Intensive Aim

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Intensive Aim.png Intensive Aim
Intensive Aim Info.gif
Type: Passive/Supportive Skill
Levels: 1
In order to gain this skill, the player has to complete a quest.

Intensive is an Expanded class active passive skill available as Night Watch. This skill utilizes all five types of guns to provide varying combination buffs as well as a large buff when fully stacked that augments specific skills.

Combination Skill Masteries

When using a skill with a gun with this skill learned you will gain a "mastery" buff depending on which gun you used.

For example, you use Desperado with a Revolver and gain the "Revolver Mastery" buff. This buff will not affect Revolver skills and will only affect other guns while it is active. This buff remains active until you swap to another gun and use one of the listed skills with the new gun.

Once the new gun's skill is used the old mastery is consumed and replaced by the new gun's skill. The old mastery (in this case Revolver Mastery) becomes "fatigued" and cannot be used again until either 45 seconds have passed or all 5 masteries have been utilized.

This means its always faster to stack intensive aim by utilizing all 5 guns rather than swapping between one or two. However, you can still stack intensive aim if you are willing to wait out the cooldown.

Below you will find the combinations and how they augment the other skills/guns.

Revolver Mastery

Gained by using Desperado or Rapid Shower

1.) Hasty Fire in the Hole and Basic Grenade: Cast Time reduced by 50%

2.) Tracking: Fixed Cast Time Reduced by 25%

3.) Full Buster: After Cast Delay reduced by 50%

4.) Mass Spiral: Cast time reduced by 50%

5.) Rapid Fire: Fixed Cast Time Reduced by 50%

Shotgun Mastery

Gained by using Full Buster, Dust, Spread Attack/Spread Shot (although Dust/Spread Attack do not benefit from other masteries and only server as a combo starter)

1.) Hasty Fire in the Hole and Basic Grenade: AOE range increased by 1x1 cells

2.) Tracking: Adds a 1x1 AOE to the skill.

3.) Desperado: Knocks back 1 extra cell.

4.) Rapid Shower: Knocks back the enemy by 3 cells

5.) Mass Spiral: Skill will ignore range reductions for the next cast. (like defender)

6.) Rapid Fire: Pierces through all enemies like sharpshoot instead of stopping on first enemy hit.

Gatling Gun Mastery

Gained by using Rapid Fire or Gatling Berserk.

1.) Hasty Fire in the Hole and Basic Grenade: After Cast Delay reduced by 50%

2.) Tracking: Adds a flat 10 critical strike chance to each hit for the next cast.

3.) Desperado: After Cast Delay reduced by 50%

4.) Rapid Shower: Hits in a bundle of 10 hits instead of 5 and does 10% more damage than usual.

5.) Mass Spiral: After Cast delay reduced by 50%

6.) Full Buster: Deals 10% more damage.

Rifle Mastery

Gained by using Tracking or Mass Spiral

1.) Hasty Fire in the Hole and Basic Grenade: Cast range increased by 3 cells

2.) "Rapid Fire": Gains a flat 10 critical strike chance to eat individual hit.

3.) Desperado: AOE range increased by 1x1

4.) Rapid Shower: Gains 25% defense pierce

5.) Full Buster: Gains 25% defense pierce

Grenade Launcher Mastery

Gained by using Hasty Fire in the Hole, Basic Grenade, and Mission Bombard (basic grenade/mission bombard do not benefit from masteries and only serve as combo starters)

1.) Tracking: Gain 10% critical strike damage for the next cast.

2.) Rapid Fire: Does 1x1 splash damage around the first target each bullet hits.

3.) Desperado: Deals 10% more damage for the next cast.

4.) Rapid Shower: Slows the enemy by 75% for 2 seconds upon hitting them.

5.) Mass Spiral: Reduces the enemies defense by 20% for the next hit. Applied after dealing damage.

6.) Full Buster: Has a 50% chance to stun the enemy upon hitting them.

Fully Stacked Intensive Aim

As you consume your masteries you will see your bullet stack up on the right of your character and a click sound to signify you are ramping up.

Once fully ramped up, all masteries and fatigues are cleared and you can unleash a powerful version of each of the major skills.

Below you can see how Intensive Aim affects these skills.


1.) Hasty Fire in the Hole: Pierces 50% of defense and aoe is increased by 2x2 cellls.

2.) Mission Bombard: Pierces 50% of defense instead of 25, and status effect chances are doubled.

3.) Desperado: After cast delay is reduced by 75% for 3 seconds on this skill specifically. SP Cost reduced by 50% during this time.

4.) Rapid Shower: After cast delay is reduced by 75% for 3 seconds on this skill specifically. SP Cost Reduced by 50% during this time.

5.) Full Buster: After cast delay is reduced by 75% for 3 seconds on this skill specifically. SP Cost Reduced by 50% during this time.

6.) Mass Spiral: Reduces 75% of targets defense for 3 seconds when it hits (applies after dealing damage). Affects all enemies even bosses.

7.) Tracking: Deals Triple Damage to Boss Type monsters and double damage to all other monsters. Grants 75% damage reduction during channel time.

8.) Rapid Fire: After cast delay is reduced by 75% and Fixed Cast time Reduced by 75% for 3 seconds.

9.) Gatling Berserk: Pierces 50% of defense instead of 25% defense.