Patch A.3.6

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Patch is not yet live, please refer to patch A3.5 for the latest updates

Summer Event Costumes

All the old summer event costumes and some new ones have been implemented. As always you can exchange for them with Airi in the main office. This time with your Starfish 2024 Tokens. Click the link below to view the costumes available. Note that you can also acquire the Wandering Duck Doll pet egg during this summer event as well with Airi by checking the Eggs section instead of the Event section with her.

Summer Event Costumes

New Pre-Trans Base EXP Changes

So we've felt pre-trans is a bit of a slog in its lower levels for awhile now. As such, we're removing about half of the top end, or to be more specific the last 5 levels of pre-trans base experience required to reach rebirth.

This means you'll be able to reach rebirth faster obviously, and we hope this means you'll be able to get into the things that make Alfheim what it is a bit faster and easier. (custom class reworks, content, etc.)

New Base EXP Table (94-98)

Base Experience Chart - Normal
Current Level Total EXP EXP to next Level Rise %
94 138,917,629 20,500,000 11.7%
95 159,417,629 23,500,000 14.6%
96 182,917,629 26,500,000 12.7%
97 209,417,629 29,500,000 11.3%
98 238,917,629 32,933,399 11.6%

Previous Base EXP Table (94-98)

Base Experience Chart - Normal
Current Level Total EXP EXP to next Level Rise %
94 138,917,629 23,836,800 30.0%
95 162,754,429 35,658,000 49.6%
96 198,412,429 48,687,000 36.5%
97 247,099,429 58,135,000 19.4%
98 305,234,429 99,999,998 72.0%

Map Balance Adjustments

Quite a few adjustments to our maps. See below.

Nightmare Clock Tower 2

Not much to say here, Neo Punks are kind of in a weird spot for NCT. They're noticeably a bit more annoying than Big Ben's but provide less value by not dropping ori/elu. Starsand is valuable but given bathories are a better source of it, it makes sense to add a drop that gives some value to Neo Punks so theyre not just ignored.

1.) Neo Punk now also drops an Oridecon at a 7.28% chance.

2.) Neo Punks Stone Bubble chance to cast on chase lowered from 9% > 3%

3.) Big Ben's Quagmire Chance to cast lowered to 0.5% chance and its cooldown raised to 20 seconds from 5.

Nightmare Clock Tower 3

Big Bells have seen almost zero play for the intended audience and its clear theyre just too tough for melee mobbing classes in general. The Neutral element isn't necessarily bad, but combined with 35 defense, made them incredibly tanky and too much to chew through for the intended audience. Massively lowering their defense to account for the lack of elemental weakness. They're still going to be bulky, they're still intended to be a challenge.

We do not intend Clock Tower 3 to be significantly more efficient than Clock Tower 2, just an alternative way to play and a focus more on Ori than Elu.

That said, we'll be monitoring it after release and make sure it doesn't make Clock Tower 2 worthless, which could mean follow up nerfs/adjustments. Or even potential buffs if its underperforming compared to floor 2. We want both maps to feel good.

1.) Big Bell Defense Lowered from 35 > 15.

2.) Big Bell HP lowered from 39k > 31k

3.) Big Bell Attack lowered from 1200 > 600 (strength lowered from 20 to 1 as well)

4.) Big Bell Clock gears drop rate lowered from 80 > 40% (this is to account for how much easier they are now and that they should be finally appropriately mobbable)

5.) Big Bells now drop a Beelzebub Wing Box (2 Hours) at a 0.10% chance. This item is steal protected and cannot be stolen.

6.) Big Bells no longer cast stone skin.

Niflheim Dungeon F1 F2

1.) Most mobs have had their AI skills on chase restored or added. If they cast an AOE they now cast it on chase, but at a noticeably lower rate than when they are in attack state.

2.) OPB Drop rate of F2 exlusive mobs increased from 2.38% > 3.26%, Pierrotzoist raised to 2.68%

Horror Toy Factory 3

Mostly in a good spot, some of the non sprig drops are underwhelming and we feel NCT is outshining HTF 3 a bit when they kind of share the same target audience so buffing up some of the drops and EXP in HTF 3 so its a viable alternative to NCT for small groups or solo players.

