Episode A 4 0 Rock Ridge

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Under Construction

This patch is not yet live, please prefer to Patch A.3.7 for the latest update.

Acolyte and Priest Rework

So we're doing a class update here thats a bit smaller in scope than the upcoming Soul Ascetic rework. (for those of you wondering how we squeezed this in so easily). First, I'll give you the reasoning for why Acolyte is being targeted. There are 4 primary reasons:

1.) First Job party leveling is non-existent, and as we adjust maps with early game leveling together in mind, we wanted to make sure that Acolyte felt like a true support class. We'll also be updating all the other classes too like we did with merchant who can now be a proper dps in a party and provide aspd buffs to those who can wear appropriate weapons. As all the classes get done we hope to have a fully realized group of first classes that mesh well together and still feel good to play solo.

2.) Take an opportunity to both take pressure off hard needing a priest in a party, but also taking pressure off priests in parties themselves. By having more classes that can provide some level of real support, then the need for priest to do "everything" is less. Champions being able to do some stuff that was formerly exclusive to priest will help them join parties more, especially those MVP builds that can't really tank but want to join parties. They'll now be able to play a pseudo priest role in a pinch, although without the new abilities priest is getting, priest is not going to be replaced entirely. This is more about opening up the game. And yes, we're aware now that Super Novice can actually provide a true support role in parties, something we are also happy with the idea of. With 3 classes now that can provide support, it will be a bit easier to be inclusive and also get some pressure off priests when these other classes are visible.

3.) There are other ways to take pressure off priest as well though, and thats by directly making them smoother to play. Obviously with a lot of priest skills shifting into the Acolyte tree, priest will need proper replacements. The direction we decided to go was to shift priest into the better of the support styles. If you liked acolyte's support style as a first job, you'll become a priest and become even better at it. Priests will be more of the same but with area of effect capabilities for their party allowing them to better apply buffs to their entire party easily and quickly. Much as we've seen with the Canto and Clementia additions. So things like Kyrie will now have Status Recovery will have AOE options, and some useless fat like Slow Poison is now cut entirely in favor of a new AOE cleansing skill. And before you ask, no there is still not an AOE assumptio. It's not happening. Give up on that dream.

4.) Lastly make priest's skill tree feel satisfying is a big goal of the update. It may seem counter-intuitive to do this by removing a lot of the more powerful skills and shift them to acolyte, but by replacing them with even more powerful and easy to use skills we think they will feel good about their tree. We're also reducing a lot of the skill fast by reducing skill points across the board in both trees, and adding in some new skills that fill some much needed voids we've identified for priest. Also taking the opportunity to make clunky skills not clunky, like BSS Sacramenti.

Acolyte Adjustments

1.) Increase AGI Skill Points: 10 > 5 (same strength at 5 as it was previously at 10, although the agi per points scales slightly differently)

2.) Increase AGI HP cost requirement is also removed.

3.) Increase AGI SP Costs are now the Level 1-5 requirements so this is an effective SP cost buff.

4.) Blessing Skill Points: 10 > 5 (same strength at 5 as it was previously at 10)

5.) Blessing SP Costs are now the Level 1-5 requirements so this is an effective SP cost buff.

6.) Warp Portal Skill Points: 4 > 2

7.) Warp Portal SP Costs are now the Level 3/4 requirements which is an effective SP cost buff.

NOTE: Works the same, but now you get all 3 memos with Level 2 in addition to your save point memo at level 1. This basically just clears up 2 skill points.

8.) Heal Skill Points: 10 > 5 (same strength at 5 as it was previously at 10)

9.) Heal SP Costs are now the Level 1-5 requirements so this is an effective SP cost buff.

10.) Kyrie Eleison moved to the Acolyte Skill Tree. Still requires Angelus 2.

11.) Kyrie Eleison skill points lowered from 10 > 5. Strength at 5 is the same as it previously was at Level 10, albeit scaling is different now.

12.) Kyrie Eleison SP Costs are now the Level 1-5 requirements so this is an effective SP Cost buff.

13.) Angelus Skill Points: 10 > 5 (same strength at 5 as it was previously at 10)

14.) Angelus now grants 100 flat HP per skill rank when used. (Maxes out at 500 HP at Level 5)

15.) Increase SP Recovery moved from Priest to Acolyte Skill tree.

16.) Increase SP Recovery skill points: 10 > 5. Strength at 5 is the same as it previously was at Level 10, albeit scaling is a different now.

17.) Status Recovery moved from Priest to Acolyte Skill tree.

