September 2023 Costume Boxes

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Costume Previews

Sept 2023 Box Previews

Costume Box 1 ExpandPreview
Sheherazade Veil (Upper) Sheherazadeveil.gif
Sheherazade Aura (Middle) Sheherazadeaura.gif
Sheherazade Scarf (Lower) Sheherazadescarf.gif
Sheherazade Tail (Garment) Sheherazadetail.gif
Charle (Middle) Charle.gif
Frosch (Middle) Frosch.gif
Happy Companion (Middle) Happycompanion.gif
Natsu Scarf (Lower) Natsuscarf.gif
Macaron Bunny Hat (Upper) Macaronbunnyhat.gif
Sky of Memory (Upper) Skyofmemory.gif
Costume Box 2 ExpandPreview
Doggy Girl Beret (Upper) Doggygirlberet.gif
Doggy Girl Bowtie (Middle) Doggygirlbowtie.gif
Doggy Girl Wig (Lower) Doggygirlwig.gif
Doggy Girl Tail (Garment) Doggygirltail.gif
Spinning Propeller (Upper) Spinningpropeller.gif
Fluttering Feather (Lower) Flutteringfeather.gif
Helmet of Siegfried (Upper) Helmetofsiegfried.gif
Jitterbug Cap (Upper) Jitterbugcap.gif
Moonlight Bell (Garment) Moonlightbell.gif
Very Cute Doll Hat (Upper) Verycutedollhat.gif
Costume Box 3 ExpandPreview
Asgard Blessing (Middle) Asgardblessing.gif
Black Shiba Inu Hat (Upper) Blackshibainuhat.gif
Einherjar Manteau (Lower) Einherjarmanteau.gif
Firm Wave Hair Wig (Red) (Lower) Firmwavehairwigred.gif
Helm of Angel (Upper) Helmofangel.gif
Nine Tail's Tail (Garment) Ninetailstail.gif
Poring Basket (Garment) Poringbasket.gif
Poring Syringe (Garment) Poringsyringe.gif
Unicorn Helm (Upper) Unicornhelm.gif
Wandering Wolf Hat (Upper) Wanderingwolfhat.gif