Change Cart

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Change Cart.png Change Cart
Change Cart Info.gif
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 1
SP Cost: 40
In order to gain this skill, the player has to complete a quest.


Change Cart enables Merchant Class characters to change their Pushcart`s appearance. Higher-leveled characters will have access to a greater variety of Pushcart looks. If the skill is cast before a Pushcart is equipped, the new Pushcart appearance becomes active once the Pushcart is equipped. When a Pushcart is removed and re-equipped, it will return to its default appearance. Alfheim also features additional carts not generally available.

Unlock Base Level Cart Cart Image
1 Default: Metal File:Dcart.png
41 Wooden Cart File:Wcart.png
66 Flower Cart File:Fcart.png
81 Panda Cart File:Pcart.png
91 Ramen Cart File:Icart.png
Skills Cart Revolution • Change Cart • Crazy Uproar • Discount • Enlarge Weight Limit • Item Appraisal • Mammonite • Dubious Salesmanship • Overcharge • Pushcart • Vending
Quests Merchant Job Change Guide • Merchant Skill Quest • Merchant Training Quest
Weapons Axe • Dagger • Mace • One Handed Sword