18.) Resurrection moved from the Priest to the Acolyte Skill tree. Pre-reqs remain the same. (level 4 increase sp recovery, and status recov)

19.) Decrease AGI base success rate increased from 50% > 70%.

-NOTE: This means at rank 10 it has a base success rate of 100% , but it still considers your base level and int for further success rate percentage and your success rate is still reduced by the enemy's MDEF.

20.) Holy Light no longer requires a quest to learn and is now learned automatically upon becoming an Acolyte.

Super Novice Adjustments

All Acolyte adjustments also affect Super Novice, this means they also get all the new skills added to their tree in addition to the reworked Acolyte skills.

Priest Adjustments

1.) Praefatio added to the Priest Skill tree, replaces Kyrie Eleison.

 -Requires Level 5 Kyrie to Learn.
 -15x15 AoE, 120 second duration for the Kyrie Status.
 -Cast time is same as Canto Candidus and Clementia
 -Has a 30 second cooldown, unlike Canto and Clementia which do not have any.
 -Has no after cast delay
 -Has a flat SP cost of 150.

2.) Canto Candidus and Clementia moved to Priest from High Priest Tree. (still require level 5 blessing or increase agi to learn)

3.) Slow Poison Removed from Priest skill tree.

4.) Duple Light added to High Priest skill tree, replaces Slow Poison.

 -Requires Level 5 Mace Mastery to learn, costs up to 10 skill points. 
 -Proc chance consistent with vanilla renewal. (30% at max rank)
 -ATK ratio = 110% + 9% per skill level. (200% ATK ratio at max rank)
 -MATK ratio = 300% + 25% per skill level. (550% MATK ratio at max rank)

5.) Demon Bane no longer gives mastery attack, the skill now gives 0.5% physical damage to demon and undead race monsters per rank. (up to 5% at rank 10)

6.) Kyrie Eleison and Assumptio statuses can now stack on the same character at the same time, but Assumptio's effectiveness is halved while Kyrie is active on the player. (this means Assumptio only reduces 25% damage while Kyrie is on them)

7.) Clearance added to Priest skill tree. Replaces status recovery.

  -Applies status recovery to all nearby party members in 15x15 AOE (same as canto candidus/clementia)
  -Has a 60 second cooldown and 240 SP cost. 

8.) BSS Sacramenti no longer requires 2 other acolytes nearby to be cast. Also has a new 30 second cooldown.

9.) Religio added to the High Priest skill tree.

-Similar to clearance, is an AOE status recov type effect, but for different statuses.
-Cleanses Confusion, Blind, Silence, Hallucination, Bleeding, Deep Sleep, and Critical Wounds on the party. 

10.) Suffragium can now be cast on self at 50% effectiveness. This means it reduces your next cast by 7.5/15/22.5% when used on self.

11.) Holy Light no longer affected by Spirit Status (Priest Soul Link)

-Damage ratio adjusted: Now has a 300% MATK ratio as Acolyte/Monk/Champion, and a 625% MATK as a Priest/High Priest. (this is same value as linked holy light before)
-When hitting an enemy with holy light that enemy takes 10% increased holy property magic damage from the caster who applied the status. (i.e. if you hit with holy light, then magnus will deal 10% more damage to that mob that was hit)

12.) Judex added to High Priest skill tree.

-No longer area of effect. Only single target.
-Now fully pierces Magic Defense of Demon Race targets.
-Now deals 20% Bonus Damage to Demon race targets, this bonus is instead 100% if the target is also an MVP monster. 
-No longer gains bonus damage based off the user's level.
-5 Skill Points down from 10.
-75% + 100% MATK ratio per skill point up to 575% MATK. 

13.) Turn Undead's LUK scaling ratio increased from 0.1% success rate per point in LUK to 0.3% success rate per point. (skill still caps at 70% success rate)

14.) Meditation no longer requires Lex Divina and Aspersio as a pre-requisite, only requires SP Recovery Level 5.

15.) Mana Recharge (Spiritual Thrift) now requires Level 10 Meditation instead of Demon Bane Level 10 and Mace Mastery Level 10.

16.) Magnus Exorcismus no longer requires Safety Wall 1 to be learned.

Map Adjustments

A lot of adjustments coming here, but these will need a bit of a preface to explain. The early leveling experience on Alfheim was bolstered with the addition of Lasagna, but over time its become very clear that Lasagna has in many ways been a detriment long term even though its mostly a net positive. Relative to its difficulty, its incredibly efficient to the point people can often stay at Dragon's Nest until Base Level 80. Which is not something we really want to see. That said, we do still want Lasagna to feel good early on if you aren't sure where to go and need a safe reliable place to get EXP.