1.) All mobs Base and Job EXP increased by 30%, Corrupt Cruiser instead by 40%

2.) Old Blue Box added as a drop to Wicked Vice Manager and Corrupt Cruiser at 5.86%

3.) Aspersio Scroll added as a drop to Vicious Cookie at 1.49%

4.) Winter Costume Eggs removed (these should have been removed awhile ago)

Horror Toy Factory 4

While making sure floor 3 hits its target audience is ideal, we also want to ensure floor 4 is worth the effort to run. Especially since its one of the few places melee parties are viable.

1.) All Mobs Base and Job EXP buffed by 40%

2.) Winter Costume Eggs removed

3.) Extra sprig of holly drop added to all mobs at 20% chance.

Louyang Dungeon 2 and 3

This will seem "random" but its part of my shift to start implementing the leveling overhaul of the entire server. The truth is its such a huge project that even with all the spreadsheets in the world doing it all at once is going to be too much and too messy. It will be easier if we do one or two maps at a time, adjsut them for the intended leveling range/types and then see how it lands and go from there.

For Louyang Dungeon 2 and 3 we're aiming for around a level 60-70 range that is appealing for transitioning after Dragon's Nest 1 for melees, or ranged classes who feel like they have no where to go after Geos. Hopefully this gives you a place that bridges the gap between 60-70 and gets you to places like NCT and Horror Toy Factory.

We're also changing the spawns of 3 to be more Mao Guai centered so its a bit more homogenous element wise. Not removing the Yao Juns entirely, but making sure youre mostly running into Mao Guais/Zhu Pos.

and lastly in addition to the monster and exp adjustments we're adding a couple drops that we hope will feel good for new players but not make the map overtaken by established players who should have long better options in the end game. A mild issue we've seen at NCT where end game players live there as well. Not that we have a problem with it, but we want to make sure not every map is end game focused and new players can go there and feel like they can eventually leave as well.

1.) lou_dun03 Mao Guai spawns increased from 25 > 45

2.) lou_dun03 Zhu Po Long spawns increased from 25 > 30

3.) lou_dun03 Yao Jun spawns decreased from 40 > 15

4.) lou_dun02 Yao Jun spawns increased from 40 > 55 (spawn variance removed they are now instant respawn)

5.) lou_dun02 Munak spawns decreased from 25 > 10

6.) lou_dun02 Mimic spawns removed entirely (5 > 0)

Monster Adjustments Below


//Civil Servant


Base EXP: 12069 > 23745

Job EXP: 8250 > 22305

Attack: 650-1010 > 455-656

Defense: 42 > 27

Magic Defense: 5 > 22

STR: 58 > 20

New Drops:

-Rough Elu at 11.44%
-Elemental Converter (Wind) at 4.42%


Dancing Dragon


Base EXP: 9090 > 14163

Job: EXP: 2307 > 12402

Attack: 550-789 > 450-689

Defense: 39 > 29

Magic Defense: 10 > 19

STR: 55 > 20

New Drops:

-Old Blue Box at 8.68%


Yao Jun


Base EXP: 6597 > 15972

Job EXP: 3066 > 12978

Attack: 710-1128 > 410-628

Defense: 12 > 25

Magic Defense: 10 > 20

STR: 60 > 20

New Drops:

 -Rough Ori at 11.44%

Night Watch Balancing

Continuing to try to get Night Watch in a good spot for its non desperado builds which are kinda falling by the way side.

Base Weapon ASPD Modifiers

A bit confusing to explain, but every weapon has its own attack speed scaling and modifiers. We've adjusted 3 of the guns to better give them a more clear identity or in the the case of two of them make them not quite as clunky as they are. For shotgun and launcher, they are intended to be pretty slow by design, but they're a bit ridiculous looking at the modifiers compared to almost any other weapon in the game. As one example of how bad these were, an assassin wearing a one handed axe had almost twice the efficiency of an attack speed modifier than a gunslinger or night watch with these two guns.

To understand these changes just know that reducing the modifier means it will have more attack speed with those weapons. So reduced in this case, is a buff.

