Patch A.2.4

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Under Construction

Free Performer Job Rings

As some of you may have already realized, there's an animation advantage on the kRO/4th job, job rings for the reverberation skill which makes it more spammable than we originally thought possible. (our initial testing was done with base sprites for gypsy/clown.)

As such you'll see below adjustments for the skill's ratio. But also we have to come up with some kind of a solution for the animation conflict. We've tried many things but for some reason the animation seems forced in the client for us even after editing client side files, source, and more. The TLDR of this is that job rings are a big headache for us relating to this skill.

We really don't want the rings to be pay to win, and while we do have a solution that works server side, it would make the skill even less spammable than the gypsy/clown version of the skill that was already less popular with players.

We'll be embracing the spammable version of the skill, and until we can find a suitable way to remove the animation or force a specific animation that we desire for all the rings to normalize everything across all of them (usually the rings do not have any effect on gameplay) we feel the only thing we can do is make sure everyone gets a job ring for free for clown/gypsy so they are not a pay to win feature.

To be clear, we will continue to try to find a more permanent solution to the issue, but for now this is our way of ensuring that the rings are not pay to win for the sake of integrity with the cash shop.

You can claim them upstairs in the main office from the npc next to the plagiarism npc. Note that you can only have one per performer, and they are master account bound to prevent scam scenarios of people trying to pass them off as normal job rings. (they can only be worn by clown/gypsy).

Map Adjustments

Old Glast Heim (Chivalry 2)

1.) White Knight and Khalitzburg Knight EXP (base and job) increased by 50%

2.) White Knight and Khalitzburg Knight Ori/Elu drops increased by 50% of their previous values.

3.) Invulnerable Siegfried disabled on the map.

4.) White Knight's Royal Guard's Spear drop rate increased to 15% up from 3%

5.) White Knight and Khalitzburg Knight Coagulated Spell drops increased to 30%.

6.) Khalitzburg Knight's Pristine Chivalry Emblem drop rate increased to 3%

7.) Khalitzburg Knight's Romantic Carnation drop rate increased to 1%

8.) Temporal Crystal drops from White Knight and Khalitzburg Knight increased to 0.30% each.

Old Glast Heim (Castle 1)

1.) Undead Noble, Corrupted Duke, and Roaming Spellbook's Oridecon and Elunium drop rates increased by 15% of their previous values.

2.) Undead Noble, Corrupted Duke, and Roaming Spellbook's Contaminated Magic drop rates increased to 10%

Skill Adjustments

1.) Reverberation skill ATK ratio lowered from 200 + 85% ATK per skill point to 200 + 50% ATK per skill point. (Max 625% ATK ratio > 450% ATK ratio) MATK ratio untouched.

Bug Fixes

1.) Ki Translation/Spiritual Bestowment is no longer able to be plagiarized.