Jan 27th Hotfix

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So we....crashed. Sorry guys! We're back up though and it gave us an opportunity to apply some fixes.

Note that because of the crash, WOE is cancelled this week as a precaution while we try to work on the cause of the crash. WOE should return next week barring any major follow up issues.

Bug Fixes and Changes

1.) MVP Field Instances now is consistent amongst all instances and all parties get the same spawn location (is still random when it first generates) so its fair.

2.) TKM/Star Gladiator aligned skills can now be used on the instance version of maps that they are assigned to.

3.) Costume Rental NPC reworked into a Preview NPC instead.

4.) Bounty Quests no longer are counted while you are dead.

5.) Alchemy Efficiency/Greed are now recovered when you skill reset as an Alchemist class.

6.) Endless Tower will no longer give you a negative cooldown if you end the instance early.

7.) Market Searches with @ws and @wb now search 6 times as much from 50 > 300. So you can see more of different items and more of the same item as well! (if this lags the server it will be lowered)

8.) New Command: @wsh . This will prioritize items being sold that are the most expensive rather than the cheapest and list them as such. (for example @wshigh card will bring up the 300 most expensive cards)

        NOTE: there is also the equivalent @wsl which prioritizes lowest price rather than most expensive. 

9.) Cards now properly roll from individual loot roll maps like byalan 6 and thor 3. (and the rest too those are just examples)