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- @commands - Displays a list of @ commands available to the player.
- @rates - Displays the server rates.
- @bingbing - Pivot your character counter-clockwise in the same cell.
- @refresh - Synchronizes the player's position on the client with the one stored on the server.
- @bangbang - Pivot your character clockwise in the same cell.
- @fastregen - Toggle the sitting (fast) regeneration effect. Upon sitting a player will regen 3% Max HP/SP per second when active.
- @nopettalk - Toggle view pet chat dialog.
- @hidepet - Toggle view of pet.
- @noks - Toggles Kill Steal Protection.
- @time - Displays the local server time, along with day/night information.
- @showexp - Toggles the display of experience gain messages.
- @changedress - Removes all character costumes.
- @request - Sends a message to all connected GMs (via the GM whisper system).
- @refresh - Synchronizes the player's position on the client with the one stored on the server.
- @autotrade - Allows you continue vending offline, then logs off.
- @ii / @iteminfo <item name/ID> - Displays item information (type, price, weight, drops).
- @nodroploot / @droploot <+/- item name/ID> - Stops autolooting a specified item. Can reset list with @droploot reset, can view list with @droploot list.
- @shopjump - Warps to the desired shop by name.
- @wb <+refine> <item name/ID> - Search buying stores for a specific item.
- @ws <+refine> <item ID> <card ID> <option ID> <option value> - Search vending stores for a specific item.
- @whosell <item name/ID> - List who is vending the item (amount, price, and location).
- @autoloottype <+/- type name/ID> - Starts or stops autolooting a specified item type. Can reset with @autoloottype reset.
- @alootid <+/- item name/ID> - Starts or stops autolooting a specified item. Can reset list with @alootid reset, can view list with @alootid list.
- @showrare <%> - Toggle view of self announce for dropped items in your specified percent range.
- @whobuy - List who is buying the item (amount, price, and location).
- @cartlist - Displays your player cart contents.
- @identifyall - Identify all unappraised items in your inventory.
- @autoloot <%> - Enables or disables autolooting items from killed mobs.
- @itemcaptor - Opens up NPC dialog for a bad luck protection system. Using 1 Green Silvervine and 100,000 Zeny to lock in the desired drop from a mob that after 4,000 kills will grant you the desired item if it never dropped before then.
- @whereis - Displays the maps in which monster normally spawns.
- @whodrops - Displays a list of mobs which drop the specified item. (Only the highest drop rates are shown.)
- @mi / @mobinfo / @monsterinfo - Displays detailed information such as HP, EXP, and stats of the monster you specified.
- @spotlight - Displays the active EXP boosted monster type(s) and location(s) via NPC dialog. EXP boosted is equivalent to listed number(s) in parenthesis.
- @killcount <monster ID> - Displays the desired monster kill amount from the last 7 days.
- @bigmvp - Toggle MVP view from normal to big size for easier visibility.
- @wiki - Opens up NPC dialog with the Wiki Master to link to important Wiki articles.
- @eventexp - Opens up NPC dialog with Annie to earn a 100% EXP buff in exchange for 30 Starfish Tokens. (Must be level 30.)
- @bountyquest - Opens up NPC dialog with Bounty Quest to accept and/or turn in Bounty Quest(s).
- @settings - Opens up NPC dialog with Login Settings to configure certain @commands upon login to your game.
- @lasafigure - Opens up NPC dialog with Lazy Father to a Lasagna quest for Class Figures.
- @guildskill <EC/RS/RG/BO> - Guild Leader command, allows command use of certain Guild skills.
- @resurrect <player name> - Raise a specific player by name, resurrection item(s)/skill are still consumed/used.
- @order <message> - Guild Leader command, allows mass announce to guild members.
- @woepart - When War of Emperium is active, xxx
- @dailyexp - Grants to player a daily EXP buff once a day!
- @reportafk - Report a team player for being AFK in Battlegrounds.
- @votekick - Vote on an a team player for being AFK in Battlegrounds.
- @listenbg - Turn off announcements for Battlegrounds.
- @voteleader - Vote to change leader for your team in Battlegrounds.
- @leavebg - Leave the current round of Battlegrounds.
- @joinbg - Join the current round of Battlegrounds.
- '@autojoinbg - Auto-join the concurrent round(s) of Battleground until deactivated.
- @clearbgsupplies - Clear inventory of Battleground only item(s).
- @homtalk <message> - Command what the player's homunculus will say.
- @hominfo - Displays homunculus stats in different formats.
- @homstats - Displays homunculus stats in different formats.