Patch A.3.7

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Under Construction

This patch is not yet live. For now, refer to Patch A.3.6 for the latest changes.

Map Adjustments

Nightmare Clock Tower 3

1.) Big Bells are now 40% faster.

2.) Big Bells spawns increased by 20% (from 150 > 180)

General Adjustments

1.) Monsters chase AI updated to refresh every 3 cells instead of every 30 cells. (this is old rathena behavior we had a long time ago. this basically means mobs will not run to the end of where you were when chasing and instead follow you more "normally". This makes it harder to "lose" them when you are trying to shake one, but easier to "keep" them when mobbing since their pathing will constantly update.)

Bug Fixes

1.) Show me the zeny is now properly a lower headgear and not a costume.