The following is an overview of adjustments that have been made to vanilla pre-renewal maps. If you do not see a map on the list, you can safely assume it is the same as vanilla pre-renewal. For monster adjustments, look at Monster Adjustments, and for custom content, look at Custom Content.
Abyss Lake Dungeon
Abyss Lakes Underground Cave F3 (abyss_03)
Gold Acidus have a respawn timer of 10 minutes. |
Gold Acidus are now instant respawn.
Amatsu Dungeon
Tatami Maze (ama_dun01)
45 Firelock Soldiers on the map. |
65 Firelock Soldiers on the map.
Amatsu Underground Shrine (ama_dun03)
The Paper has a respawn timer of 10~15 minutes. |
The Paper are now instant respawn.
Tengus have a respawn timer of 10~15 or 91~151 minutes. |
Tengus are now instant respawn.
Shinobis have a respawn timer of 10~15 or 91~151 minutes. |
Shinbois are now instant respawn.
Beach Dungeon
Ruande, the North Cave (beach_dun2)
65 Stalactic Golems on the map. |
80 Stalactic Golems on the map.
Byalan Dungeon
Undersea Tunnel F2 (iz_dun01)
10 Planktons on the map. |
0 Planktons on the map.
50 Kukre on the map. |
30 Kukre on the map.
15 Marina on the map. |
50 Marina on the map.
30 Hydra on the map. |
0 Hydra on the map.
60 Vadon on the map. |
90 Vadon on the map.
15 Cornutus on the map with a respawn timer of 5~8 minutes. |
20 Cornutus on the map with instant respawn.
Undersea Tunnel F3 (iz_dun02)
1 Merman on the map. |
0 Merman on the map.
40 Marse on the map. |
70 Marse on the map.
40 Obeaune on the map. |
60 Obeaune on the map.
40 Hydra on the map. |
0 Hydra on the map.
Undersea Tunnel F5 (iz_dun04)
Stroufs have a respawn timer of 10~15 minutes. |
Stroufs are now instant respawn.
12 out of the 52 Mermans have a respawn timer of 3 minutes. |
All Mermans are now instant respawn.
Clock Tower
Clock Tower F4 (c_tower4)
30 Owl Dukes on the map with certain respawn areas. |
100 Owl Dukes on the map, and spawns are fully randomized.
Einbech Mine Dungeon
Mine Dungeon F2 (ein_dun02)
30 Waste Stove on the map with instant or 8 minute respawn timers. |
50 Waste Stove on the map all with instant respawn.
20 Teddy Bear on the map with a respawn timer of 8 minutes. |
40 Teddy Bear on the map with instant respawn.
Geffen Dungeon
Geffen Dungeon F2 (gef_dun01)
40 Jakks on the map with a respawn timer of 5~7 minutes. |
50 Jakks on the map with instant respawn.
Glast Heim
The Lowest Cave in Glast Heim F2 (gl_dun02)
45 Majoruros on the map. |
60 Majoruros on the map.
Glast Heim Underprison F1 (gl_prison)
10 Hunter Fly on the map. |
5 Hunter Fly on the map.
30 Zombie Prisoner on the map. |
50 Zombie Prisoner on the map.
15 Rybio on the map. |
5 Rybio on the map.
0 Skeleton Prisoner on the map. |
20 Skeleton Prisoner on the map.
Gonryun Dungeon
Arcadia (gon_dun03)
Evil Nymphs have a respawn timer of 10~15 minutes. |
Evil Nymphs are now instant respawn.
Ice Dungeon
Ice Cave F3 (ice_dun03)
70 Ice Titans on the map with varying respawn timers and areas. |
80 Ice Titans on the map with instant respawn, and spawns are fully randomized.
Juperos Ruins
Juperos Core (jupe_core)
25 Wind, Earth, and Neutral Venatus on the map. |
All Venatus are removed.
Kiel Robot Factory
Robot Factory Level 1 (kh_dun01)
Alice have a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
Alice are now instant respawn.
Room to the right can only be accessed during the middle of the Kiel Hyre quest. |
Room to the right can be accessed after finishing the Kiel Hyre quest.
Robot Factory Level 2 (kh_dun02)
25 Aliot on the map. |
45 Aliot on the map.
30 Alicel on the map. |
40 Alicel on the map.
20 Constant on the map. |
5 Constant on the map.
Louyang Dungeon
Inside the Royal Tomb (lou_dun02)
40 Yao Jun on the map with a respawn timer of 5~7 minutes. |
55 Yao Jun on the map with instant respawn.
25 Munak on the map. |
10 Munak on the map.
5 Mimic on the map. |
Mimics are removed.
