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13.) Fruit Pom Spider's Old Blue Box drop rate increased from 3.94% > 5.38%
13.) Fruit Pom Spider's Old Blue Box drop rate increased from 3.94% > 5.38%
14.) Fruit Pom Spider's Yggdrasil Berry drop rate increased from 3.94% > 4.90%
====General Adjustments====
====General Adjustments====

Revision as of 08:43, 5 August 2024

Under Construction

This patch is not yet live. For now, refer to Patch A.3.6 for the latest changes.

Map Adjustments

Nightmare Clock Tower 3

1.) Big Bells are now 20% faster.

2.) Big Bells spawns increased by 20% (from 150 > 180)

Lasagna Dungeon 2

Toning Down Lasa 2 slightly so it can fulfill a solo oriented experience around 90-99 for players without having to burn through very high amounts of consumables (mostly for melee classes). We like that this map is a harder option and more for doing after having done places like NCT/HTF, but feel its still overtuned and not rewarding enough as well. Upping the exp to match the difficult and improving drops slightly. With buffs to EXP we need to make sure they are appropriately hard for magic classes, however, so their MDEF will be increased a bit.

1.) Combat Basilisk Attack ranged reduced from 1237-1784 > 989-1427

2.) Combat Basilisk Oridecon and Elunium drop rate raised from 4.90% > 9.61%

3.) Combat Basilisk Old Blue Box drop rate raised from 3.94% > 4.9%

4.) Combat Basilisk Base EXP Raised from 48,968 > 100,068

5.) Combat Basilisk Job EXP Raised from 41,814 > 94,7777

6.) Combat Basilisk Bash Level lowered from 7 > 5, and cooldown increased to 20 seconds from 5.

7.) Combat Basilisk Critical Slash cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 30 seconds.

8.) Combat Basilisk Magic defense increased from 15 > 30.

9.) Fruit Pom Spider Base EXP Raised from 39,219 > 94,593

10.) Fruit Pom Spider Job EXP Raised from 34,605 > 87,669

11.) Fruit Pom Spider has an extra drop of Cobweb at 100%

12.) Fruit Pom Spider's Fruit Basket drop rate increased from 11.89% > 30.43%

13.) Fruit Pom Spider's Old Blue Box drop rate increased from 3.94% > 5.38%

14.) Fruit Pom Spider's Yggdrasil Berry drop rate increased from 3.94% > 4.90%

General Adjustments

1.) Monsters chase AI updated to refresh every 3 cells instead of every 30 cells. (this is old rathena behavior we had a long time ago. this basically means mobs will not run to the end of where you were when chasing and instead follow you more "normally". This makes it harder to "lose" them when you are trying to shake one, but easier to "keep" them when mobbing since their pathing will constantly update.)

Bug Fixes

1.) Show me the zeny is now properly a lower headgear and not a costume.