Spiral Pierce

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Spiral Pierce.png Spiral Pierce
Spiral Pierce Info.gif
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5 (Selectable)
SP Cost: (15 + (Skill level*3))
Cast Time: (1 - DEX/150) seconds
Cast Delay: (1 + (Skill Level*0.2)) seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: 5 cells
Weapon: Spear
(Knight) Pierce Lv. 5, Spear Mastery Lv. 10, Spear Stab Lv. 5


Spiral Pierce is a 5-hit ranged attack that derives most of its damage from the weight of the Spear used. The opponent cannot move for one second while the five hits of Clashing Spiral are dealt (similar to being crit locked). At level 5, it has a one-second cast time and a two-second after-cast delay.

Level ATK SP Cost Cast Time Cast Delay
1 150% 18 0.3 1.2
2 200% 21 0.5 1.4
3 250% 24 0.7 1.6
4 300% 27 0.9 1.8
5 350% 30 1 2


  • Spiral Pierce bypasses defense.
  • Requires its user to be wielding a Spear.
  • Has a unique size penalty.
  • Recommended levels are 5 or 1.


  • Formula: [(weaponweight*0.8*skillmod)+strbonus+weaponupgrades]*damagemodifiers*5
  • Most ATK is not calculated into Spiral Pierce's damage. Things such as Spear Mastery/Weapon Masteries, Andre cards, or base weapon ATK will not add damage. However, weapon upgrades do (the damage they add is not random, such as on normal melee attacks).
  • When Clashing Spiral misses, you will do the same damage as your weapon upgrades normally add to Clashing Spiral.
  • Racial/elemental/size cards or items that multiply the final damage by a percentage, such as The Sign, will add damage.
  • Every 10 STR adds a set amount of damage to Spiral Pierce that can be multiplied by cards, The Sign, or similar items.
STR New Damage Added Total Damage from STR
10 +5 5
20 +15 20
30 +25 45
40 +35 80
50 +45 125
60 +55 180
70 +65 245
80 +75 320
90 +85 405
100 +95 500
110 +105 605
120 +115 720
130 +125 845

Cast Time & Delay

  • At level 5, each point of DEX reduces Spiral's cast time by 1/150th of a second. The formula for the base cast time is ((150 - dex)/150) seconds or (1 - dex/150) seconds.
  • Any cards, equipment, or items that add DEX will reduce the cast time. As well as skills like Suffragium or Magic Strings.
  • Magic Strings also reduces the after-cast delay.

Knight & Lord Knight
2nd Class
Bowling Bash • Brandish Spear • Cavalier Mastery • Charge Attack • Counter Attack • One-Hand Quicken • Peco Peco Ride • Pierce • Spear Boomerang • Spear Mastery • Spear Stab • Twohand Quicken
Aura Blade • Spiral Pierce • Berserk • Parrying • Tension Relax • Concentration • Head Crush • Joint Beat
Quests Knight Job Change Guide • Knight Skill Quest • Rebirth Walkthrough
Weapons One Handed Swords • Spears • Two-Handed Swords