Suei Long Gon (lou_dun03)
15 Mao Guai on the map. |
45 Mao Guai on the map.
25 Zhu Po Long on the map with a respawn timer of 2~3 minutes. |
30 Zhu Po Long on the map with instant respawn.
25 Yao Jun on the map. |
15 Yao Jun on the map.
Green Maidens have a respawn timer of 50~80 minutes. |
Green Maiden are now instant respawn.
Louyang Fields
Louyang Field (lou_fild01)
30 Mantis on the map in various areas. |
3 Mantis on the map, and spawns are fully randomized.
30 Mi Gao on the map in various areas. |
50 Mi Gao on the map, and spawns are fully randomized.
Magma Dungeon
Nogg Road F2 (mag_dun02)
20 Blazer on the map. |
22 Blazer on the map.
46 Nightmare Terror on the map. |
53 Nightmare Terror on the map.
38 Sky Deleter on the map. |
43 Sky Deleter on the map.
40 Earth Deleter on the map. |
44 Earth Deleter on the map.
10 Gig on the map. |
11 Gig on the map.
Manuk Field
Manuk Field 3 (man_fild03)
25 Hillslion on the map. |
40 Hillslion on the map.
25 Centipedes on the map. |
10 Centipedes on the map.
Mjolnir Dead Pit
Mjolnir Dead Pit F3 (mjo_dun03)
35 Myst on the map. |
50 Myst on the map.
3 Cramp on the map. |
0 Cramp on the map.
Mjolnir Fields
Mt. Mjolnir South Side (mjolnir_11)
50 Mandragora on the map. |
60 Mandragora on the map.
30 Male Thief Bug on the map. |
0 Male Thief Bug on the map.
10 Argiope on the map. |
0 Argiope on the map.
Morroc Pyramids
Inside Pyramid F4 (moc_pryd04)
Mimics have a respawn timer of 10~15 minutes. |
Mimics are now instant respawn.
3 Ancient Mummy on the map. |
0 Ancient Mummy on the map.
Inside Pyramid B2 (moc_pryd06)
20 Mimics on the map. |
Mimics are removed.
20 Arclouze on the map. |
Arclouze are removed.
10 Verits on the map. |
30 Verits on the map.
20 Ancient Mummy on the map. |
50 Ancient Mummy on the map, and spawns are fully randomized.
Moscovia Dungeon
Les Forest (mosk_dun01)
33 Les on the map with 10 second respawn timer in various areas. |
33 Les on the map with instant respawn and spawns are fully randomized.
66 Wood Goblins on the map with 10 second respawn timer in various areas. |
66 Wood Goblins on the map with instant respawn and spawns are fully randomized.
Dremuci Forest (mosk_dun03)
15 Mavka on the map with a respawn timer of 20~30 seconds. |
20 Mavka on the map with instant respawn.
60 Baba Yaga on the map. |
50 Baba Yaga on the map.
35 Uzhas on the map. |
30 Uzhas on the map.
Niflheim Field
Skellington, a Solitary Village in Niflheim (nif_fild01)
7 out of 20 Dullahans have a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
30 Dullahans on the map all with instant respawn.
30 out of 50 Disguises have a respawn timer of 5~7 minutes. |
50 Dullahans on the map all with instant respawn.
0 Lude on the map. |
20 Lude on the map.
30 Quve on the map. |
20 Quve on the map.
Valley of Gyoll (nif_fild02)
Loli Ruri has a respawn timer of 2~3 or 20~30 minutes. |
Loli Ruri are now instant respawn.
Orc Dungeon
Orc Dungeon F1 (orcsdun01)
10 Steel Chonchon on the map. |
0 Steel Chonchon on the map.
15 Familiar on the map. |
0 Familiar on the map.
5 Drainliar on the map. |
0 Drainliar on the map.
10 Orc Skeleton on the map. |
0 Orc Skeleton on the map.
80 Orc Zombie on the map with various respawn timers. |
80 Orc Zombie on the map with 10 second respawn timer.
Prontera Field
Prontera Field 10 (prt_fild10)
70 Savages on the map. |
100 Savages on the map.
Prontera Field 11 (prt_fild11)
Panzer Goblin has a respawn timer of 40~60 minutes. |
Panzer Goblin is now instant respawn.
Rachel Fields
Plain of Ida, Rachel (ra_fild08)
20 Drosera on the map. |
0 Drosera on the map.
100 Stapo on the map. |
200 Stapo on the map.
Rachel Sanctuary
Holy Ground F5 (ra_san05)
10 out of 80 Agav have a respawn timer of 300~540 minutes. |
All Agav are now instant respawn.
10 out of 30 Echio have a respawn timer of 300~540 minutes. |
All Echio are now instant respawn.
