Night Watch Hideout

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is located at Einbroch Field 4 ein_fild0468131 and accessible only for Night Watch. When other classes (including gunslinger) ignore the warning and try to enter, character will die and lose 1% exp. Night Watch Coin, unique currency inside Hideout, can be obtained by trading item or bounty quest. The coin is to purchase Night Watch exclusive Gears.



trades MVP loot into Night Watch Coins

ID Item Coin Monster Source Note / Ingredient
7036 Fang of Hatii 2 Nightwatchcoin.gif Garm Night Watch Skill Quest
13047 Weihna[2] 6 Nightwatchcoin.gif Phreeoni
10016 Golden Bell 4 Nightwatchcoin.gif Golden Thief Bug
7113 Broken Pharaoh Emblem 2 Nightwatchcoin.gif Pharaoh
7114 Mask of Tutankhamen Pharaoh
7611 Symbol of Fox Moonlight Flower
1125 Ring Pommel Saber[3] 4 Nightwatchcoin.gif Drake, Executioner
1124 Orcish Sword Orc Hero
7566 Will of Red Darkness Gloom Under Night,
Unidentified Creature
7562 Ice Scale Ktullanux
7451 Fire Dragon Scale Detale
7450 Skeletal Armor Piece Thanatos Arrow Crafting
7211 Fragment of Rossata Stone 2 Nightwatchcoin.gif Amon Ra
7513 Pocket Watch 4 Nightwatchcoin.gif Kiel D-01, Owl Viscount Kiel D-01 Pet Evolve
7300 Gemstone 2 Nightwatchcoin.gif Tao Gunka
10006 Queen's Hair Ornament 6 Nightwatchcoin.gif Maya, Maya Purple Little Isis Pet Evolve
5053 Sphinx Hat Amon Ra, Osiris Socket Enchant



trades Guns for Night Watch Coins (not always 2 Night Watch Coins)

amt Gun Coin Ingredient
2 Garrison[2] 6 Nightwatchcoin.gif
5 Crimson Bolt[2] Altair & Ares
2 Gate Keeper[0] Demon Slayer
3 Butcher[2]
3 Long Barrel[1] R.A.G. 203
3 Drifter[2]
2 Destroyer[1] Revenger



trades Armors into Night Watch Coins.

amt Gear Coin Note / Ingredient
5 Mantle[1] 6 Nightwatchcoin.gif Time Keeper Robe
5 White Eco Shirt Exchangeable for Rockridge Coin at Rock Ridge Bank
2 Divine Cloth[1] Lounge Suit & Celine Dress
3 Mink Coat[1]
5 Muffler[1] Time Keeper Manteau, Skeleton Manteau, Adventurer's Spirit
3 Silver Robe[1] Doppelganger MVP Instance
2 Wool Scarf[1]
2 Tidal Shoes[1] Temporal Boots
3 Vidar's Boots Shoes of Survival



offers Bounty Quest with Night Watch Coins reward.

Map Monsters Amount Reward
Juperos Venatu 200 each 12 Nightwatchcoin.gif
Turtle Dungeon 4 Heater, Assaulter 150 each
Einbech Dungeon Waste Stove 150 15 Nightwatchcoin.gif
Airship Assault Grave Worm, Moskillro, Brain Sucker 100 each
Nightmare Clock Tower Big Bell 300 12 Nightwatchcoin.gif
Horror Toy Factory Corrupt Cruiser, Vicious Cookie, Wicked Vice Manager 150 each 15 Nightwatchcoin.gif

Magazine Dealer Kenny


trades 500 of any Bullet or Shell (not Sphere) into Ammo or Bullet Case (25 Weight) for 500 z cost.

Dealer Pekora


trades Night Watch Coins into Gears.

Armor Description Cost
Rebel Cap
Item ID: 30532
A cap that signifies your allegiance to the gunslinger guild.
Long Range Damage +3%, Dex +2, and Max SP +100
Class: Headgear
Defense: 1
Position: Upper
Weight: 50
Level Requirement: 10
Job: Night Watch
15 Nightwatchcoin.gif
Rebel Sunglasses
Item ID: 30531
A pair of sunglasses for only the most bad ass of adventurers.
Long Range Damage +1%, Dex +1, and SP Cost -5%
Class: Headgear
Defense: 1
Position: Middle
Weight: 10
Level Requirement: 10
Job: Night Watch
10 Nightwatchcoin.gif
Rebel Chewing Gum
Item ID: 30533
Chewing Gum that tastes great made of gunslingers by gunslingers
1% Long Range Damage, and 1 SP every 10 seconds.
Class: Headgear
Defense: 0
Position: Lower
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 10
Job: Night Watch
5 Nightwatchcoin.gif
Gun Description Cost
Mythril Revolver [3]
Altair ares.png
Item ID: 600053
Gain a 3% chance to drain 15% damage as HP when attacking.
Autocast Coinflip when taking pyshical damage at a 5% rate.
Class: Pistol
Attack: 60
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 30
Job: Night Watch
15 Nightwatchcoin.gif
Spirit Guard Revolver [1]
Spirit guard revolver.png
Item ID: 600054
A weapon lacking in firepower, but imbued with a spirit protection
Class: One-Handed Pistol
Attack: 50
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 30
Job: Night Watch
Cyanide Launcher [1]
Item ID: 600055
Adds 5% chance of inflicting Stun, Curse, Silence, and Poison Status randomly when hitting enemies with long ranged attacks.
Class: Grenade Launcher
Attack: 150
Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 30
Job: Night Watch
Winchester Rifle [2]
Item ID: 600056
Increase Physical damage vs Ghost property enemies by 10%.
Critical Chance +20
Class: Rifle
Attack: 150
Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 30
Job: Night Watch
Tempest [2]
Item ID: 13199
Critical Chance +25
ASPD +3%
Class: Gatling Gun
Attack: 100
Weight: 250
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 10
Job: Night Watch

Dealer Sarah


is similar to Expanded Class Dealer, sells Bullets, Shells and Spheres with addition of Weapon Swap Token for 1 z.
The token allows the player to use Weapon Swap independently of cast and ASPD delays.



offers Kafra Services.



Warp Point




offers Inn Services.



trades 1000 Crystalized Teardrops from Aqua Elemental for Replica? Costume



is a part of Night Watch Skill Quest