War of Emperium

War of Emperium (WoE) is a game feature that allows guilds to fight to conquer a castle. There are a variety of individual and guild rewards available for those that participate, including access to special dungeons.
All players are allowed to enter WoE castles, but only players belonging to a guild with the Official Guild Approval skill can damage the Emperium.
Pacific Standard Time (PST) | Eastern Standard Time (EST) | Server Time (GMT) |
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Characters that are in a different guild than the castle's owner are teleported out.
Gameplay Mechanics
The character to deal the last hit against the Emperium claims the castle. All characters with a different guild, allied or not, will be warped out at that point. Only normal attacks can damage the emperium, as all active skills miss (except Pressure and Gravitation Field). After claiming a castle, other guilds can immediately re-enter and attempt to break the emperium. The last owner before the emperium disappears at the end of the WoE period holds it until the next period.
Guild mates and Allied Guilds are considered allies in castles and can not attack each other. Members cannot be expelled, and members inside a castle cannot break alliances.
The owning guild of a castle has several advantages. Guardians are summoned upon the request of the castle owner's guild leader. They will automatically attack all non-allied characters. Guild members can also click on the Flags outside of the castle to be instantly teleported to a specific location inside the castle.
Disabled Skills
Some skills are disabled within castles, but skills cast outside the castle do not lose their effect upon entering. Using items that activate disabled skills will fail. However, equipment autocasting disabled skills will work. The following skills are disabled within castles:
- Assumptio
- Clementia
- Canto Candidus
- Back Slide
- Basilica
- Plant Cultivation
- Endure
- Ice Wall
- Moonlit Water Mill
- Intimidate
- Teleport
- Warp Portal
Battle Mechanic Changes
- Flee is reduced by 20%.
- Long-range normal attacks are reduced by 25%.
- All skill-based damage except Pressure and Gravitation Field is reduced by 40%.
- Traps last four times as long.
- All knockback effects are disabled. Some skills like Cicada Skin Shed lose some functionality.
- Equipment that prevents casting interruption is disabled.
Other Gameplay Changes
- /noctrl does not work; players must hold the mouse button for normal attacks.
- Damage numbers do not appear.
- /mineffect is automatically activated.
- A character's guild emblem is shown above their head.
- Death does not cause experience loss.
- Character immunity lasts 5 seconds whenever entering a portal until the character moves, uses a skill, or consumes an item.
There is a unique Guild Dungeon for each realm. They are accessed via hidden NPCs in each castle. These dungeons are also considered PvP environments, and death will cause experience loss. All castles within a single realm share the same dungeon. Additionally, Guild Dungeons are shared between realms. Guilds who own a castle in Valkyrie (Prontera) or Baldur (Payon) can access either dungeon, even if they do not own a castle there. It is the same for Britoniah (Geffen) and Lunia (Al de Baran)
Treasure Boxes spawn in a room accessible only by the guild leader from each castle's manager. Treasure Boxes spawn daily at 12:00 AM GMT (7:00 PM EST). Steal is disabled.
Castle Management
A butler NPC is provided in each castle for the guild leader to manage the castle. The following functions may be influenced by what Guild Skills are available.
Invest in Commerce Development | Invest to increase the castle's economy. Every five investment points add one treasure box to the castle's master room. The type of treasure box alternates between the two available at that castle. |
Invest in Defense | Increase your castle's defense by investing in it. Each point of defense investment will improve the Guardian HP and Emperium HP by 1000. Improve Guardian defense and attack power. |
Hire Guardians | Hire a guardian to ease the task of guarding your guild's castle. The guild must have the Guardian Research Skill. |
Hire Kafra Employee | Hire a Kafra for the castle. Through the employed Kafra NPC, guild members can access all ten individual storages. The guild must have the Contract with Kafra skill to do this. |
Enter Master Room | Enter the room where treasure boxes spawn. |