We also want to make sure you have a reason to explore the world and try other locations or other mobs, or maybe take on more of a challenge for a better reward. Given that Lasagna is kinda near the cap of what we want leveling speed to be, it only means we should probably shave off some of Lasagna's top end and start to buff other areas so the more challenging areas are the directions to go instead of Lasagna.

Note that we expect a lot of the new buffed locations to be as good as pre patch Lasagna or in some cases even better. We're also considering that with some of the locations that might be better, we might as see more people party together at lower levels even if its only duo since taking them on solo might be a bit rough without consumables, but with an acolyte there to heal you or more homies to beat up the mob faster, it will be more efficient.

Obviously we can't do this all in one patch so in the short term this means a bit of a reduction in first job leveling speed for anyone who doesn't go to the newly buffed locations, but its a necessary thing for the long term in our eyes.

We're also aware that a big reason why people stay at Dragon's Nest until level 80 is that there is no middleground safer location post level 60-65 for people as the jump in difficulty and challenge spikes a little bit too high still. Louyang was a step in the right direction but for a newbie with only paradise gears, you are kinda out of options right now so we'll be looking at that as well.

NOTE: The numbers in parentheses [i.e (1.0)] is the EXP to HP ratio.

Rachel Field 8 (ra_fild08)

Pretty basic changes here, more cute rocks, no more drosera trolls, and better drops over all. This is mostly as an addition to the new Rock Ridge bounty quests for paradise newbies. Mages will be encouraged to come here first instead of necessarily going Byalan to provide different options.

Spawn Changes

1.) Drosera: 20 > 0

2.) Stapo: 100 > 200

Stapo Stats

Move Speed: Slowed down by 67%

Element: Earth 2 > Earth 3

HP: 666 > 1066

Base EXP: 996 (1.5) > 1599 (1.5)

Job EXP: 663 (1.0) > 1,065 (1.0)

INT: 11 > 1

Stapo Drops

Large Jellopy: 4.90% > 67.23%

Orange: Added > 40.95%

Emerald: Added > 4.90%

Rough Elunium: Added > 4.90%

Box of Drowsiness: Added > 1.49%

Honey Herbal Tea: Added > 1%

Newbie Blue Gemstone: Added > 9.61%

Wizard Hat: Added > 0.15%

Jellopy: Removed

Jubilee: Removed

Apple: Removed

Green Live: Removed

Seismic Fist: Removed

Byalan Dungeon F2 (iz_dun01)


Goal of map is to give a good location to level right out of the gate upon becoming first job similar to Lasagna Fields but with a bit less wasted EXP since the HP pools are a bit smaller here. EXP ratios are actually better since the mobs hit slightly harder, and have a bit more resistances in some ways. We've upped their resistances on some mobs in some ways to make sure its not literally 0, but thats just to justify the higher ratios than Lasagna Fields.

Vadon Stats

Magic Defense: 0 > 9

EXP: 405 (0.4) > 1,017 (1.0)

Job EXP: 255 (0.25) > 864 (0.85)

Vadon Drops

Rough Elunium: 1.98% > 4.90%

Garlet: Removed

Crystal Mirror: Added > 3.94%

Elemental Converter(Water): Added > 1%

Solid Shell: 4.90% > 83.19%

Blue Gemstone: Removed

Newbie Blue Gemstone: Added > 9.61%

Crystal Blue: Removed

Cornutus Stats

Magic Defense: 0 > 7

EXP: 720 (0.44) > 2,187 (1.35)

Job EXP: 447 (0.27) > 1,539 (0.95)

Cornutus Drops

Blue Gemstone: Removed

Newbie Blue Gemstone: Added > 9.61%

Crystal Blue: Removed

Elemental Converter(Water): Added > 1%

Solid Shell: 40.95% > 83.19%

Scell: Removed

Conch: 98.15% > 100%

Rough Elunium: 2.62% > 4.90%


HP: 507 > 707

EXP: 134 (0.26) > 531 (0.75)

Job EXP: 84 (0.16) > 495 (0.7)

Kukre Drops

Worm Peeling: 98.15% > 100%

Garlet: 18.46% > 83.19%

Crystal Blue: Removed

Elemental Converter(Water) Added > 0.50%

Red Herb: Removed

Insect Feeler: Removed

Monster's Feed: Removed

Can of Anchovies: Added > 22.62%

Newbie Blue Gemstone: Added > 3.45%

Marina Stats

Defense: 0 > 9

Magic Defense : 5 > 15

EXP: 654 (0.3) > 2,298 (1.1)

