Winter Event Exclusives

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Costume Previews


2021-2022 Preview
Snow Fox (Middle) Snowfox.gif
Bear Backpack (Garment) Bearbackpack.gif
Sparkly Winter Scarf (Lower) Sparklywinterscarf.gif
Pure Love Muffler (Lower) Purelovemuffler.gif
Snowysnow Hat (Upper) Snowysnowhat.gif
Polar Bear Cap (Upper) Polarbearcap.gif
Santa Doll Headband (Upper) Santadollheadband.gif
Rudolph Santa Hat (Upper) Rudolphsantahat.gif
Cookie Hat (Upper) Cookiehat.gif
Twin Pom Santa Hat (Upper) Twinpomsantahat.gif
Let it Snow (Upper) Letitsnow.gif
Shining Santa Poring (Upper) Shiningsantaporing.gif
Frozen Rose (Upper) Frozenrose.gif
Cat Santa Hat (Upper) Catsantahat.gif
Santa Poring Balloon (Upper) Santaporingballoon.gif
Rabbit Knit Hat (Upper) Rabbitknithat.gif
Snow Powder (Garment) Snowpowder.gif
Eremes Scarf (Blue) (Lower) Eremesscarfblue.gif
Gift of Snow (Lower) Giftofsnow.gif
Baby Seal (Middle) Babyseal.gif
Christmas Wreath (Upper) Christmaswreath2.gif
Louse Red Hat (Upper) Lousieredhat.gif
Mini Tree (Upper) Minitree.gif
Rudolph Hairband (Upper) Rudolphhairband.gif
Santa Teddy Bear (Garment) Santateddybear.gif
Snow Head (Upper) Snowhead.gif
Snowman Hat (Upper) Snowmanhat.gif
Winter Coat (Garment) Wintercoat.gif