Card Captor Sakura

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Card Captor Sakura is an NPC found in the main office. To interact with Card Captor Sakura you must have a Master Account. Once signed you'll see a few options to turn in cards by category/region and just recognize any card you have in your inventory and turn those in en masse.

The category/region lists will reveal which cards you've already turned in and which ones you have not. Once you achieve Tier 5 these values change to secondary turn in values for cards you have already turned in. (explained below)


1.) 0 Points

2.) 182 Points

3.) 436 Points

4.) 576 Points

5.) 668 Points

Turning in Cards

The first time you turn in a new card that you have not previously turned in before, you will be given points towards your Tier Rank and a currency tied to your master account called Sakura Badges.

The points are permanent and cannot be consumed, however Sakura Badges are consumed and spent on various shadow gears, costumes, and exclusive items/consumables to the Card Captor Sakura system.

Each card is worth the same amount of points and badges and will be worth 1, 2, or 3 based on general difficulty of acquiring the card.

Note that when a card is turned in, it is permanently consumed and deleted, so only turn in cards you are willing to part with. You cannot turn in cards that are socketed so you must de-socket any card you wish to turn in first.

If you attempt to turn in multiple of the same card at once, the NPC will only accept the first one and give you back any duplicates while giving you the necessary points.

Sakura Badge Exchange
