Temporal Boots

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At the Old Glast Heim towers you will find Hugin at ogh_in178165. When you talk to him he'll explain that he can craft you the temporal boots as well as give you the option to upgrade them once you get them. Every pair of boots requires 1 Temporal Crystal of a specific type to not only craft it, but upgrade it at various tiers along the way. Most maps only drop one temporal crystal type, but some drop multiple, and party maps typically drop multiple as well. However, you can exchange any 2 for 1 with Domun (4_M_KID1) at ogh_in178165 if you end up preferring other maps to farm on.


Once boots are crafted, materials are consumed and there's no going on back for those boots. So make sure you choose wisely! However, you can create as many pairs of boots as you like, you'll just have to pay the cost again.

Boots Stat Item Bonuses Temporal Crystal Materials
Temporalboots str.gif STR If Base STR is 90 or greater: 3 DEF, 3 MDEF, 12% DEF Pierce, 12 ATK Temcrystal vio.gif Violet
6608.png 1000 Coagulated Spell
2424.png 5 Tidal Shoes
2422.png 5 High Fashion Sandals
2440.png 5 Sprint Shoes
Temporalboots agi.gif AGI If Base AGI is 90 or greater: 3 DEF, 3 MDEF, 5% ASPD, 10% auto attack damage. Temcrystal ivo.gif Ivory
6608.png 1000 Coagulated Spell
2424.png 5 Tidal Shoes
2422.png 5 High Fashion Sandals
2440.png 5 Sprint Shoes
Temporalboots vit.gif VIT If Base VIT is 90 or greater: 3 DEF, 5 MDEF, 1 VIT, 12% Max HP, 15% Increased Healing from items and incoming skills Temcrystal shadow.gif Shadow
6608.png 1000 Coagulated Spell
2424.png 5 Tidal Shoes
2422.png 5 High Fashion Sandals
2440.png 5 Sprint Shoes
Temporalboots int.gif INT If Base INT is 90 or greater: 3 DEF, 3 MDEF, 5% Magic Damage, 10% MDEF Pierce Temcrystal cer.gif Cerulean
6608.png 1000 Coagulated Spell
2424.png 5 Tidal Shoes
2422.png 5 High Fashion Sandals
2440.png 5 Sprint Shoes
Temporalboots dex.gif DEX If Base DEX is 90 or greater: 3 DEF, 3 MDEF, 5% Long Range Damage, 12 ATK Temcrystal vir.gif Viridian
6608.png 1000 Coagulated Spell
2424.png 5 Tidal Shoes
2422.png 5 High Fashion Sandals
2440.png 5 Sprint Shoes
Temporalboots luk.gif LUK 3 CRIT, 6% Critical Damage, 3 MDEF, For every 10 Base LUK up to 90: 1 CRIT, 1% Critical Damage Temcrystal cri.gif Crimson
6608.png 1000 Coagulated Spell
2424.png 5 Tidal Shoes
2422.png 5 High Fashion Sandals
2440.png 5 Sprint Shoes

Selecting Options

Random options for Temporal Boots are no longer random! You can choose which boots you want, but each one has various costs due to the scaling of the options. The total costs to fully upgrade your boots ends up the same total cost so those with less tiers to upgrade will have a higher initial cost and those with more will have a lower initial cost that scales up to the higher values. (i.e. DEF and STR have an exorbitant initial cost while ATK and MATK have a much lower cost to start)

You must select your FIRST option before you can apply the second option no matter what. However, you can choose to upgrade either option after that at your own leisure.

After you select your option you will be given a menu with all the choices and their initial values. It will default to ATK but you can simply choose to back out and choose another option. Don't worry the default choice is to back out so if you were mashing enter you won't accidentally end up with ATK options.

Below you'll find the table your initial options and their associated costs. All initial costs will be in Coagulated Spells and the matching temporal crystal required to craft the boots up above.

Option Slot Initial Value Temporal Crystals Requirements
ATK 1st 5 1
6608.png 240 Coagulated Spell
MATK 1st 5 1
6608.png 240 Coagulated Spell
Max HP 1st 150 1
6608.png 240 Coagulated Spell
Max SP 1st 30 1
6608.png 240 Coagulated Spell
Perfect Dodge 1st 2 1
6608.png 240 Coagulated Spell
CRIT 1st 5 1
6608.png 240 Coagulated Spell
STR 1st 1 1
6608.png 6000 Coagulated Spell
INT 1st 5 1
6608.png 6000 Coagulated Spell
Freeze Resist 1st 20% 1
6608.png 240 Coagulated Spell
Stone Curse Resist 1st 20% 1
6608.png 240 Coagulated Spell

Option Slot Initial Value Temporal Crystals Requirements
Long Range Resist 1st 1% 1
6608.png 2400 Coagulated Spell
Small Size Resist 1st 3 1
6608.png 2400 Coagulated Spell
Medium Size Resist 1st 3 1
6608.png 2400 Coagulated Spell
Large Size Resist 1st 3 1
6608.png 2400 Coagulated Spell
Boss Monster Resist 1st 3 1
6608.png 2400 Coagulated Spell
Heal Power 1st 10 1
6608.png 900 Coagulated Spell
DEF 1st 1 1
6608.png 6000 Coagulated Spell
MDEF 1st 1 1
6608.png 900 Coagulated Spell
Critical Damage 1st 3% 1
6608.png 2400 Coagulated Spell