +1, MDEF Pirece +2%, 5% EXP from Plant
30799 Moskillro Card Mosquito DEX +1, ATK +5, 5% EXP from Plant
31017 Vicious Cookie Card of Hatred Physical against Holy 5% Horror Toy Factory
4631 Owl Viscount Card Volant ASPD +3% Nightmare Clock Tower
27347 Rigid Kaho Card Melting Physical against Fire 5% Magma Dungeon 3
27171 Revolver Buffalo Bandit Card of Sunset DEX +2, ATK +8 Rock Ridge
27172 Scimitar Buffalo Bandit Card Sharp Sword STR +2, ATK +8
27161 Mavka Card Land Blast INT +1, DEX +1, if Ninja: Fire & Earth Magic 7% Moscovia


Item ID Item Description Note Source
30121 Can of Anchovies Use to get 5 Delicious Anchovies Lasagna Fields etc
11601 Delicious Anchovy Restores 70~120 HP
12234 Fierce Cacao Recovers 5% HP
12235 Chocolate Strawberry Recovers 5% SP
22985 Basil Recovers 5 SP per 10 seconds for 3 minutes. Big Eggring Instance Dragon Nest
30143 Bundle of Stems Use to get 50 Stems


Item ID Item Description Note Source
25728 Rough Shadowdecon Convert 5 to Nathaniel for 1 Shadowdecon Niflheim Dungeon etc
25730 Rough Zelunium Convert 5 to Nathaniel for 1 Zelunium
25729 Shadowdecon Niflheim craftable gear ingredient
25731 Zelunium
11605 Bat Cookie Scatleton Pet Egg & Evolve ingredient Niflheim Dungeon &
Halloween Event
11616 Yummy Meat
25408 Memory of Gyoll