1.) Gatling Gun's base ASPD modifier reduced by roughly 15%. (it is now better for ASPD than revolver.)

2.) Grenade Launcher's base ASPD modifier reduced by roughly 33.34%

3.) Shotgun's base ASPD modifier reduced by 40%

Item Additions

1.) New Lower Headgear in Premi Silvervine Exchange, "Show Me The Zeny". Costs 1 Silvervine and enables use of Level 10 Overcharge and Discount. (the discount portion will not be learned if a rogue has compulsion discount learned.)

-Note: this does not stack with merchants own overcharge and discount and is implemented so people dont have to trade things to their merchant for the purposes of selling to NPC or buying from NPC.

General Adjustments

1.) MVPs no longer respawn on reloadscript or server maintenances. Their death timers will persist through a maintenances or server crashes.

2.) Night Watch exclusive skills (including the 3 quest skills) will no longer show up in the tree for Gunslingers. They will still appear in the same tree as Night Watch like normal trans skills appear for 2nd jobs.

3.) Elena in the Night Watch guild now functions like a normal Kafra in full now allowing you to teleport to other towns.

4.) Muramasa no longer self curses.

5.) Red Silk Seal is no longer trans class only.

6.) Decorated Evil Tree Card is now worth 2 points instead of 1 for Card Captor Sakura.

7.) Morocc's save point changed to 160/91 coordiantes (near Kafra)

8.) Destroyed Morocc's save point changed Destroyed Morocc instead of regular Morocc, the portal to the fields will now check if you are Level 79 or above. If you are not it will warp you back to prontera.

9.) Fang of Hatii drop rate increased to 100%

10.) Magazine Dealer Kenny no longer requires you to be a gunslinger to make bullet cases, he has also cloned another version of himself and told that clone to go to the night watch hide out near the top left of the main room.

Skill Adjustments

Trying to make merchant and blacksmith feel more playable before rebirth.

Dubious Salesmanship

1.) Given an active skill in addition to its passive effect.

2.) Active: For a cost of 700 zeny, remove the cost of Mammonite specifically for 10 minutes. (works just like Cart Efficiency, but only for Mammo)

3.) Cost mentioned above cannot be reduced by any means including through cart efficiency, meaning this skill will always cost 700 zeny to use no matter what.

Other Skill Adjustments

1.) Gunslinger's Panic duration increased from 30 > 60 seconds.

Bug Fixes

Night Watch Weapon Swap

As you already know, Night Watch's weapon swap was the culprit for our crashes and we temporarily put some restrictions to make it unable to be cast while we worked on it to provide a bit of server stability for you guys.

Well its fixed this update so we're cautiously reintroducing it. If we experience another crash we'll go back to the drawing board, but we tested it pretty thoroughly for the all the issues Ken identified so we're confident we won't have issues going forward.

Additionally, there's a new QOL for weapon swap that will allow you choose 2-4 guns if you so wish instead of all 5 to cycle through that way you can cycle through a pair, trio, or quartet even if you aren't using intensive aim.

Other Bug Fixes

1.) Gunslinger's Spread Shot no longer splits its damage amongst enemies hit.

2.) Magma Dungeon 3 Cards added to the Card Captor Sakura System.

3.) Bunny Slippers now properly give 5 MDEF instead of 3 and give 3 Perfect Dodge instead of 0.

4.) Falling Rose Petals can be exchanged for the Rainbow variant with Airi.

5.) Hunter Traps have had their damage ratios reverted back to the Alfheim specific custom formulas. Freezing trap now properly deals damage again.

6.) Spiral Pierce no longer locks the target in place long enough to cause idle state.

7.) Spider queen's wide soul drain now properly casts every 30 seconds on chase instead of 3 seconds.

8.) Horror Toy Factory 3 no longer has limit of 8 people on the map. It is back to its proper 12 person party limit. Individual loot is still up to 4 people only.

9.) Stalkers chase walk strength bonus no long disappears on fly wing.

10.) Lif's Mental Charge now properly fully heals its HP and SP.

11.) NPC Grand Darkness, NPC Grand Cross, and Rogue's Grand Darkness all properly have their normal attack ratios again.