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==How to get to Old Glast Heim==
==How to get to Old Glast Heim==
==New Locations in A.1.0==
==New Locations in A.1.0==

Revision as of 01:12, 2 September 2023


Work In Progress

If you're reading this early, disregard this, these patch notes are in preparation for an upcoming patch.

Overview and Foreword

After nearly a year, we're back with a new content update that is larger than anything else we've done before. This is part of our new bi-annual major patch updates where we'll try to release something larger in scope that takes longer than normal.

Further, since we're finally past the vanilla pre-renewal content we only have custom renewal content or just entirely custom content to release moving forward. This means we won't be following any vanilla episodes and are "starting over" with A.1.0. (A standing for Alfheim since these patches will be unique to us).

This does mean that moving forward, all content updates will be considered their own episodes and any bug fix/adjustment patches inbetween will be minor patches (like A.1.1 or A.1.3). This is mostly so its easier for us to track when we released a new system or made a fix for tracking purposes.

Coming back to the fun stuff though, Old Glast Heim has been a long time coming and I'm very excited to share it with you. A lot of time and heart went into this and before we get into it I wanted to give a special shout out to all the people who have helped me with this as it goes well beyond just myself. Obviously a big shout out to Ken who has worked his wizardy once again, but also to the Playtest Team for helping me significantly. You've all done a wonderful job and this wouldn't have happened without you! Also shout out to ManlyCaveman for contributing some amazing custom sprites upon request as well as Chelmico for helping out with status icons. Additionally I want to say thank you to Ninja Medik and everyone in the Browedit3 community for helping me with any questions I had when designing these custom maps. In addition to the playtest team I want to thank the GM team for holding down the fort while I worked on this. You all have done a wonderful job. Also Tewi and Lapaco for being incredibly helpful in both moderation and feedback when it came to designing everything along the way.

Without all the friends and amazing contributors who mostly did this out of the kindness of their hearts, the dream wouldn't be realized! This was definitely a pet project of mine and one that I've wanted to do for over 2 years now ever since the idea came into my head. Seeing it all come to life has been nothing short of special for me and I can't wait to share it with you.

How to get to Old Glast Heim


New Locations in A.1.0

filler text here for overview

Exploring Old Glast Heim

filler text explaining the new custom maps

Royal Sanctum and Chivalry 2

filler text explaining the mechanics here

Temporal Boots Crafting

filler text

New Locations

filler text

New Monsters and Items

filler text and link to new items and monsters page here

Feedback and Monitoring

filler text and explanation of where to provide feedback and discord link here.

Card Art Contest Winners

filler text here


List of winners here

New Timeline for Alfheim

filler text here for overview of the new episodic system moving forward.

Expanded Rework

filler text here


filler text here

Card Captor Sakura

filler text here

Bug Fixes

filler text here

Balance Changes

filler text here