Job EXP: 420 (0.2) > 1,776 (0.86)

Marina Drops

Blue Gemstone: Removed

Newbie Blue Gemstone: Added > 10.53%

Crystal Blue: Removed

Elemental Converter(Water): Added > 1.24%

Mystic Frozen: Removed

Single Cell: Removed

Sticky Mucus: Removed

Crystal Mirror: Added > 4.42%

Tentacle: Added > 100%

Orange: Added > 50.16%

Rough Elunium: Added > 5.86%


1.) Planktons: 10 > 0

2.) Kukre: 50 > 30

3.) Marina: 15 > 50

4.) Hydra: 30 > 0

5.) Vadon: 60 > 90

6.) Cornutus: 15 > 20 (now all instant respawn)

Byalan Dungeon F3 (iz_dun02)


This should be your next natural stepping stone after choosing to level at Byalan Dungeon F2. We want it to be a viable option to simply progress through the dungeon along the way.

These mobs are noticeably a bit stronger than your Eggrings and Leaf Lunatics of the world so we gave them appropriate EXP given the new overhaul.

We also added in a ton of goodies for newbies since this is around the level range we want the drops to start feeling good. We also took the opportunity to make Marse a good place to farm grapes for those who so wish as established players and take advantage of our Galapago pet.

This floor could be used up until job 50, but we're anticipating players to go to the next step of their journey before then and transition to their next leveling spot.

Obeaune Stats

Defense: 0 > 15

Magic Defense: 40 > 25

DEX: 74 > 23

VIT: 31 > 1

Attack Range: 141-165 > 111-135

EXP: 1,932 (0.49) > 5,139 (1.3)

Job EXP: 1,221 (0.31) > 3954 (1.0)

Obeaune Drops

Aquamarine: Removed

Rough Oridecon: Added > 9.61%

Free Ticket For Kafra Transportation: Added at 11.89%

Fin: 12.5% > 100%

Witherless Rose: 1.5% > 1.98%

Mystic Frozen: Removed

Can of Anchovies: Added > 40.95%

Marse Stats

Defense: 0 > 15

Magic Defense: 5 > 12

Attack Range: 211-252 > 120-145

DEX: 52 > 25

VIT: 25 > 1

EXP: 1,758 (0.35) > 6,042 (1.2)

Job EXP: 1,110 (0.22) > 5,034 (1.0)

Marse Drops

Grape: 14.13% > 40.95%

Blue Gemstone: Removed

Newbie Blue Gemstone: Added > 14.13%

Aquamarine: Removed

Mystic Frozen: Removed

Can of Anchovies: Added > 40.95%

Elemental Converter(Water): Added > 1.98%

Sapphire: Added > 4.90%


1.) Merman: 1 > 0

2.) Marse: 40 > 70

3.) Obeaune: 40 > 60

4.) Hydra: 40 > 0

Ayothaya Dungeon F1

Placeholder Text

Ayothaya Dungeon F2

Placeholder Text

Lasagna Fields


Not much to say here, also improving the drops to match other leveling locations.

Eggring Stats

EXP: 6,063 (1.1) > 4,850 (0.875)

Job EXP: 3,858 (0.7) > 3,086 (0.556)

Eggring Drops

Jellopy: Removed

Stem: Removed

Sticky Mucus: Removed

Phracon: Removed

Fly Wing: Removed

Old Frying Pan: Added > 100%

Blue Herb: 4.42% > 9.61%

Orange: Added > 34.09%

Lemon_Dyestuffs: Added > 3.45%

Rough Elunium: Added > 4.42%

Elemental Converter(Wind): Added > 1%

Newbie Inn Voucher: Added > 1.49%

Leaf Lunatic

EXP: 2,916 (1.1) > 2,332 (0.9)

Job EXP: 2,313 (0.9) > 1,850 (0.72)

Leaf Lunatic Drops

Jellopy: Removed

Clover: Removed

Poison Spore: Removed

Empty Bottle: Removed

Fly Wing: Removed

Phracon: Removed

Aloe Leaflet: Added > 100%

Orange: Added > 26.61%

Blue Herb: Added > 8.68%

Rough Oridecon: Added > 3.45%

Darkgreen Dyestuffs: Added > 2.48%

Newbie Inn Voucher: Added > 1.49%

Four Leaf Clover: Added > 0.25%

Sweet Drops Stats

EXP: 2,190 (0.54) > 1,752 (0.44)

Job EXP: 5,304 (1.33) > 4,243 (1.06)

