Magical Bullet

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Revision as of 03:11, 28 May 2024 by Alfheim (talk | contribs)
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Magical Bullet.png Magical Bullet
No Image Info.gif
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 1
Target: Foe
Range: Ranged cells
Catalyst: 1 Coin
(Gunslinger) Coin Flip Lv. 1


Consume 1 Little Ghost Doll to endow yourself with Ghost element. Unlike most other element endows, this persists through weapon swaps. You can remove the endow by recasting the skill while the endow is active. This will not consume another Little Ghost Doll when the skill is being used to cancel the endow.

Skills Bull's Eye • Chain Action • Coin Fling • Coin Flip • Cracker • Crowd Control Shot • Desperado • Disarm • Full Blast • Gatling Fever • Gunslinger Mine • Gunslinger's Panic • Increase Accuracy • Last Stand • Magical Bullet • Single Action • Snake Eyes • Spread Shot • Tracking • Trigger Happy Shot • Triple Action • Wounding Shot
Quests Gunslinger Job Change Guide • Gunslinger Weapon Quests
Weapons Bullets • Guns