Acid Terror

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Acid Terror.png Acid Terror
Acid Terror Info.gif
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5 (Fixed)
SP Cost: 10
Cast Time: 1 second
Cast Delay: 0.5 seconds
Target: Foe
Range: 9 cells
Property: Weapon
Status: Bleeding
Catalyst: 1 Acid Bottle
Status Icon: I BreakArmor.png
(Alchemist) Prepare Potion Lv. 5


Acid Terror is a 2nd class offensive skill available as Alchemist and Biochemist. It throws a bottle of corrosive acid at a single target that will inflict long range physical damage based on both ATK and MATK. It can leave the target Bleeding or break its equipped armor. The Bleeding has a base duration of 120 seconds. Each cast consumes 1 Acid Bottle unless under the effects of Alchemy Efficiency.

Skill Level ATK ratio MATK ratio Bleeding chance Armor Break chance
1 230% 140% 3% 3%
2 360% 180% 6% 7%
3 490% 220% 9% 10%
4 620% 260% 12% 12%
5 750% 300% 15% 13%


  • Damage can be blocked by Pneuma, the chance to apply Bleeding and breaking armor remains.
  • Kyrie Eleison and Auto Guard block both the damage and the chance of breaking armor.
  • When the armor break occurs, the affected entity will display the "/omg" emote.
  • The damage can be increased with ATK or % damage cards, but status cards have no effect.
  • It is not affected by enemy MDEF, even though it has a MATK ratio.
  • It carries weapon element and has a chance to miss.
  • This attack hits by the attack ratio divided into a bundle of 5 hits. For the purposes of skills like Lex Aeterna, this skill is treated as one hit.