Sunken Ship
Sunken Ship F1 (treasure01)
43 Pirate Skeletons on the map with varying respawn timers and areas. |
50 Pirate Skeletons on the map with instant respawn, and spawns are fully randomized.
Thanatos Tower
Thanatos Tower F1 (tha_t01)
4 Lady Solace on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
4 Lady Solace on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
Thanatos Tower F2 (tha_t02)
4 Baroness of Retribution on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
4 Baroness of Retribution on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
Thanatos Tower F3 (tha_t03)
4 Mistress of Shelter on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
4 Mistress of Shelter on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
Thanatos Tower F4 (tha_t04)
4 Dame of Sentinel on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
4 Dame of Sentinel on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
Thanatos Tower F5 (tha_t05)
2 Dolor of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
2 Dolor of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
Thanatos Tower F6 (tha_t06)
2 Maero of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
2 Maero of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
Thanatos Tower F7 (tha_t07)
Requires the player to be a Transcendent class or Expanded class above level 95 to enter. |
Requires the player to be above level 80 or a Transcendent class to enter.
7 Mistress of Shelter on the map. |
9 Mistress of Shelter on the map.
7 Lady Solace on the map. |
9 Lady Solace on the map.
7 Dame of Sentinel on the map. |
9 Dame of Sentinel on the map.
2 Despero of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
4 Despero of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
Thanatos Tower F8 (tha_t08)
20 Baroness of Retribution on the map. |
25 Baroness of Retribution on the map.
5 Mistress of Shelter on the map. |
7 Mistress of Shelter on the map.
5 Lady Solace on the map. |
7 Lady Solace on the map.
5 Dame of Sentinel on the map. |
7 Dame of Sentinel on the map.
2 Odium of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
4 Odium of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
Thanatos Tower F9 (tha_t09)
5 Baroness of Retribution on the map. |
7 Baroness of Retribution on the map.
5 Mistress of Shelter on the map. |
7 Mistress of Shelter on the map.
20 Lady Solace on the map. |
25 Lady Solace on the map.
20 Dame of Sentinel on the map. |
25 Dame of Sentinel on the map.
1 "real" Dolor of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
5 "real" Dolor of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
3 "fake" Dolor of Thanatos on the map. |
"Fake" Dolor of Thanatos is removed.
Thanatos Tower F10 (tha_t10)
20 Baroness of Retribution on the map. |
25 Baroness of Retribution on the map.
5 Mistress of Shelter on the map. |
7 Mistress of Shelter on the map.
5 Lady Solace on the map. |
7 Lady Solace on the map.
5 Dame of Sentinel on the map. |
7 Dame of Sentinel on the map.
1 "real" Maero of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
5 "real" Maero of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
3 "fake" Maero of Thanatos on the map. |
"Fake" Maero of Thanatos is removed.
Thanatos Tower F11 (tha_t11)
5 Baroness of Retribution on the map. |
7 Baroness of Retribution on the map.
20 Mistress of Shelter on the map. |
25 Mistress of Shelter on the map.
5 Lady Solace on the map. |
7 Lady Solace on the map.
5 Dame of Sentinel on the map. |
7 Dame of Sentinel on the map.
1 "real" Despero of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
5 "real" Despero of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
3 "fake" Despero of Thanatos on the map. |
"Fake" Despero of Thanatos is removed.
Thanatos Tower F12 (tha_t12)
5 Baroness of Retribution on the map. |
7 Baroness of Retribution on the map.
5 Mistress of Shelter on the map. |
7 Mistress of Shelter on the map.
5 Lady Solace on the map. |
7 Lady Solace on the map.
5 Dame of Sentinel on the map. |
7 Dame of Sentinel on the map.
2 "real" Odium of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 30~50 minutes. |
5 "real" Odium of Thanatos on the map with a respawn timer of 10~17 minutes.
4 "fake" Odium of Thanatos on the map. |
"Fake" Odium of Thanatos is removed.
Thor's Volcano
Thor's Volcano F1 (thor_v01)
5 Kasa in the top right corner of the map have instant respawn. |
5 Kasa in the top right corner of the map have a 5 second respawn timer.
Thor's Volcano F3 (thor_v03)
40 Kasa on the map. |
4 Kasa on the map.
60 Salamander on the map. |
90 Salamander on the map.
Turtle Dungeon
Turtle Palace (tur_dun04)
41 Assaulters on the map with varying respawn timers and areas. |
60 Assaulters on the map with instant respawn, and spawns are fully randomized.
33 Heaters on the map with varying respawn timers and areas. |
60 Heaters on the map with instant respawn, and spawns are fully randomized.
15 Freezers on the map with varying respawn timers and areas. |
30 Freezers on the map with instant respawn, and spawns are fully randomized.
Yuno Field
El Mes Gorge (Valley of Abyss) (yuno_fild07)
40 Harpy on the map with a respawn timer of 10~15 minutes. |
50 Harpy on the map with instant respawn.