Sweet Drops...Drops

White Chocolate: 4.90% > 100%

Gift Box: 0.25% > 2.96%

Chocolate Strawberry: 4.90% > 18.46%

Fierce Cacao: 4.90% > 34.09%

Rough Oridecon: Added > 3.94%

Elemental Converter(Fire): Added > 1%

Hunter Wolf Stats

EXP: 2,442 (0.55) > 1,953 (0.44)

Job EXP: 5,901 (1.32) > 4,720 (1.06)

Hunter Wolf Drops

Emveretarcon: Removed

Animal Skin: Removed

Fly Wing: Removed

Orange: 22.62% > 26.61%

Rough Elunium: 1.49% > 3.94%

White Herb: Added > 14.13%

Well-Dried Bone: Added > 2.48%

Zargon: Added > 100%

Dragon's Nest F1


Besides nerfing the EXP were buffing the drops of these locations to be more newbie friendly/oriented so you aren't forced to go to one location but will still benefit loot wise. We want the main determiner of choice to be EXP not loot. Giving a little bit of raw zeny, some desireable drops albeit in a lower amount than other locations, and making sure anchovies are a plenty since sustain is one of the biggest problems for early game players.

Scout Basilisk Stats

EXP: 10,497 (1.1) > 8,397 (0.87)

Job EXP: 8,586 (0.9) > 6,868 (0.72)

Scout Basilisk Drops

Rough Oridecon: 1% > 4.90%

Rough Elunium: 1.74% > 4.90%

Dragon Canine: 65.13 > 100%

Can of Anchovies: Added > 40.95%

Elemental Converter(Water): Added > 1.98%

1carat Diamond: Added > 4.42

Trans Spore Stats

EXP: 10,245 (1.1) > 8,708 (0.93)

Job EXP: 8,379 (0.9) > 7,122 (0.76)

Trans Spore Drops

Spore Doll: 0.5% > 7.28%

Cluster of Poison Spores: Added > 20%

Blue Herb: Added > 22.62%

Rough Elunium: Added > 5.14%

Rough Oridecoon: Added > 5.14%

Can of Anchovies: Added > 40.95%

Elemental Converter(Water): Added > 2.23%

Soft Blade of Grass: Added > 100%

Poison Spore x 3: Removed

Emveretarcon: Removed

Red Herb: Removed

Fly Wing: Removed

General Adjustments

1.) Kyrie Eleison effects no longer interrupt movement. (similar to what we did with effects like Gloria)

2.) Repentance weapon now proc for Adrenaline Rush increased from 1.5% > 4.5% (still requires combo with Odin's Blessing)

3.) Most Niflheim Dungeon F1 Mobs no longer cast their AOE on chase. Nif F2 mobs that got AOEs added on chase during the A3 update have had their aoes on chase removed.

4.) Priest Spirit and Blacksmith Spirit skills now state that they do literally nothing.

5.) Continental Messenger's no longer automatically talk to you when you walk within 3 cells of them. Their quest remains otherwise unchanged.

6.) Each paradise gear piece now grant 4 soft defense each.

7.) The Test Dummies in Prontera can now properly check if a monster is MVP flagged for purposes of MVP specific bonuses. (like the new Judex skill)

8.) OGH Abbey's Little Demons now have an attack range of 4 allowing them to be further back from their master mob. This should make them easier to click on.

9.) Paradise Quest Line updated to include a few extra steps and give some new items that will make starting out easier.

10.) Wand[0] updated to give the Mage player Level 3 Firebolt, Coldbolt, and Lightning Bolt. This item is also given to you automatically upon becoming a Mage now. Sell price reduced to 1.

Bug Fixes

1.) Safety Whip properly reduces 100% of Severe Rainstorm's Cast Time when the weapon is +7.

2.) AP is no longer removed upon changing maps.

3.) Fixed an issue related to MVP respawn timers.

4.) Slotted Monocle's item combo with memory book and pocket watch now properly functions.

5.) King Schmidt's NPC pressure will no longer target random people outside of its primary target.

6.) FAR, Windwalk, and Platinum Altar no persist through logging out.

7.) Storages now work properly within WOE SE Castles.

8.) Night Watch's Job EXP bar now properly shows up.

9.) OCA/MCA pools updated to include Magma 3 and Einbech 3 cards.

10.) Card Captor Sakura updated to include Einbech Mines 3 cards.

11.) King Schmidt's spells no longer hit his summons.

12.) King Schmidt no longer erroneously double casts his spells sometimes.

13.) King Schmidt's Floral Flare Road cast now has a proper ground indicator when its being cast.